"Impossible!" Gamora shook her head and said,"If he really has the same power as Thanos, then this will not kill him at all. Titan...They are all very strong!"

Then, just when the energy was about to hit Suke, Suke finally made a move!

A green magic circle began to appear in Suke's hand, and Suke whispered:"Time stops!"

At this moment, Ronan's extremely powerful attack suddenly stopped in front of Suke's eyes, and even the flashing light stopped.

"this...What on earth is going on?"

Ronan murmured, as if he had seen something terrible.

Then, Su Ke finally spoke.

"Ronan, I didn't intend to kill you at first, because you are still useful to me, but now...I suddenly changed my mind, I think it's better for you to die!"

After saying this with a sneer, Su Ke suddenly placed his hand on the energy bombardment that Ronan had previously launched. For a moment, all the energy was absorbed into Su Ke's body!


Ronan is speechless.

"Don't be so nervous!" Su Ke smiled and said,"Before I kill you, how about I invite you to watch some fireworks?"

After saying this, Su Ke suddenly raised his right hand again. At the same time, the energy absorbed before was instantly displayed in the form of a huge sphere, and because it was mixed with the power of the phoenix, the power of chaos and the power of darkness, it was filled with unparalleled destructive power!

"The fireworks are about to start!"

With a slight smile, Su Ke threw the energy ball in his hand towards the Kree warship in the air without any hesitation.......


Ronan yelled angrily, but he could do nothing but watch the huge energy ball crash into his battleship....


A shocking explosion sounded, and in space, the huge warship instantly disintegrated rapidly. The huge energy instantly impacted the surroundings, destroying all the other Kree warships.

Bursts of explosions sounded, bursts of flames kept colliding and flashing in the air, as gorgeous as fireworks....

Ronan's heart was already bleeding, but besides the heartache, he began to worry more about his fate, because it was obvious that he had offended the Titan in front of him....

A Titan even more powerful than Thanos!

In front of him, all attacks are ineffective!


Looking around, Ronan immediately found a Kree spaceship parked not far away. Without any hesitation, he ran over quickly.

But it was obvious that Suk would not give him a chance to escape!

After running a few steps, Ronan felt the scene in front of him suddenly flash, and then Suk appeared in front of him

"you...What are you going to do?" Ronan said in horror,"I tell you, if you dare to hurt me, then you are declaring war on the entire Kree Empire....You will die miserably!"

You~fuck~ you! You still dare to threaten me at this time, is your head okay?

In Su Ke's opinion, Ronan was like a fool at the moment, and he almost lost the interest in taking action.

Forget it, let Ronan die like the plot in Guardians of the Galaxy 1!

Thinking of this, Su Ke smiled again, and then his hand flashed, and a purple gem appeared in his hand.

"Ronan, aren't you curious? Why does Thanos have to get the Cosmic Stone? I can tell you that this is because the Cosmic Stone contains the Power Stone, one of the Infinity Stones. This is a stone that can give anyone great power. What do you think? Do you want to get it?"

Su Ke looked at Ronan with a charming look.

As early as the first time he saw the Power Stone, Ronan's face showed an intoxicated and eager look, so when he heard this, he nodded without hesitation.

"Very good, then I'll give it to you!"

Suk said with a smile.

However, just before Ronan touched the power gem, a dazzling light suddenly surged out from the power gem, and then wrapped around Ronan. The huge power left a deep blood mark on Ronan's body, and he almost fainted from the pain.

When Suk used the power gem to attack before, he deliberately suppressed the power of the power gem. In addition, the power was not directed at Ronan alone, so Ronan could barely resist it. But now, Suk did not suppress the power of the power gem at all, and all the power was borne by Ronan alone, so he naturally could not resist it....

Soon, the power gem began to invade Ronan's body, and his body began to decompose rapidly....

"Bastard, you...What did you do to me?"

With the last bit of strength, Ronan roared

"I didn't do anything!" Su Ke shook his head and said,"I just let you get the power you have always desired, but it is obvious that you do not have the ability to control such power. Do you know why? Because you have been a weak person from beginning to end!"


When Ronan heard this, he was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. However, as the power of the power gem invaded his body, he could no longer say anything else....


With a painful and unwilling roar, Ronan's body quickly dissipated and then turned into ashes and disappeared completely.......


Immediately at this moment, another roar suddenly came from not far away.

Looking up, Su Ke saw Drax the Destroyer running towards him, and behind him were the other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Coming in front of Su Ke, staring at Ronan who had turned into ashes in front of him, Drax roared with a sad face:"Why...Why is this happening, Ronan?...Why did Ronan die like this?..."

Knowing that Drax was a thick-skinned guy, in order to prevent him from saying anything unpleasant, Star-Lord came to him and advised:"Drax, don't be so sad.

Ronan is dead anyway, and the revenge of your wife and daughter has been avenged.

As for who killed them, isn't it the same? If you really can't get over it, there are a few Kree soldiers over there, you can go and have fun with them!

" As soon as these words came out, Drax's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent, and with another roar, he rushed towards the other Kree soldiers....

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