"Is there no way to make Dr. Connors return to normal?"

Spider-Man asked with some reluctance.

"I don't know about this, but he became like this because of the lizard DNA serum. If we can optimize this serum or create a corresponding antidote, it should be able to help him return to normal!"

Su Ke said thoughtfully.

""Yeah! Why didn't I think of that?"

Spider-Man was delighted when he heard this, and when he looked at Dr. Connors again, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he had a good relationship with Dr. Connors, and he really didn't want to watch Dr. Connors turn into a monster or be locked up forever.

Because he was punched by Suk, Dr. Connors is still sleeping and can't be woken up. Spider-Man doesn't know where his home is, and S.H.I.E.L.D. should still be looking for them. Spider-Man can only wait until night to send Dr. Connors back. Taking advantage of this time, Jean asked hurriedly,"By the way, you said before that you had seen two mutants, one of whom had the ability to turn himself into diamonds. Do you remember where you saw them?"

"Of course I remember, but..."

Spider-Man said, hesitating a little. Seeing Spider-Man's hesitation, Jean stopped asking questions. With a thought, she got the information she wanted in an instant.

But at this moment, her face turned very ugly again.

"What's wrong?"

Su Ke asked with some confusion.

"Mutant Fighting Arena...There's a mutant fighting arena in New York City...Red Tank and White Queen are there, and there are other mutants besides them...."

Jean said nervously.

Spider-Man was surprised when he heard this and shouted,"What?...How did you know? I didn't say anything....Did you read my memory again? Is it necessary? I will definitely tell you...."

Spider-Man looked annoyed. The reason why he hesitated was because he had been to the mutant fighting arena before, and he didn't want anyone to know about it.

But now it seems a little late.

Ignoring Spider-Man who had been complaining, Su Ke finally understood why Jean was so nervous when she heard about the mutant fighting arena.

In the Marvel world, since people knew about the existence of mutants and knew that mutants have powerful powers, mutants have begun to attract the attention of some people!

These people include gangs, wealthy people, and the military!

The most common among them is the mutant fighting arena that is everywhere!

The fighting of ordinary humans is no longer a new thing, and people are no longer surprised. In comparison, the fighting between mutants with various superpowers is what the rich people look forward to! In this way

, the mutant fighting arena came into being, but of course, except for a few volunteers, most of the mutants who participated in the fight were forced to participate or were forcibly captured.

Su Ke had read many comics and movies about X-Men before. In fact, most of them mentioned mutant fighting arenas. It is worth mentioning that because mutants have powerful strength, the fights between them usually end with the death of one side!

This is a contempt for mutant life!

As a powerful mutant, Professor X~ would naturally not let such a thing happen and ignore it. However, such mutant fighting arenas are usually well hidden and will move from time to time, so Professor X~ has always been powerless and can only save one when he encounters one.

Wait....If this is true, then doesn't it mean that Red Tank and the White Queen were also forced to do bad things?

Su Ke shook his head, because he suddenly thought that Red Tank was a complete villain. Whether he was forced or not, he had always been doing bad things. On the other hand, the White Queen, although she appeared as a villain at the beginning, eventually became an X-Men.

Anyway, it seemed that he had to go to the mutant fighting arena, but he couldn't take Jean with him, after all, that place was too dangerous....

"Su Ke, we have to go back. We need to tell Mr. Logan and the professor about this matter!"

Just thinking about it, Qin suddenly grabbed Su Ke's arm and said, with a nervous look on her face.

This is really what you think....

Su Ke was delighted, but said seriously,"Qin, you are right, then this matter will be handed over to you. Go back to find Teacher Logan and discuss with the professor what to do. I will stay here and continue to gather information!"

""What? You're not going back with me?"

Qin asked worriedly.

"We don't know where the mutant fighting arena is yet, I'm going to let Spider-Man take me to find it, don't worry, with my power, do you think anyone can hurt me?"

Su Ke said with a smile.

Seeing this, Qin didn't know what to say anymore, and after instructing Su Ke a few more times, she left.

After Qin left, Su Ke looked at Spider-Man behind him and said,"Now, please take me there!"

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