Almost instantly, the agents around Nick Fury suddenly fell down one after another, and the agents surrounding Suke and others were also like this. Only a few determined agents were still struggling to hold on!

Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he has received will training since he was very young, so even when he was attacked head-on by Suke's domineering aura, he still did not faint, but just knelt down in front of Suke weakly!

However, even so, he was not feeling well. The powerful momentum directly crushed his heart, like a mountain pressing him so hard that he could not breathe and almost fainted.

He had never encountered such power before!

It seemed that at this moment, the person standing in front of him was not a mutant, but a god!

Regardless of the beads of sweat on his forehead, Nick Fury raised his head and said with a very ugly face:"What's going on, the suppressor should be effective! Why...Why is this happening?...Who are you?"


Su Ke sneered when he heard this, then pulled off the suppressor from his neck and threw it on the ground.

"Nick Fury, you don't need to know who I am, because it doesn't matter anymore. I've already given you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. Next, prepare to face my wrath!"

After saying this, Suke looked up at the aerospace carrier in the sky. In an instant, his eyes suddenly turned red again.


With a loud bang, a shock wave containing the power of the Phoenix suddenly shot out from Suke's eyes, and then directly hit the aerospace carrier in the sky. The huge power instantly shot a big hole in the aerospace carrier and destroyed its power. For a moment, the aerospace carrier began to shake, and then crashed into the ground....

At the same time, countless uncontrolled drones were flying around and crashing into the ground, and the entire venue became extremely violent....

Walking to Red Tank and White Queen step by step, Suk casually ripped off the suppressors on their necks, and then said to Red Tank lightly:"Go, except that you can't kill people, everything else is up to you!" After hearing this, Red Tank showed a cruel smile and rushed over quickly....

As for Emma, she stayed beside Su Ke obediently....

The huge aerospace mothership crashed down, and there was another big explosion in an instant, destroying many buildings, countless drones exploded, and there was another explosion. Coupled with the rampage of the Red Tank, this place was like hell!

But Su Ke just looked at all this calmly, with no waves in his heart!

Coming to Earth, even if he carried a super villain system, Su Ke still didn't think of becoming a villain. Of course, he didn't think of becoming a superhero!

If he had to say, he wanted to be a good person, but of course, he never thought of being a bad nice guy.

What is a bad nice guy?

It is a person who accommodates others in everything, responds to requests, sacrifices himself, allows others to gain, and gives in to others to save face. It is better to hide tears in a smile than to destroy the harmonious atmosphere. It has the spirit of a martyr, which makes people moved for three minutes, but guilty for a lifetime.

This kind of person is always thinking about how to keep a good image in the minds of others. Therefore, sometimes he has to sail according to the wind, and sometimes even bends the upright to please others. To put it simply, this is also called a saint bitch...

And Suk has never been a virgin!

If Nick Fury had directly rejected Suk, then Suk would not have done anything. At most, he would have taken Red Tank and Emma away from here, and then find a way to get the Space Stone himself. But what?

Nick Fury played a trick on Suk, and that was something Suk couldn't tolerate!

As a Titan, Suk has the same pride as his brother Thanos. He does not allow any deception or betrayal. Anyone who dares to deceive or betray them will be hit the hardest by them!

Even if he is defined as a villain by the world, Suk will not hesitate!

Instead of being a virgin, he would rather be a villain!

And Suk believes that after this lesson, Nick Fury should begin to reconsider his suggestion just now....

On the other side, after knocking down all the remaining SHIELD agents who could still stand, Red Tank came to the SHIELD's helicarrier again and smashed the prison where he was previously imprisoned. Then he pulled Nick Fury's leg and came to Suk with a relaxed look.

"Boss, I listened to you. I didn't kill anyone!"

Red Tank said with a refreshed look after throwing Nick Fury in front of Su Ke.

Before, when he called Su Ke"Boss", Red Tank was more out of fear, but now, he was completely convinced. In the blink of an eye, he killed the entire SHIELD and shot down their aerospace carrier from the sky. I'm afraid there will be no one else in the world who can do this except Su Ke!

This little brother, he did a very good job!

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