For a moment, Su Ke felt that he was the most miserable host in history. Not only were the tasks one after another, but they were all extremely difficult. Why couldn't he start by killing small monsters like everyone else?

Speechless, Su Ke could only ask in his heart:"Hey, system, aren't you being too tricky? I haven't even completed one of the three tasks about the Marvel world that I was given before, and you've given me two more tasks at once. I'm really stressed out by you!"

"It's normal to feel pressure. As a villain, it's normal to feel pressure. The mission cannot be changed or reduced. Please complete it as soon as possible!"

The system replied.

It's really a rip-off!

After a while of complaining, Su Ke could only accept this fact, but fortunately the system was kind enough to not limit the time to complete the task. In addition, the timeline of this world was a bit chaotic because of the fusion of the Marvel and DC worlds, so Su Ke had absolutely enough time to complete the task!

Moreover, Loki needed the Space Stone to invade the earth. As long as Su Ke mastered the Space Stone, the progress of the Marvel world's timeline could almost be said to be completely controlled by Su Ke.

In this regard, the system was not too bad! However, since Su Ke has come to Gotham City now, it is still necessary to do the Gotham City mission first. If Su Ke remembers correctly, Batman established the Justice League after Superman fought Batman, so helping Batman establish the Justice League can be discussed later. The most important thing now is to promote the battle between Superman and Batman!

Based on his understanding of Batman, Su Ke knew that this matter should not be too difficult, because Batman has rarely trusted anyone except himself. Even after the establishment of the Justice League, he still made a plan to defeat them for all members!

Simply put, Batman is a person with a crisis of trust....

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this can't be blamed on him. After all, he is the only one in the Justice League who does not have super powers.... etc....

Thinking of this, Su Ke was stunned again. He suddenly thought, could it be that Batman stole the Space Stone from SHIELD just to defeat Superman?

Thinking about it carefully, this is really possible! When Superman fought General Zod before, he destroyed Batman's Wayne Building, killing hundreds of Batman's employees. As the Dark Knight of Gotham City, how could Batman ignore it?

However, General Zod is dead, and only Superman is alive, so he will definitely target Superman....

If he wants to defeat Superman, human strength alone is definitely not enough, he needs something more powerful!...Space Gem!

Now everything makes sense....

"Su Ke, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly at this moment, Emma's voice rang out, bringing Su Ke back to reality.

"Oh, nothing, just thinking about what you said before!"

Coming back to his senses, Su Ke casually turned a blind eye.

Emma had no doubt about Su Ke's words. After taking a sip of coffee, she asked again:"So where are we going next?"

"Big news! We have been confirmed that Bruce Wayne has announced that he will hold a charity gala at Wayne Manor tonight. Part of the charity funds raised from the gala will be used to repair the buildings destroyed by aliens a year ago, and part of it will be used as scholarships for orphans who became orphans because of this disaster...."

Just as Su Ke was about to speak, a striking piece of news suddenly appeared on the TV not far away, accompanied by a photo of Bruce Wayne.

"I've decided! We're going to Wayne Manor tonight!"

Su Ke turned around and looked at Emma and smiled.

"Why? Aren't we here to look for the Space Gem stolen by Batman? What are we going to Wayne Manor for?"

Emma asked curiously. It was obvious that she didn't know that Bruce Wayne was Batman!

Suke didn't explain, but just smiled and said,"You'll understand when the time comes!"

Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye. Because they were going to attend the party hosted by Bruce Wayne, Suke and Emma also changed their clothes. Suke was in a handsome suit and Emma was in a white dress. With her tall figure, it really gave people endless reverie.

After getting the clothes, they also needed a luxury car, but buying a car was a bit troublesome. In order to save trouble, Suke directly found a well-known local drug dealer, and then"borrowed" his super luxury car worth tens of millions of dollars!

As for how he borrowed it, you have to ask the drug dealer who is lying in the hospital with fractures all over his body....

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