With Suk's words, Nick Fury couldn't be polite anymore. However, humans cannot touch the Space Stone directly, because humans can't control the Space Stone at all!

Thinking of this, Nick Fury couldn't help but look at Suk again, only to see that Suk was holding the Space Stone with his bare hands, and there was nothing wrong with it.

This is the difference!

Then, with his order, an agent soon brought a box specially for the Space Stone.

When Suk put the Space Stone into the box, Nick Fury was relieved.

""Hi, Suke, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Suddenly at this moment, a familiar voice came from not far away. Suke looked up and found that it was Spider-Man, and standing next to him was Connors who had returned to human form!

"Professor Connors, this is Suke whom I mentioned to you before. He's a very powerful guy!"

Spider-Man introduced Connors as he walked.

Connors walked up to Suke, extended his right hand in a friendly manner and said,"Hello, nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping me before. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have hurt more people!"

"You're welcome!"

After politely shaking hands with Connors, Suke looked at Spider-Man and said,"How come you are here with Professor Connors?"

Spider-Man didn't want SHIELD to find Professor Connors before, because he thought SHIELD might hurt or imprison Professor Connors, so Suke didn't expect to see him here.

Hearing this, Spider-Man sighed helplessly and said,"After we broke up that day, I went to the place where I hid Professor Connors before, but I didn't expect that Professor Connors had been found by SHIELD at that time. I had no choice but to follow him here...."

"Don't worry, we just want to help Professor Connors return to normal. We have no intention of hurting or imprisoning him. You can confirm this with Professor Connors!"

Nick Fury hurriedly said again, worried that Spider-Man would say something wrong and make Suke unhappy.

Professor Connors nodded and said,"He is right, I am not a prisoner here, and the equipment here is more complete than anywhere else. I can do my research better here."

Suke nodded slightly, but he was a little surprised in his heart, because such a plot reminded him of the story of Ultimate Spider-Man.

In this story, Professor Connors works for S.H.I.E.L.D., and Spider-Man also appeared here as a student of S.H.I.E.L.D....

I have to say, the world is really wonderful.

After saying goodbye to Nick Fury and Spider-Man, Suk brought Emma to Stark Tower again. As soon as he entered the door, Suk saw Red Tank lying comfortably on a specially made huge sofa. In front of him were pizzas and beer. Not far away, Tony was looking at all this with a headache.

I have to say that Red Tank's performance in the past two days was still very good, and he did help Tony a lot, but this guy was too big, and he was clumsy, destroying a lot of precious equipment, and even directly treating Tony's office as his own home, which gave Tony a headache.

Seeing Suk from a distance, Tony seemed to have seen a savior and shouted:"My God, you are finally back, well, I can finally hand this guy over to you!"

Red Tank stood up stupidly, then picked up a pizza and said:"Boss, do you want some?"

"No, eat it yourself!"

Su Ke and Emma shook their heads almost at the same time. Who would have an appetite when seeing the way Red Tank was eating?

"I'm going back to the mutant school later, do you want to go with me?"After finding a relatively clean place to sit down, Su Ke looked at Red Tank who was madly stuffing pizza into his mouth and asked


Red Tank shook his head like a rattle.

"There's food, sleep, and trash here. I like it here. I don't want to go to a mutant school!"

Iron Man's face turned green when he heard this.

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