The Winter Soldier is a war machine created by Hydra. He has no feelings, no memories, no fear, and no emotions. All he has in his mind is a mission!

Or to be more precise, it is a mission to kill Suk!

But at this moment, Suk also wants to kill the Winter Soldier!

Seeing the Winter Soldier suddenly jump up, then raise his iron fist and hit his chest hard, Suk suddenly wanted to test his strength, so he neither dodged nor attacked, and took the punch!


When the iron fist hit Suk, it only made a slight sound like metal collision, and Suk almost didn't feel it at all.

This made Suk a little disappointed.

He looked down at the Winter Soldier in front of him and said,"Very good, you probably bent a hair on my body just now!"

Then, he kicked out and instantly kicked the Winter Soldier up, and then smashed it hard on a car, smashing the car into a deformed shape.

However, as a war machine, the Winter Soldier's body's ability to resist blows is also very strong. After a while, he stood up again, but his steps were a little unstable, and he was obviously injured.

"Damn it! There is no way we can be his opponent! I don't want to fight this man anymore!"

"Retreat, staying here will only lead to your death!"

"The Winter Soldier is no match for us, what can we do? Run away!"...........

After seeing this scene, the remaining Hydra soldiers finally lost their desire to fight completely. In the next second, they were ready to escape.

But it was obvious that Suke would not give them a chance to escape.

In an instant, he appeared behind the two Hydra soldiers, then grabbed their necks and threw them into the sky. With two screams, the two Hydra soldiers fell to the ground and turned into meat paste. With a slap

, a Hydra soldier was instantly blown up by him, and blood splattered, dyeing the entire venue red.

In just a moment, the Hydra team of more than 30 people was killed by Suke, leaving only one person.

"you...Don't come over here. If you come over here again, I...I won't be polite!"

The last remaining Hydra soldier fell to the ground and retreated, shouting at Suke in fear.

But unfortunately, Suke didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

But just when Suke walked up to the last remaining Hydra soldier and was about to send him to see his friends, this guy fainted with his eyes rolled back.....................

Su Ke was a little speechless. Did he faint? It was a fucking Hydra!

He didn't make a move in the end, but looked in another direction. Then, he saw the Winter Soldier rushing towards him, with murderous intent in his eyes! The

Winter Soldier was a war machine. Strictly speaking, it was not his intention to do such a thing. He was actually a victim, but Su Ke didn't think so.

He would not let the Winter Soldier go just because he had no thoughts. In his opinion, that was just stupid! He was able to live to this day because of the superpowers of the Eternal Clan. If he didn't have superpowers and was just an ordinary person, he would have been killed by the Winter Soldier by now, right?

Being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself, and Su Ke would never be cruel to himself!

Originally, Su Ke had a simpler way to kill the Winter Soldier, such as opening a space channel and teleporting the Winter Soldier to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to drown him, or teleporting him to a volcano to burn him to death, or teleporting him to an uninhabited island to starve him to death!

These can kill the Winter Soldier, because the Winter Soldier is essentially just a human being!

But I don't know what happened. The first time he saw the Winter Soldier, Suke wanted to tear him apart with his bare hands!

So at the beginning, he didn't use the simplest method to kill the Winter Soldier!

The Winter Soldier raised his fist and rushed towards Suke again. This time, Suke finally started to take action!

Just by raising his hand slightly, Suke caught the Winter Soldier's powerful punch, and then just twisted it, and the Winter Soldier's metal arm instantly turned into a twist.

With one hand clamping the Winter Soldier's neck and the other hand pinching the Winter Soldier's metal arm, Suke tore the Winter Soldier's metal arm off his body with a slight tear. Blood was gushing from the broken arm.

This feeling is really good!

Staring at the already somewhat weak Winter Soldier in front of him, Suke smiled contemptuously:"Before you take action next time, please first understand who you are going to deal with. To be honest, the intelligence of Hydra is really too poor!"

After saying this, Suke lost interest in the Winter Soldier. With a thought, a space channel opened in front of him again. At the other end of the channel, there was a boiling magma!


Just as Suk was about to throw the Winter Soldier down, a shout suddenly sounded, and then something flew towards Suk.

Looking closely, it was a shield!

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