Tony and SHIELD would come, which was something Suke expected. After all, he was the one who asked Emma to return to Stark Tower, and Emma would definitely tell Tony about it.

New York City is the headquarters of SHIELD, and almost everything here is monitored by SHIELD. SHIELD would naturally be aware of such a big thing at the first time!

But what surprised Suke was that even the X-Men came, which was a bit beyond his expectations.

Suke had no idea that the reason why the X-Men came was because Nick Fury called Professor X~.

When he knew that someone pretended to be SHIELD and took Suke away, Nick Fury knew that this matter must be not simple, and it might get out of control. Of course, he was not worried about Suke being in danger. With Suke's power, no one in the world should be able to hurt him!

Nick Fury was worried that if Suke stubbornly believed that this incident was related to SHIELD and insisted on blaming SHIELD, he had to find someone to persuade Suke. After all, he didn't want what happened before to happen again.

Then, Iron Man, SHIELD, and X-Men gathered together. Basically, everything that was supposed to happen happened.

Anyway, in this situation, it would be a bit unreasonable to attack Captain America again. In the end, Suk let Captain America go.

Tony landed next to Suk first, and first took a look at the surrounding environment. He looked at Suk helplessly and said,"What's going on? Who made you so angry, and did you do all this?"

"It was Hydra. Hydra wanted to assassinate me! But they were too weak, and I killed them!"

Suke replied calmly, as if he was telling a very simple story.


Tony was somewhat surprised to hear the name, and then he helped Rogers up beside Suke and asked,"Captain, what's going on? Wasn't Hydra completely destroyed during World War II? And how did you get into a fight with him? To be honest, his strength is not something humans can contend with!"

"I just found out about Hydra....Bucky..."

Rogers had just said half of his words when he suddenly remembered something and started running in the direction where Bucky was before.

"etc....Bucky? Are you talking about the Bucky who fought with you back then? How is that possible? Didn't he die seventy years ago?"

Tony said in surprise.

But at this time, Rogers had no time to pay attention to him.

On the other side, the X-Men's plane landed, and then Hank pushed Professor X down, followed by Wolverine and Jean. At the same time, Nick Fury also came down with a small team of fully armed agents, and behind them were Red Tank and Emma.

In short, almost all the people that Suk knew were gathered here!

When everyone saw the scene in front of them, their faces couldn't help but become ugly, especially Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents behind him. Their faces turned pale with fear. They were really worried that Suk would blame them for this incident. If this was the case, they would probably end up like this later.

"Su Ke, are you okay?"

Although the surrounding environment was very nauseating, Qin still came to Su Ke as soon as possible, and then looked at Su Ke with a nervous face and asked.

Su Ke smiled and said,"It's okay, these guys can't hurt me, don't worry!"

"Even if I can't hurt you, I can't do this....Look at what your clothes have become...."

Qin looked at Su Ke, whose clothes had been torn into pieces, with a distressed look on his face.

"Don't worry, it's just clothes, I can change them when I go back!"

Su Ke smiled and scratched Qin's nose gently.

""Hey kid, you've gone too far this time, haven't you?"

Then, another voice sounded, and then Wolverine appeared in front of Suke, and behind him were Professor X~ and Hank.

Wolverine thought he was already fierce enough, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he realized that he was really a little bit compared to Suke. Although both of them killed people, Suke's method of killing was much more unforgettable!

Professor X~ had a headache, because he really didn't expect Suke to cause such trouble.......

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