Tony and SHIELD were fighting fiercely in the sky, and there were explosions from time to time, but Su Ke could see that the two sides did not really fight, otherwise with Tony's current equipment, he would have opened a hole in SHIELD's aerospace aircraft carrier!

But at this time, he was too lazy to care about it, because it was Tony's own business and needed Tony to solve it himself, so he just found a place to watch the show.

Opening a space channel casually, Su Ke instantly appeared on the top floor of Stark Building.

There is no better place in New York City.

What surprised Su Ke was that there were already quite a few people standing on the platform on the top floor of Stark.

These people included Emma, Red Tank, Pepper, Tony's driver and bodyguard Hogan, and two bodyguards.

When she saw Su Ke for the first time, Pepper immediately came up and said anxiously:"Mr. Su Ke, please persuade Tony. He doesn't listen to anything I say to him. I really can't stop him. Please stop him!"

"Sorry, I can help with other things, but I can't do anything about this matter. I won't stop Tony from avenging his parents!"

After saying this lightly, Su Ke walked to Emma, then hugged Emma and sat down on a sofa.

"Boss, do you want to eat something?"

Red Tank, who was eating pizza crazily, handed the pizza to him.........

Su Ke is getting more and more speechless about this guy Red Tank. Ever since he came to Stark Tower, he has been eating all day long. He doesn't look like a villain at all. He has simply degenerated to the extreme!

""No, eat it yourself!"

Su Ke waved his hand.

Hearing this, Hong Tank took his hand back without hesitation, and then put the pizza in his hand into his mouth and ate the whole pizza in one bite!

But at this time, Su Ke was too lazy to pay attention to Hong Tank.

"What? Are you done with the things over there?"

Emma asked softly, leaning gently on Su Ke.

"It's done. I won't live in the mutant school anymore. When we have time, we'll buy a big house and live in New York City!"

Suke said with a smile.

Emma blushed at first, then looked around, and then asked curiously,"Then..."Where's that girl? Why didn't she come with you?"

Needless to say, Emma was talking about Qin!

"The mutant school encountered an urgent mission and needed a telepath, so Jean went to help!"

Suke said casually.

But then, he was suddenly stunned again, then looked at Emma and said,"Emma, what do you think of the relationship between Jean and me?"

Suke admitted that he was indeed a playboy, but he dared to guarantee that he was sincere to every woman of his, but he overlooked one point, that is, these women of his would look at this kind of thing.

When Emma heard this, she smiled disapprovingly and said,"You are a powerful existence. I know there will be many women around you, but as long as I can be with you, I don't care about anything else!"

This...Isn't this too reasonable?

Su Ke was touched. If there weren't so many people here, he really wanted to have sex with Emma!

"cough cough..."

After coughing a few times to make himself feel a little more normal, Su Ke asked again:"By the way, tell me what's going on? How did Tony fight with SHIELD?"

Although he knew that Tony would go to SHIELD to find Bucky, Su Ke never expected that Tony would act so quickly. He felt that he needed to understand the course of events again.

Then, with Emma's explanation, Su Ke finally understood what was going on. Originally, at the beginning, Tony did not directly fight with SHIELD, but found Nick Fury with the videotape of Bucky killing his parents, and asked Nick Fury to hand Bucky over to him for disposal.

However, since Bucky is currently the only one who knows the information about Hydra, Nick Fury refused Tony and promised to give Tony an explanation.

But it is obvious that Tony cannot accept Nick Fury's refusal. Then, he immediately launched an attack and threatened that if Bucky was not handed over, he would destroy the aerospace carrier!

Then, it was what happened in front of them........

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