After standing by for a long time, Su Ke still closed his eyes and ignored her. Although he looked like he was asleep, Black Widow was sure that Su Ke was not asleep!

After a while, Black Widow couldn't help asking,"Mr. Su Ke, I..."

"Don't call me by my name. Since you are here to be a maid, you should change your name. I have seen a movie on Earth before, and the maids in it all call their masters. From now on, just call them masters directly!" Before

Black Widow could finish her words, Su Ke suddenly interrupted her........

Black Widow was a little speechless, thinking what kind of movie did you watch? What era is this? Are there still people calling masters? I am not your slave! The next second, Black Widow suddenly thought of something, and then glanced at Emma beside her.

Then, she adjusted her mind in an instant, and then smiled and said,"No problem, Master, I will call you whatever you want me to call you. I just want to ask, what should I do next?"

"What to do? Clean the house first, and then cook for us. Emma, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Speaking, Su Ke suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Emma on the side.

Emma held back the smile in her heart, pretended to think for a while and replied:"I heard that Japanese food is good, I want to eat Japanese food for lunch today!"

"Very good, then let's have Japanese food, you prepare it this afternoon!"

Su Ke said to the Black Widow beside him....This really makes me think of myself as a maid....

Although she was not willing to do such a thing, in order to continue to stay with Su Ke, Black Widow finally smiled and nodded, then retreated.......

At the same time, on the other side, after learning that Suk had agreed to let Black Widow stay by his side, Nick finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For Nick Fury, Suk's existence was too frightening, and he needed Suk to be in his sight all the time, because only in this way could he be completely at ease.

And the only one who could do this seemed to be Black Widow. Because she had received corresponding training since she was a child, Black Widow's willpower could be said to be the strongest, and as a professional agent, she would even hide some memories and information in her mind, so as to avoid Emma from noticing her true purpose!

Of course, the most important thing is that Black Widow is an absolutely sexy beauty. Nick Fury hopes that after Suk gets Black Widow, Black Widow can become his woman like Emma, so that if there is anything in the future, they can persuade Suk through Black Widow....

But obviously, this is just Nick Fury's wishful thinking.

The series of events that happened recently were all because of the alien Suk. If possible, Nick Fury really wanted to drive Suk out of the earth, but obviously, this is impossible, because there is no opponent in this world who can defeat Suk.

Since it is impossible to defeat or drive Suk away, Nick Fury can only start from other places.

For example, Black Widow!

On the other side, after lunch, Suk simply tidied up and prepared to take Emma out.

""Master, where are you going?"

Seeing Su Ke was about to leave, the Black Widow hurriedly asked

"It's nothing, I just want to go out for a walk, Natasha, do your job well and don't ask about things you shouldn't know!"

Suke said with a smile.

Next, just as the Black Widow was about to say something else, Suke had already opened another space channel, and then instantly disappeared without a trace with Emma. The

Black Widow was speechless. She began to feel that there seemed to be no need for her to come here at all, because Suke seemed to have no interest in her at all.

Forget it, since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future anyway!

Shaking her head slightly, the Black Widow went into the house.

At the same time, a space channel suddenly appeared in a remote alley in New York City, and then Suke walked out with Emma.

Looking around, Emma asked curiously:"What are we doing here?"

"Remember the Hydra base that Coulson mentioned before?" Suke said as he looked around,"I'm sure it's in this area, but I'm not sure exactly where it is. Let's go look for it!"

Coulson did not tell Suke the specific area where the Hydra branch base was located. Of course, it was not that they did not want to tell Suke, but they did not know where the Hydra base was at all.

However, this was not a difficult task for Suke, because the system clearly marked the location when issuing the task. Although it was not very accurate, Suke already knew the specific location.

This is a small town located on the border of New York City. The place is not too big, but it is extremely prosperous, with people coming and going everywhere, and it is very lively.

The next thing to do is to find the Hydra base in this town!

As an evil organization that has existed for thousands of years, Hydra knows the importance of hiding better than anyone else, and it is not an easy task to find them. It is not an easy thing, so Suke brought Emma with him. As long as Emma can help him determine the specific location, the next thing will be much simpler.

Walking in this strange and prosperous town, looking at the laughing people around, Suke just felt funny. I wonder how these people will react after knowing that they have been neighbors with Hydra?

Emma also seems to like the atmosphere of this town, but of course, she did not forget what Suke had told her before, and she got the information she wanted to know while walking.

Not long after, Emma suddenly stopped abruptly, and then looked at a tall man not far away.

Hydra agent!

When their eyes met, Suke knew what Ama wanted to say.

"Wait for me here, what happens next might be a bit brutal, I don't want you to see it!"

Su Ke said this to Emma with a smile, and then he caught up with the Hydra agent!

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