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The obelisk is a mysterious substance that Hydra obtained a long time ago. According to the sayings that have been passed down before, it is a mysterious object that can give humans superpowers!

But after countless experiments by Hydra, they found that this thing can only turn people into stone, and cannot give humans superpowers!

Obviously, this is because they have not found humans with Inhuman genes!

In the eyes of the Hydra officers, as long as Su Ke touches the obelisk, he will definitely die!

But then, the scene in front of him made him a little stunned.

At this moment, Su Ke was holding the obelisk in his hand and playing with it, as if he was playing with a toy. How could it turn into a"zero zero zero" stone?

"Ding! Successfully obtained the Hydra's obelisk, mission reward: 200,000 villain points, one chance to draw a lottery!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Su Ke nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the officer next to him.

He didn't want to pay attention to this guy, but the tone of this guy's words just now really made him a little unhappy.

"You call this thing an obelisk, right? But I can tell you its other name, the Tairungen Crystal!"

"You are right about one thing. This thing can indeed give humans superpowers, but not all humans. It can only be the Inhumans who carry the Inhuman gene. If it is an ordinary human, then he will only turn into stone and die!"

"What a pity! If you could have found some humans with Inhuman genes for experiments earlier, you would have had an army of Inhumans with super powers by now. But Red Skull is an idiot, he doesn't understand these. If he did, the world would have belonged to Hydra by now!"


Su Ke was ready to continue showing off his knowledge, but when he saw the officer's confused face, he suddenly lost interest.

"Forget it, what else can I say to you? Since you are so interested in this thing, I will let you try it...."

As he spoke, Su Ke gently placed the obelisk in his hand on the officer's head.

Almost instantly, before the officer could react, the top of his head quickly turned into a substance similar to black stone....

With the Obelisk in hand, there was no point in staying here any longer. As for the rest, let SHIELD handle it!

As for the Tairungen Crystal, Suk put it into the system space. Thinking about it carefully, if I have nothing to do in the future, it would be nice to create two Inhumans to play with....

A space channel opened, and Su Ke was instantly beside Emma. After taking Emma with him, he returned to his home.

At the same time, Su Ke didn't know that something was happening in the distant universe that could change the fate of the earth.......

In a star field that no one dared to approach, a tall young man with a wicked smile on his face was walking forward step by step.

He was Loki, the evil god Loki!

Thor's younger brother, the prince of Asgard!

"I felt it, I felt it again, the Space Stone has awakened, it is in a tiny world, the human world, the humble humans want to use the Space Stone, but that is not the power they can control, in this universe, no one can control it except me, no one!"

In the darkness in front of Loki, a tall humanoid creature suddenly stood up slowly, and then walked forward step by step.

This made Loki feel great mental pressure, and his feet could no longer move.

Then, the creature in the dark finally appeared in front of Loki, and the iconic purple potato face seemed to tell his identity!


Standing in front of Thanos, Loki's inner pressure can be imagined. Although he is the prince of Asgard, he still can't help but feel a sense of fear when facing Thanos!

This guy is really too strong!

With his knees slightly bent, Loki half-knelt in front of Thanos, and then slowly said:"I will be your pioneer and open the passage to the earth for you. After that, I will return the Space Stone to you with both hands, but please remember your previous promise to me!"

Thanos took a scepter from his subordinates behind him, then handed it to Loki and said,"Go, Asgardian, my promise will not change. As long as you help me get the Space Stone, the Earth will be yours, Asgard will be yours, but the rest of the universe will all be mine!"

The scepter in his hand emitted a yellow light, shining on Loki's face, making him a little crazy........

Odin passed the throne to Thor, which Loki could not accept. Later, he wanted to frame Thor, but was discovered by Thor and Odin. He was even expelled from Asgard. This was unbearable for Loki, who was always proud and arrogant!

He hated Thor and Odin. In his opinion, the throne of Asgard should be his!

He wanted Thor to suffer!

Doesn't Thor care about the earth very much? Doesn't he like a woman on earth very much? Then he would destroy the earth, kill the woman Thor likes, and make him suffer.

When he thought of this, Loki was excited again.........................

Meanwhile, on Earth,

Suk was lying by his swimming pool, basking in the sun, Emma was taking a nap in the house, and Black Widow was kneeling beside Suk, waiting for Suk's orders.

It must be said that Suk really enjoyed this kind of life. He had been living like this for the past few days. He felt that he and Red Tank were both a little decadent....

Of course, there were unhappy things, such as the system lottery that time he got the obelisk, he actually drew a set of underwear, which made him extremely upset, but fortunately it was a set of sexy underwear for women, and it was very suitable for Emma....

As for Black Widow, she has been quite normal these days. She has fulfilled her duties as a maid and is very good at serving people. However, Su Ke doesn't care what she is thinking. It is a very pleasant thing to have such a beauty as a maid.

It seems that it was a correct choice to keep Black Widow. Although she can't be eaten, she is not bad for the eyes! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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