"Professor, something bad has happened....Suk is missing!"

Hank's voice echoed throughout the school early in the morning.


After hearing this news, Professor X broke out in a cold sweat. He immediately thought of many bad things, but he finally calmed down and started to gather everyone to search.

"There was no sign of him in the kitchen!"

"There is no playground either!"

"Neither do teachers!"

"There are no dormitories either!"......

"What happened? Where did he go? Was he kidnapped by someone? Didn't Nick Fury call yesterday? SHIELD has always felt that aliens are dangerous, maybe he did it!"

Wolverine said while smoking a cigar

"No way!" Hank said,"With his ability, how could SHIELD capture him? And I didn't hear any movement last night?"

"What's going on?"

"have no idea..."......

Just when everyone was confused, Professor X suddenly thought of something and asked,"Is Qin awake?"

"I don't think so. I didn't see her just now."

Mystique said


Professor x~ heard this and stopped explaining. Instead, he walked towards Jean Green's room. Although the others didn't understand what was going on, they hurriedly followed him.

""Jin, are you there?"

Professor X asked after knocking on the door.

However, at this moment, Suk and Jean Grey were still immersed in their deepest consciousness and could not hear any sound from the outside world.

""Open the door!"

No one answered. Professor X didn't hesitate any longer. With one command, the door was pushed open.

In the next second, everyone was completely stunned. Their eyes were filled with incredible expressions. What did they see? They actually saw Suke and Jean Grey sleeping in the same bed together!

And they were sleeping hand in hand!


The atmosphere became awkward.

As a telepath, Professor X~ knew that Suk and Jean Grey were communicating with each other, but in this situation, they couldn't continue....

Although Professor x cannot enter Suk's mind, he can enter Jean Grey's mind.

""Jin, wake up, it's time for you to come back!"

In the deepest consciousness, a voice suddenly sounded in Jean Grey's mind, bringing her out of Suke's consciousness.

Slowly opening her eyes, the first thing that appeared in front of her was Suke's extremely handsome face. Thinking of what happened last night, Jean Grey's face turned red again.

"cough cough..."

At this moment, a somewhat awkward cough sounded, startling Jean Grey and instantly sitting up.

"ah...teach...Professor, Mr. Logan, Mr. Hank...you...How did you get here?"

Jean Grey panicked. The thing she feared the most had happened.

Professor x~ and the others were a little embarrassed. Although it seemed that nothing bad had happened between Su Ke and Jean Grey last night, the scene at the moment was too imaginative....

"So, this new alien boy slept with the most beautiful girl in our school on the first night?"

As if to ease the embarrassment, Logan suddenly spoke up.

But his words made the scene even more awkward......

Jean Grey blushed, got out of bed without saying a word, and rushed out the door...

The remaining few people looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Su Ke who was lying on the bed.......

At this moment, Su Ke had not woken up yet. Professor X~ was a little curious. Logically speaking, Su Ke should have woken up in this situation! Then he took a closer look and suddenly realized that

Su Ke had a very powerful power....Is this the Phoenix Force?

What's going on? Could he even absorb the Phoenix Force in Jean?

Professor X~ was shocked again.

Not long ago, Jean Grey had once exploded with the Phoenix Force. Although he controlled it, that power left an indescribable shock in his heart. He knew in his heart that the Phoenix Force in Jean Grey's body was powerful enough to destroy the world!

But even this power was absorbed by Suk....

How powerful is this guy?...

""Hank, go find Jean. Logan, you stay here and watch over Suke. When he wakes up, bring him to my office. Everyone else should do what they need to do!"

Professor X glanced meaningfully at Suke lying on the bed, gave instructions to the others, and then left.

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