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If you think about it carefully, Daisy seems to have gained her superpowers after the New York War. Now she is just an ordinary person!

A trainee agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Then, Daisy's words also confirmed Su Ke's thoughts.

"Mr. Suk, please stop joking. I am just an ordinary person, and an intern agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., not even an official agent. How can I be qualified to join the Avengers?"

Daisy said with a red face. Obviously, she thought Suk was joking.

But it was obvious that Suk was not joking. He wanted to expand the Avengers team, and Daisy was the best choice at the moment!

Originally, the mutants could also become the Avengers, but Suk knew in his heart that Nick Fury did not trust the mutants at all, and the mutants did not trust S.H.I.E.L.D., and it was impossible for them to cooperate sincerely, so he would not consider the mutants for the time being.

Spider-Man is also a good candidate, but considering that he is too young, just a child, he was temporarily excluded.

In this way, the appearance of Daisy is even more important. After all, the power of Shockwave is still worthy of recognition!

Thinking of this, Suk immediately shook his head, then looked at Daisy and said,"No, you are not an ordinary person, you are not even a complete human being, you have half of the genes of aliens in your body!"

What?" As soon as these words came out, Nick Fury and Daisy were both stunned.

If someone else said this, Nick Fury would definitely not take it seriously and just treat it as a joke, but if it was Suke who said it, then he would believe it without a doubt!

Because Suke never jokes!

"this...What is going on? You said she has alien genes in her body, is this possible? We have all her files from birth to now, as well as her blood and medical examination reports, which all show that she is a human being!"

Although he believed Suke's words in his heart, Nick Fury still expressed his doubts.

Daisy also said nervously:"Mr. Suke, I think you must be mistaken. I am really just a human being. My mother is a Chinese and my father is an American. It is impossible for me to be......"

"Nothing is impossible. Your father is a human, but your mother is not. She is an Inhuman. Inhumans are humans similar to mutants created by the Kree using their own genes for thousands of years on Earth. However, unlike mutants, Inhumans need to come into contact with something called the Terungen crystal to awaken their superpowers! Before coming into contact with the Terungen crystal, Inhumans are almost the same as humans."

Before Daisy finished speaking, Suke suddenly interrupted him..................

At this moment, Nick Fury and Daisy were completely shocked!

When he was surprised that Daisy beside him was an Inhuman, Nick Fury had a headache again. A group of mutants had already turned the world upside down, and now an Inhuman who was almost the same as a mutant appeared. This was simply fatal!......

After shaking his head helplessly at first, Nick Fury said,"From what you said, it seems that you can help Daisy gain super powers?"

"That's right! That's why I want her to join the Avengers. As a powerful Inhuman, she is fully qualified!"

Su Ke said, taking the obelisk out of the system space and placing it on the table.

"This is...Obelisk! Hydra's secret weapon!"

Nick Fury recognized it at a glance. Firstly, it was recorded in the files of S.H.I.E.L.D., and secondly, they found research materials on it when they searched the Hydra base. However, they did not find it at that time. Obviously, it was taken away by Suk!

Staring at the obelisk on the table, Daisy seemed to be guided by something, and her hand reached out to the obelisk involuntarily.

"Be careful!"

Nick Fury pulled Daisy aside and said carefully,"I have seen this thing in Hydra's research materials. So far, everyone who has touched this thing has died! You..."

At this point, Nick Fury was stunned again, because Su Ke had just taken this thing in his hand, but he was fine.

Daisy ignored Nick Fury and returned to the table, then stared at the obelisk on the table and said,"I feel it....it...It's calling me!"

Su Ke smiled slightly, picked up the obelisk, and then gently broke off a corner, revealing a Tairun root crystal inside.

"Daisy, I'm going to give you the power of the Inhumans now, are you ready?"


Daisy said excitedly with her eyes flashing.

Then, Su Ke broke the Tairungen crystal in front of Daisy. In an instant, a puff of smoke came out of the Tairungen crystal and quickly wrapped around Daisy. In just a moment, Daisy's whole body was covered with a black stone-like substance....

At this time, Nick Fury, knowing that he could not stop this, had already hidden outside and was observing all this through the glass window....

"I hope you are right..."

Looking at Suk through the glass, Nick Fury murmured, because if Suk said something wrong, then Daisy would be dead. Although Daisy has not been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time, she is very smart. Nick Fury thinks highly of her and even thought of training her to be the next director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Of course, this is on the premise that he is still alive....

Then, not long after, Daisy, who had turned into a stone, suddenly trembled....

Then, with large pieces of black material falling off, Daisy's face finally appeared again!

She was still alive!

Seeing this, Nick Fury finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was surprised. You know, in all the records of Hydra, there seems to be no record of a test subject surviving....

Is it really because she is a human with alien genes?

Nick Fury shook his head and walked in.

At the same time, inside the house, Suke smiled knowingly as he looked at Daisy emerging from the cocoon in front of him.

Shockwave was finally born!

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