Mass Transmigration: I Have an Armory

Chapter 514 I'll tell you a number!

Liuyun City.

Liuyun City is very lively today. Even those guys who always like to stay at home took to the streets today.

It’s not for anything else, just because a very novel thing appeared in Liuyun City - the Mother-Mother Mirror.

Not far from the ‘Bafang Laicai’ Inn, there was a city defense soldier holding a mirror high and showing the picture in the mirror to the onlookers.

"Wow, who is the beauty in the mirror? She is so beautiful!"

"Have you just arrived? This is Miss Yan Nujiao from the Yan family. She is bringing goods to us live."

"Live streaming? What is this? I've never heard of it."

"Just watch here for a while, and you will know soon."

"Give it a go, give it a go, I want to buy some bananas, I want to buy a hundred! This thing is so worth it to restore magic power!"

"You're late. The bananas have just been sold out and we are now preparing to introduce new products."

"Huh? Sold out so quickly?"

The crowd was whispering and all their eyes were focused on the anchor in the mirror.

In the mirror, Yan Nujiao's makeup was exquisite and she had a faint smile on her face. I don't know how many Shibui were fascinated by her.

She opened her red lips slightly and said in a sweet voice: "Family members, the product I want to introduce next is - Dali Grass!"

"Does anyone know the effects of Dali Grass?"

"Yes, that's right! You can become stronger after eating Dali Grass!"

Yan Nujiao held a piece of [Dali Grass] in her hand and introduced it seriously: "This Dali Grass comes from Mamahaha Canyon in the Western Region. It is a herb that is abundant in the area. Dali Grass can slightly increase the strength of the family members. Let your family work more energetically.”

The people watching the live broadcast exclaimed one after another.

"Herbs that can increase strength? Is this something a poor guy like me can afford?"

"I know that in the Liuyun Chamber of Commerce, there is a pill called [Dali Pill], which can also increase the strength of the user. I wonder which one is more effective, [Dali Grass] or [Dali Pill]?"

"Even if [Dali Grass] is less effective, it will cost at least several thousand copper coins, right? This is a magical medicine that can enhance strength."

"Yes, after eating this herb, my chance of survival in the wild will increase by one point. If it is not particularly expensive, I would like to buy one to try."

Among the crowd, Huang Yuanming heard everything discussed clearly.

He opened the panel and sent a message in the [Handsome Guys Group].

Huang Yuanming: "The leeks here think that Dali Grass should cost several thousand copper coins each."

Wu Yuanran: “It’s pretty much the same here.”

Su Zeran: "OK, then we will price it at 998! @南风."

Nanfeng: "Received, received."

In the Yan Mansion, Nanfeng turned off the panel and wrote the four numbers "9998" on a sign.

Upon seeing this, Yan Nujiao immediately said: "Well, after introducing so much, my family members must really want to know the price of [Dali Grass], right? Then I'll ask our Mr. Lu Xiaobu to announce the price for everyone!" "

Nanfeng straightened his collar and walked into the range of Mother Mirror: "Family members, this [Dali Grass] is produced in Mamahaha Canyon, which is thousands of miles away from Liuyun City. Many family members may not have even heard of it. Pass."

"In Mamahaha Canyon, the cost of a piece of Dali grass is about 7,000 copper plates. We have to transport it all the way back, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. It is indeed very hard."

"So, we decided to add a little transportation fee to the price of 7,000. The final price of Dali Grass is..."

Nanfeng raised the [9998] sign in his hand: "9998 copper coins!"

All over the city, those watching the live broadcast suddenly let out a "cut~" sound.

For herbs that can increase strength, the price is indeed not very expensive, but the group of people watching the live broadcast don’t have much money in their hands. Who would be willing to spend nearly 10,000 yuan to buy a [Dali Grass] ?

In the live broadcast room, Yan Nujiao waited for a while, and when the time was almost ripe, she said: "9998 copper coins per piece? The price... is indeed not expensive, but for the family, it is still a bit too high. Lu Xiaobu, you can chop it yourself."

Nanfeng pretended to be embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Since Miss Yan has said so, it would be a bit disrespectful for me not to negotiate the price. Well, I will bear all the transportation costs myself. The root of [Dali Grass] now only costs 7,000 copper coins!”

The price dropped by nearly 3,000 copper plates!

The people watching the live broadcast screamed in surprise.

"The anchor really spent a lot of money and lost 30% of his profit."

"Haha, this Lu Xiaobu must want to get into this relationship with the Yan family. Otherwise, do you think he would lower the price of such a good thing?"

"I'm so touched. Miss Yan's family is so kind. She cut off 3,000 copper coins in one go. I want to buy one to support her. I want to place an order!"

"Don't worry, the product hasn't been introduced yet, so you can't place an order yet."

In the live broadcast room, Yan Nujiao frowned slightly and looked at Nanfeng displeased: "You are indeed sincere in reducing the price by 3,000 copper plates in one breath, but this price is still a bit too expensive for my family. ”

Nanfeng's expression changed: "Miss Yan, this is already my cost price. If it goes down any further, I will lose money!"

Yan Nujiao shook her head slightly: "I came to the live broadcast today to sell goods just to give benefits to my family. Can your price be considered a benefit?"

Nanfeng gritted his teeth: "Reduce another thousand! Only 5998! Miss Yan, this is really my bottom price!"

The audience watching the live broadcast in various places in the city exclaimed again.

"Miss Yan has helped us get the price down again!"

"Less than 6,000 copper coins, this price is very reasonable to buy a herb that can increase strength."

"I can see from Lu Xiaobu's expression that he is already a little hurt. He should really not make any profit, right?"

"I want to place an order, I want to place an order!"

In the live broadcast room, Yan Nujiao still shook her head: "6,000 copper coins is still too expensive! My family can't accept this price."

Nanfeng could only sigh: "Then there is really no other way. This price is the lowest price I can offer."

Yan Nujiao pretended to think for a moment, and slammed the table: "This is my first live broadcast of selling goods, and so many family members have supported me. I will do my best to give my family the best benefits! Now, I will tell you a number..."

Yan Nujiao snatched the sign from Nanfeng's hand and crossed out the first one [9]!

"Strong grass, 998 copper coins!"

"Family members, 1! 2! 3! Hurry up and place your order!"

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