Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 344: [344] Let me go in and die

Looking at these extremely clear eyes, Kunni trembled unconsciously. Are these eyes the reason why the young master is so disappointed?

Her lips tightened, Kuni returned to plainness: "I'm sorry, Miss Chuxia, this is the order of the young master."

Looking up and down at Kuni several times, she knew that there would never be a back door for such a subordinate who can't turn his mind. He sighed helplessly at the moment: "Well then..."

She turned around to make a move, but turned around quickly when Kuni relaxed her vigilance, a stride...

Before he could rush in, Kuni was carried back like a chicken. An Chuxia wanted to cry without tears, why did this guy react so fast? !

"Miss Chuxia, please don't make us embarrassed." Kuni bowed his head and said respectfully. Although this said it did not give her face at all.

"Oh!" An Chuxia couldn't help it, and stomped fiercely: "If you let me in, you will die?! I didn't do anything to him when I went in, I would pay for it..."

"Going to die." Kuni said lightly, his eyes changed, but his face still showed no expression.

"Huh?" An Chuxia puzzled. What does this mean?

Raising his eyes and looking at An Chuxia, Kunni once again spoke blankly and without a tone: "As the Ling family's special police, the first principle is to absolutely obey the master's orders. If you don't obey, there will only be one end. That's death."

An Chuxia's body trembled fiercely. How can the great 21 drivers still have such rules and regulations? This is too scary, right? ! In other words, if she really broke in just now, then this Kuni and the ‘sculptures’ standing around will have to die?

Swallowing hard, she lowered her head without confidence: "Then I still..."

"Hello young master!" A loud voice sounded. The bodyguards who were originally statues all came back alive, but after yelling "Hello Master", they became statue costumes.

Standing on tiptoes and looking through Kuni's shoulder, she could just see Ling Hanyu walking outside.

"Han Yu!" She jumped up and waved: "Ling Hanyu! I am here! Here!"

Hearing the voice, Ling Hanyu, who had been expressionless, looked this way, moved his lips, curled the beginning again, and walked out, but instead of walking towards her, he walked to the right.

"Ling Hanyu!" She wanted to catch up, but Kuni stopped in front of her again.

"Miss Chuxia, don't make us embarrassed."

An Chuxia immediately stood there and didn't move anymore. This was related to Kuni's life, which was not fun. Seeing that she was at peace, Kuni nodded slightly towards her, turned and ran to Ling Hanyu, following him.

Looking around, all the sculptures disappeared. Only Kunni followed Ling Hanyu expressionlessly.

Looking down at the cartoon in her hand, for some reason, she suddenly felt aggrieved and weak. Obviously it is a good deed, how did it become like this?

The reason why Ling Hanyu is so angry is because of this comic, he only needs to give this comic to him...

That's right! Anyway, give it to him!

Lifting his foot, quickly ran in the direction of Ling Hanyu, his eyes firm.

Ling Hanyu, who has been walking forward, is actually choppy in his heart. He wants to go to An Chuxia, but... that comic is the most precious thing he has always considered, and it is the only sustenance of his soul.


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