Master of All People: Only I Know The Way of Hidden Evolution!

Chapter 123: The abandoned main city, the amazing murderousness of the abyss demon Kuroshio!

"And such good things! Boy, just wait and lose!"

Zeng Junyi's eyes lit up and he licked his lips.

It seems that in his eyes, Ye Bei is a tool person who gives him points.

"Ding, because the opponent's points are higher than you, but because your winning streak is too many! So you will get 40 points for victory, but 80 points will be deducted if you lose."

Ye Bei didn't care about that, as long as someone challenged it.

Then the two figures disappeared instantly.

This time the venue they teleported to was an abandoned main city.

The place where you see is broken, and the whole site is filled with layers of smoke.

After Ye Bei stepped into this place, he could feel the authenticity here.

"This is the real place!"

This is also the first time he has teleported to this kind of venue.

In a main city that has been abandoned for a long time, it is obvious that it can be destroyed like this, then only the siege front has such destructive power.

This is not unusual for Ye Bei, who has launched many siege battles recently.

But Zeng Junyi was different about this scene. He could clearly feel the breath of death that pervaded the abandoned main city, and the smell of decaying corpses, which made him feel sick to his stomach.

He had visited this abandoned main city many times before, but he had never shown such horror.

This time the impact on him was very big.

Presumably, "For that kid, I'm afraid that Lu Xiao is too scared to walk!"

Zeng Junyi pouted in disdain.

At this time, the sky in the scene has gradually darkened, accompanied by a slight cold wind.

The smell was very strange, and there were still many corpses left on the ground.

Listening to the silence in the ear, accompanied by the sound of shouting, is creepy.

Ye Bei felt the breath around him.

"It's far too late from the abyss world!

Such an abandoned main city has no influence on Ye Bei.

"Since you want to play, then I'll play with you!"

Ye Bei was talking to himself.

He did not release the stars for the first time, but his figure was hidden in the darkness.

Since this Zeng Junyi is not good, then Ye Bei will naturally not show mercy.

This time, he must make a deep impression on him.

"Da da da"

The venue in this main city is very large, Zeng Junyi walked for a long time and did not find Ye Bei.

"Riding on a horse! Where did that little brat go!"

"Wouldn't it be Akatsuki who was scared to pee his pants?"

While talking, Zeng Junyi did not forget to mock Ye Bei.

Zeng Junyi turned around instantly.

His face turned pale for a moment.

"Who! Is it you kid? What are you pretending to be!?"

"You ask me! Give me a rhyme!"

Zeng Junyi's voice was loud, constantly covering up the fear in his heart.


Another gust of wind.

Still beside Zeng Junyi.


Tseng Junyi's face has begun to flow with sweat.

"Boom, boom, boom"

I saw a huge shadow behind Zeng Junyi's rhyme, and the shadow directly enveloped him at night.

Who is "Who is behind me!?"

Zeng Junyi really didn't even dare to move, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and the muscles on his face were shaking.

Teeth are clenching their teeth uncontrollably!

0… ask for flowers…

"What are you riding a horse...

In a fit of anger, with a strong sense of fear, he turned around and directly attached his spirit to Chen.

Originally, he didn't intend to summon Yuling, but if he doesn't, he will die!

Although it is said that if you die here, you will only die for a data, but the damage to the Yuling is still great!

Zeng Junyi's spirit is a lava orangutan, powerful.

After the imperial spirit possessed him, his stature also grew several meters tall.

But what appeared in front of him was an ugly looking devil with a bloody aura all over his body!



Zeng Junyi fell directly to the ground.

He felt the bloody smell of the thing in front of him, this is the murderous aura that only people who have killed many, many circles have.

Just under this strong murderous aura, he didn't even have the courage to stand up.

This shadow is Ye Bei's first imperial spirit, the abyss war demon.

The body is huge, and it is many times stronger than that lava orangutan!

Then I saw the abyss war demon Kuroshio stretched out a palm larger than Zeng Junyi who leaned over and pinched it.

"Oh oh oh"

The abyss war demon Kuroshio directly started to play with Zeng Junyi in his hand, without killing him, he just used it back and forth on the ground.

If Ye Bei didn't tell Kuroshio to strike lightly, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to withstand a single attack from Kuroshio! With a casual fist, he disappeared.

At this time, the master outside was still waiting for the result of this game. Ye Bei did not open the battle this time, so no one could see the scene of this game. people.

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