Master of All People: Only I Know The Way of Hidden Evolution!

Chapter 469 Gold crystal vein mine! A real treasure!

It's time for the second day.

Ye came to the open pit that he came to the north last time.

That group of people had come here yesterday.

They are no longer the same as before.

Pick and choose the gold crystal ore in the mine pit.

That kind of efficiency is too low, and sometimes it has to compete with other people.

It takes a lot of time to just use it in places where there are many gold spar.

Not to mention the time wasted in conflict with other people.

Now they are now lined up in a row of forty or fifty people.

Their job is to blast the ground.

There were two more rows behind them.

04-The team is here to collect chrysanthemums.

Another team was cleaning up the remaining gravel and dirt.

Seeing Bei here, Ye nodded with satisfaction.

Li Mu arranged better than he expected.

Ye Bei will not be idle either.

Now there is no way for him to go to the trouble of Fire Breath Sparrow.

I couldn't find a place for Rongwen Musashi to hide.

So I went down to the mine to help out together.

Of course, he has already used the Five Elements Origin for a breath.

Yesterday, I also bought a skill in the traditional mall.

Chaos Noodles!

This skill can make Ye Bei change into anyone.

Of course it only looks like.

However, Ye Bei has the origin of the five elements.

Can be transformed into another breath.

It can just make up for the shortcomings of the breath.

Ye came to the north beside the five people.

Start pulling the gold spar.

His arrival made the five people on guard.

But seeing his strength is not high.

Also didn't care.

They also do not recognize the people in the city.

The reason why Ye Bei approached them was to see that they had been communicating secretly.

But a few people didn't speak.

They also made eye contact with each other.

This kind of situation is very abnormal in Ye Bei's eyes.

Ye Bei felt that he could come to their side.

If they really want to betray the alliance.

Then this is his chance.

But a day has passed.

They still did not act.

Ye Bei also doubted his own conjecture.

Let's go", today's task is completed.

"Yeah, come back tomorrow.

"I can feel the gift from the city."

The few people Ye Bei took a fancy to were a little unusual today.

They were all at the back of the line.

It seemed they were about to escape.

Just an opportunity.


One of the leaders whispered something and made a gesture at the others.

The five people quietly left Akatsuki's team.

Ye Bei also used the five elements to hide his traces.

followed behind them.

A few people were very careful when they first started.

After gradually walking away.

All relaxed.

"You said that Ye Bei, who didn't know anything, still ordered us."

"Yes, the matter about the stone tablet came from the young master."

Ye Bei hid aside and listened clearly.

As he guessed 547.

The news of the Imperial Spirit Monument is related to them.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

"Follow the young master, and you will be rewarded.

Several people quickly flew into the deep mountains.

In the middle of the night they stopped to rest.

They take turns to keep vigil.

Ye Bei also took advantage of this opportunity.

kill one of them.

pretending to be him.

Ye Bei checked it out, and he didn't see any flaws in Yun Yun himself.

The next day, it was still dark.

Five people began to realize.

Fortunately, Ye Bei didn't need to lead the way, otherwise he would be exposed.

Among them, only the leader and another person have been to the Rongwen beast.

No one else went.

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