Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 104 Floating in the Void Temple! Great Void Shop! (Please subscribe!!)

"Shrink!" "Shrink!" "Shrink!"

Zhou Yuan kept shrinking the huge corpse of the insect god.

It took a lot of time to seal all the corpses of the insect gods collected by the starship in scrolls one after another and put them in the universal space.

[The reincarnation of the 99th reincarnation space codenamed army master, you have already received the insect god organization, may I ask if you want to submit a space battlefield mission? If you submit a space battlefield mission, you can choose to return to the reincarnation space immediately, or you can have the most freedom in the space battlefield Twenty-four hours of action.

After twenty-four hours, you will return to the reincarnation space numbered ninety-nine. ] This prompt.

It is the same as some war-like space battlefield rules that Zhou Yuan knew before his rebirth.

Most of the missions in the space battlefield are cumulative missions.

After Zhou Yuan obtained the fist-sized insect god organization, he could submit a space battle mission and return to his own space.

You can also get more body tissues of the insect gods by continuously collecting them, and then submit them in exchange for more rewards. even……

As long as he is not afraid of the loss of time, the intensity of the space battlefield will become stronger and stronger, the enemies he faces will become more and more terrifying, and the probability of death will increase.

Even if he doesn't submit the space battlefield mission, he wants to keep roaming in the space battlefield.

It doesn't matter at all.

Before the rebirth, many reincarnation bosses did not submit the task after getting the items to complete the space battlefield mission, and kept wandering in the space battlefield.

Think you can submit tasks at any time and return to your space at any time.

Safety is a great guarantee. And then... surf and surf.

Lose their lives to the waves.

Zhou Yuan didn't plan to make waves.

But he still has some things he wants to get in this space battlefield.

Don't want to submit tasks so early.

The huge starship has ended its superluminal flight and stayed outside the atmosphere of the P line, ensuring that even the plasmoids of the Zerg cannot spray the ion lightning-shaped sphere to this position and destroy the starship.

A huge subspace orbital bomber flew out of the starship, dived down, and rushed into the atmosphere of star P!

When the subspace orbital bomber was about to collide with the ground and suddenly pulled up, the hatch was opened and Zhou Yuan jumped down!

The scroll in his hand is torn!

The huge corpse dragon appeared under Zhou Yuan's feet, like a bomber, swooping to the ground, bursting out a piercing roar, which spread far, far!

Some Zerg ran out of the wormhole and saw the huge corpse dragon. They just observed it for a moment and retracted the wormhole again!

Don't come out at all!

Such an anomaly!

It can only be said that before the worm god of the ghost star was killed, the information related to Zhou Yuan had been passed on to the brain worms of other planets.

The brain worm of P star knows very well that the worm god was killed by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan even single-handedly killed the Zerg planet predator of the Big K star.

Even if it sent more regular Zerg guards, jumpers, tank bugs, and plasma bugs, it would never be able to deal with Zhou Yuan.


It is very clear that Zhou Yuan's starship, in such a short time, from the ghost star to the P planet, there is absolutely no time to replenish the ammunition!

Although there are subspace orbital bombers on this starship.

But the orbital bomb has been exhausted in the orbital bombardment of the ghost star!

Those laser weapons were even more exhausted and fell into a long cooldown period.

There is no ability to blast the P star out of cracks like a ghost star, and the planet is almost split!

Instead of sending Zerg to die!

It would be better to ignore Zhou Yuan directly. When he is on this planet, he really can't find many Zerg to kill, so he will naturally leave. Terran... their time.

It is much more precious than the Zerg!


The P-star brain worms don't even know that one of their Zerg queens has become Zhou Yuan's slave. No matter how unwilling they are, they report the location of the P-star brain worms to Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan jumped from the warp orbital bomber and rode the corpse dragon. The target was very clear!

That is the brain worm of P star!

The brainworm didn't know how the human knew where it was hiding.

But it absolutely does not allow this human to get close!

It's about its life!


It overturned the decision made a few seconds ago, and a terrifying mental wave broke out, and it issued an order to the Zerg of Star P!

Kill this human at all costs!

Countless Zerg guards and jumpers let out a terrifying neigh, gushing out of the wormhole like a tide, and attacking Zhou Yuan frantically!


The Zerg guards couldn't attack the corpse dragon more than ten meters above the ground, let alone Zhou Yuan!

The Zerg Leaper can launch a gliding attack on Zhou Yuan!

But as soon as they approached Zhou Yuan twenty meters, they were reduced and absorbed by the different-dimensional killing array that Zhou Yuan was playing with!



The scene that seems to be a big K star is reproduced!

Zhou Yuan is driving the corpse dragon to fly at a low altitude!

Swept all the Zerg within a radius of 20 meters and sucked it into the killing array of different dimensions!

About 20,000 were absorbed in the Zerg guards!

A cuticle trident with a length of several hundred meters broke out from the ground and smashed towards Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan is distracted for two purposes!

While watching the battlefield.

While driving the corpse dragon, avoid the cuticle trident, and keep approaching the position of the brain worm! non-stop……

Absorb the Zerg that gushed out like a tide and threatened him with death, into a different-dimensional killing array, and turned them into insect pulp!

When the Zerg was killed by another dimension, more than 100,000 were killed!

Zhou Yuan has earned more than 10 million points! ...for flowers...

The cuticle trident ripped the earth into a huge crack that was several kilometers long!

Through the cracks, you can clearly see the huge body of the planet predator, standing up slowly, fighting back, breaking the transparent pipes adsorbed on the origin of the planet one by one!

Each disconnect.

It will emit a terrifying scream that cannot suppress the pain!

In the case of the Zerg being massacred!

It can no longer continue to absorb the origin of the planet with peace of mind!

It's going to kill that human!

Ten seconds!

As long as the human continues to slaughter the Zerg for ten seconds, it will be sure to kill the human before returning to the starship in the subspace orbital bomber!


Destroy that starship!

It just broke half of the transparent pipe, and the human returned to the starship in a subspace orbital bomber!

That human is going to run away?

It absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen!


The planet predators broke out completely!

Suddenly, all the transparent pipes were broken, and the earth was torn apart!

Zhou Yuan who just returned to the starship.

From the outside windows of the starship, with the naked eye.

You can see that the planetary predator collapsed the ground in a radius of more than ten kilometers, climbed out of the ground, flapped its wings frantically, and set off a storm!

With a speed faster than that of a space orbital bomber flying in the planet, it rushed straight to the starship! "Let the starship enter superluminal flight immediately!" "Yes!"

In the planet predator, the terrifying body ten times larger than the starship rushed into space, and its sharp claws were about to cut the starship in half. "Flight faster than light is ready! Countdown!" "Five!" "Four!" "Three!" "Two!" "-!"

The gravitational distortion in front of the starship!

The starship exploded with terrifying energy in an instant and entered the super-light flight!

Wait for the starship to stabilize!

Already several light years away from the P star!

The pilot's breathing was a little hurried: "Sir! A strange thing was scanned in front of me. What is it? I said it, and the captain may not believe it. It's better for you to see it in person, sir!" Wait for Zhou Yuan to approach!

He uploaded the scans of the starship! That is……

A huge temple drifting in the void of the universe, covering an area of ​​at least tens of square kilometers.

A strange gravitational field is formed around it!

On the various starship mooring rings outside the temple, one after another huge starships are parked, or they are small but full of high-tech sci-fi spaceships!

Zhou Yuan had never seen the text written on the temple.


He knew exactly what the words meant!

That is the 11 space battlefield, the No. 8 Great Void Store! Inch.

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