Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 135 Eight-armed Shura! Flying finger gun. Lotus! (Please subscribe! Please complete subscrip

"Could it be that there are many exercises and techniques that we can't access yet, even if you don't need to acquire skills from the reincarnation space, as long as you know the principles and methods of cultivation, you can still cultivate them?"

"That is to say... although we still don't know when the One Piece dungeon world will appear, but we can fully cultivate the six naval styles in advance through our understanding of the six naval styles?" "Doesn't this mean... we can still advance Cultivating the ability to generate thoughts?" "Can you cultivate spiritual power in advance?" "This discovery! It's so important!" They were excited.

And Yudi Dubu disperses the air wall, his face is extremely solemn: "The masters who are mixed in the Shenxinhui crowd.

I have to admit that in the face of such a military leader, I alone cannot kill him! It's no wonder that he would say wild words, "823" to let someone kill him.

He has this qualification!

For the sake of the world, we have to make a dignified decision.

Let's go together!

After killing him, those viruses, we all have our own abilities! "Then, count me as one!" "

A tall man stepped out from the crowd.

"Count me in too! I feel it, this is the person I'm looking for."

"Real... It makes people's blood boil! He gave me the illusion of being in a tiger's mouth!" "I want... his kicking skills!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, if his foot bones didn't crack, I don't know if I would stand up." One tall figure after another came out of the crowd.

The reincarnation of the anime that has seen the blade teeth.

Almost suffocated!

These people were Dorian, the sea king who was rumored to have the strongest talent in Bailin Temple!

Doer, who transforms his body, can send out sharp blades from everywhere!

Finger strength is strong enough to climb on smooth surfaces, and with two fingers, Sikorsky lifts his entire weight!

He is already an elderly person, but his physical strength is much stronger than that of normal people. He can easily destroy reinforced concrete walls and easily bend the thick steel bars of his arms!

as well as……

Liu Longguang, a poison master who can create a vacuum and destroy super-thick bulletproof glass with his bare hands!

These are listed.

If you are only familiar with the plot of the blade teeth, you all know that it is a strong man who escaped from prisons on death row in the world!

Except them!

come from all around the world!

There are no less than fifty fighters, soldiers, spies, etc. who exude a breath that is no weaker than these five death row prisoners!

The samsara's eyes are straight!

On the scarred face of the crowd, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.



Earth King Chu Xiangyu's group of lunatics and lunatic, compared with the army master!

They are harmless cute little babies!

The military lord is a super fatal lunatic!

At this moment, Zhou Yuan took out his hands and moved his shoulders: "Come on!"


He was besieged by fifty men!

Moreover, no matter how he moved, at the same time, he would be attacked by at least three fighters comparable to the sea king level, slamming on him!

His head, vital parts of his body, crotch, joints, ankles, eyes, ear holes...

Even the toes!

They are all facing a crazy attack that can destroy reinforced concrete!

Even if Zhou Yuan struggled to get hurt, he used paper painting to remove eighty or ninety percent of his attacks.

The remaining attacks also gave him super basic physical resistance, super defense, and even barely used his iron body, leaving a fist mark.

Many of them attacked!

They have broken the boundaries of the third-order peak!

This is what Reincarnation Space said before the start, their power level, under special circumstances, can exceed the level of dungeon by three levels!

their power!

Reached the fourth level!

A palm, like a sharp blade, pierced from the position of Zhou Yuan's chest and penetrated from behind Zhou Yuan, causing Zhou Yuan to spit out a large mouthful of blood. Yudi pulled out his hand, letting a huge amount of blood spurt out of the hole in Zhou Yuan's chest: "You are really strong, if you go head-to-head, in this world, you can beat you, or even tie with you, There are not many. But you are too arrogant!" Next second!

Zhou Yuan's palm, shining with metallic luster, pierced Yu Di's chest, grabbed his heart, and pinched it suddenly: "Do you think that if you pierce my heart, I will die? No! But you relaxed!" "And your heart was crushed by me, and you were dead!"

Zhou Yuan pulled out his hand and slapped Yudi Dubu's head with a slap, leaving a blood-colored weird pattern... Valkyrie!

Die alone!

Under all eyes!

Zhou Yuan, whose heart was penetrated, the granulation in the hole, entangled with each other like insects, slowly filling the hole in his heart!

This is a super speed regeneration! only……

Anyone with a normal mind will know!

Before Zhou Yuan could fully regenerate his chest at a super speed, the blood spurting out like a fountain was enough to dry him in a few seconds!


The people who besieged Zhou Yuan obviously won't give Zhou Yuan time to regenerate at a high speed! only……

Before those people attacked Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan spat out two words: "Sacrifice!" The corpse of Dudi Dubu, who had a strange pattern printed on its head, suddenly turned into flying ashes.

On Zhou Yuan's chest, which was frantically spewing blood, the speed of super-speed regeneration of flesh and blood was suddenly increased by hundreds of times.

3.1 His spirit!

Back to the top in an instant! "Eight-armed Shura!" In an instant!

Zhou Yuan's back seems to have grown six arms, with the original arms, and two legs, all attacks from all directions, all under the crotch!

In the sound of shattering bones.

Zhou Yuan's eight arms, the fists of each arm, all stretched out their index fingers! "Flying Finger Gun! Lotus Flower!" Zhou Yuan's eight arms!

Every arm is like a lotus pedestal on which Guanyin Bodhisattva sits, and it blooms in an instant, extremely beautiful!

When these beautiful lotus flowers fall!

It brings death!

The body of more than ten sea king-level masters!

Fingered by Zhou Yuan!

Poke into a hornet's nest! .

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