Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 176 A low-profile version of the military leader is about to be born! (please order all!!)

"Let me come first! I used the Nimbus 2000 and replaced the boss with two cans of liquid nitrogen!"

I became bald and stronger, swollen my muscles, and wrapped a layer of light like vindictiveness on the reel, and suddenly threw the reel out and threw it to the place with the most Goblin Heroes, Paladins, and Big Goblins !


He took out an emerald green bow, put a flaming arrow on the bow, and yanked it away!

The arrow pulled out a line of fire and cut the scroll in half from it!

The liquid nitrogen device, one meter thick and ten meters high, was released from the scroll and suddenly fell from the sky!

A goblin paladin let out a hoarse and inaudible roar, swung the giant sword in his hand, and violently smashed it into the bottom of the liquid nitrogen device!

In the sound of liquid nitrogen devices cracking.

The Goblin Paladin was instantly frozen!

The terrifyingly cold liquid nitrogen fell on the nearby Goblin Heroes, Goblin Paladins, and Big Goblin, freezing their skin, freezing their cellular fluid, freezing their blood, freezing 25 dimensions of their thinking!

And a large amount of liquid nitrogen fell under the feet of the goblins, on the wet ground that was melted by the fire column caused by the detonation of the magic power source by the Roaring Emperor! Ka Ka Ka ... in this sound!

The ground is frozen!

And it quickly spread to the big goblins, goblin paladins, and goblins, freezing them to death!

Just this can of liquid nitrogen!

The number of big goblins, goblin heroes, and goblin paladins crowded together exceeded three hundred!

Also frozen over two thousand ordinary goblins!

I became bald and stronger, and his hands were shaking!

Emotions almost burst!

"My pussy! Awesome!"

"This large-scale liquid nitrogen device has given me 500,000 points! There are also two or three hundred Tier 3 treasure chests! And me! There is one more liquid nitrogen device I exchanged for 2000 E golden light wheel! It's so worth it! !" "Thank you Boss!"

He really wanted to hug Zhou Yuan's thigh and become a pendant on Zhou Yuan's thigh!

As a result, I was kicked by Zhou Yuan like I am not Pan Jinlian.

He got up and looked at the head of the unicorn mercenary regiment: "Didn't the boss trade you a few scrolls that sealed the big water polo?

use one! Add some ingredients to the goblins below, let them be soaked with water, and then use liquid nitrogen, the effect will be several times stronger than the effect of liquid nitrogen I used before! Lethality..."

When he was talking, the head of the Kirin mercenary group had thrown out two large water polo scrolls, smashed the scrolls, and released the big water polo!

Two huge water balloons with a diameter of fifty meters!

It slowly began to disintegrate in mid-air, and fell to the ground full of icy debris, killing thousands of goblins!

Even more, a large number of goblins were smashed into pieces!


I became bald and stronger, and threw my last liquid nitrogen device!

And the head of the Kirin mercenary regiment also threw out three liquid nitrogen devices!

The liquid nitrogen device exploded, and the liquid nitrogen leaked from it frantically froze the ground and the water-drenched goblins!

Their combined hit!

At least kill more than 20,000 goblins!

Points they get!

The whole body that makes them excited is swaying!

This is definitely the time they have won the most points in the dungeon world!

A joint attack!

Points earned in a single time!

It's over a million!

Also got a lot of Goblin Chests!

There you go!

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment has stopped!

He was reluctant to use the large water polo scroll, liquid nitrogen scroll and ruined town scroll left in his hand.

These powerful and terrifying things are too wasteful to slaughter the goblins below.

If it is used in some difficult dungeon worlds that the country is conquering, it can definitely achieve more amazing benefits than killing goblins!

And I am not Pan Jinlian.

He intends to replicate Zhou Yuan's record of killing more than 2,000 other space reincarnators!

In any case, he will not use the ruined town scroll exchanged from Zhou Yuan here.


Zhou Yuan got his hands on it!

Zhou Yuan with the bamboo dragonfly on his head!

Fly to the sky!

The water polo was released, and the shrinking ability was canceled, so that the volume of the water polo reached fifty meters!

Then the palm gently touched the water polo, releasing the magnification ability!

Make the diameter of the water polo!

Instantly doubled!

Reached a terrifying two hundred meters!

Like a meteor hitting the earth!

The huge water polo smashed into the wall, and the vortex torrent formed, whether it was goblins, big goblins, goblin heroes, goblin paladins, or crossbow arrows, magic cannons, all rolled up. Into the vortex!

A super-giant liquid nitrogen device with a thickness of five meters and a length of astonishing fifty meters!

Shatter after hitting the vortex!

Freeze all the vortices within a radius of a radius!

He hits!

He wiped out all the goblins within the wall, and made the reincarnators on the wall shiver!

So far!

The water polo and liquid nitrogen he sealed were all used up.

And the reincarnators on the city wall all have their eyes shining!

"The sealing ability, coupled with the magnifying superpower, the damage caused by it is simply...too...too maddening!"

It's not that Pan Jinlian choked the head of the Kylin mercenary regiment by the neck: "Is the dungeon world where the battle begins five seconds after the boss gets the magnifying ability, is it officially regarded as a private plot by you?

You can officially treat it as a private plot, but at least every time the dungeon world ends, some superpower seeds must be released!

Even the zero-order, first-order 853 superpower seeds will do!

But...if none of them are released...

Those of us who are unofficial, but have already reached hundreds of thousands of reincarnations, are about to go crazy! "

Breaking away the hand that I am not Pan Jinlian, the head of the Kirin mercenary regiment rubbed his forehead: "Stop making trouble! The superpower seeds produced by that dungeon world are not enough for our own people, so it is impossible to release them! ...

Before I came to participate in the world competition, the high-level people had already decided to open a first-order seal-type dungeon world to you. ""That's fine! "

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment looked at more than forty reincarnators with excited faces.

Thinking of these people, in the future, the combat style will move closer to the military lord, and become the low-profile version of the military lord.

Flying in the air one by one, tearing the seal scrolls one by one, releasing a large number of ruined buildings, ruined towns, huge water balloons, and giant liquid nitrogen devices, smashing all enemies on the ground to death, harvesting points like a harvester. .

Then he arrogantly taught reincarnations from other countries to be human.

The smile on his face couldn't be restrained. That's... so good!

The head of the unicorn mercenary regiment suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Yuan, who left at a furious speed without looking back, his mouth was full of bitterness. Commander this is...

Dislike their strength is too low, do not play with them? .

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