Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 312 The abode of the gods has been looted! 1/10,000th of the speed of light! (please order a

This is heaven!

The celestial gods here, if not all of the lawful good camp, are at least of the neutral lawful camp, and not even the gods of the neutral evil camp.

As long as they keep the barrier of the heaven, they don't have to worry about the safety inside the heaven.


They not only put the kingdom of God in the heaven.

There is no divine barrier in the kingdom of God!

This is...


Fifteen seconds later, Pluto's slightly crazy voice resounded through the starship:

"My dearest master, the secondary guns of the starship have been remodeled. However, even if the starship can only exert about the fourth-order power, the attack power of the secondary guns after charging is still more than 10,000. You are sure to use the secondary guns. Are you blasting out?"


At this time, time is money, time is points, and time is... life!

Only by blasting Zhou Yuan out with the secondary cannon, Zhou Yuan can reach the kingdom of the gods as quickly as possible, and run away with the fastest speed!

Zhou Yuan moved his hands and feet, left the cab, and got into the barrel of the secondary gun with a diameter of at least two meters!

He first put a layer of inner armor on himself.

Then put on the victor's suit, and huddled behind the warrior's shield.

The warrior suit is not special equipment, and his suit defense has reached more than 10,000, not counting the defense of the shield.

This is enough to resist the terrorist attack power generated when the secondary artillery explodes.

However, in order to ensure absolute safety, Zhou Yuan linked the Victor's Shield and Victor's suit to create a defensive barrier of 50,000, which could 100% ensure his safety after being blasted out by the secondary cannon!

The starship Pluto, the secondary artillery that was entangled by similar biological tissues, compressed countless energy rays and slammed onto the victor's shield, pushing Zhou Yuan to rush towards the kingdom of God at a terrifying speed!

In seconds!

In the cosmic vacuum of the celestial world, Zhou Yuan's speed continued to accelerate, reaching dozens of kilometers per second!

And the speed of light is 380,000 kilometers per second!

In other words, Zhou Yuan's current speed has reached one ten thousandth of the speed of light!

If Zhou Yuan was not in a cosmic vacuum without any air, but on a planet with air, he would fly at this speed, and he would definitely be incinerated in a very short period of time due to the high temperature caused by friction with the air. do.

When Zhou Yuan is still hundreds of kilometers away from the surface of the kingdom of God!

He used his shrinking ability to reduce the distance between him and the elf floating in the sky of the kingdom of God, almost a kilometer, facing the floating elf face to face, forcibly escaped from the terrifying speed of dozens of kilometers per second!

Patting the elf's head, Zhou Yuan smiled, and the body that stopped, was attracted by the powerful gravitational force of the kingdom of God, brought a flash of fire, and fell to the tallest building in the kingdom of God!

Zhou Yuan fell on the side.

At the same time, he took out a different-dimensional killing array from his universal space, and released Sadako and the resentful spirit Zhou Yuan inside!

When it is about ten kilometers away from the tallest building in the Kingdom of God.

Zhou Yuan released hundreds of thousands of them, rushing towards the kingdom of God in all directions, attracting petitioners, fanatics, saints and other existences in the kingdom of God, buying time for Zhou Yuan!

When Zhou Yuan was still one kilometer away from the tallest building in the kingdom of God, that is, the residence of the gods in the kingdom of God, Zhou Yuan awakened the old ladder and carried out the symbiosis of the old days!

Even if the old ladder is counted as a special item by the reincarnation space, and the equal order is suppressed at the peak of the fourth order, it also provides Zhou Yuan with an attribute bonus of at least 500 points!

Then Zhou Yuan inspired God of War, the bonus skill of the Victor's suit!

This skill will reduce the durability of the Victor's suit every ten seconds, but it can increase Zhou Yuan's attributes by 10%-50% in about ten seconds.

And as time goes by, Zhou Yuan's attributes will be continuously superimposed!

Next up!

Zhou Yuan used the rule system ability that can only be used once in three worlds - super class!

Forcibly, his attributes have been doubled by five!

An astonishing 3,000 points have been reached!

The normal sixth-order limit of reincarnation is only 2,000 attributes!

Even if half of these 3,000 attributes have to be used by the Rule Calculator, the attribute points that Zhou Yuan can use are 1,500 points, which are the attributes that only sixth-order reincarnation masters can achieve!

Zhou Yuan now!

It can be regarded as a sixth-order powerhouse!

Afterwards, Zhou Yuan put on Benzitan's lucky charm.

Although Benzitan's lucky talisman was suppressed by two ranks, it still provided Zhou Yuan with dozens of lucky bonuses!

After completing this series of actions.

Zhou Yuan is only a few hundred meters away from the ground.

"' ˇ Shrink ¨々!"

Activating the shrinking ability, Zhou Yuan instantly stood at the top of the dwelling of the gods!

Zhou Yuan took the time to glance at the panel!

[No. 100860, you broke into the kingdom of the Seraph El, and did not act with the gods in the heavens. Instead, the Seraph El, who was sleeping in the kingdom of the gods, was awakening...]

Zhou Yuan was instantly blown away!

If his memory is correct, the Seraph El indicated on the panel should be the Seraph El that he knows is in charge of loving kindness and fate!

Although I don't know why a seraph would have a kingdom of gods.

But he knows!

He must escape as fast as possible!


This beautiful, beautiful, addicting blazing angel El!

She has the ability to instantly kill the souls of all things!

I can give Zhou Yuan a second!

"big big big!"

Zhou Yuan's body size rapidly increased to ten meters due to the power of magnification, and he grabbed it on the residence of the seraph El's god (Led Zhao): "Shrink! Shrink! All for Lao Tzu!"

The huge dwelling of the gods filled with the breath of the gods was compressed into ten meters by Zhou Yuan's shrinking ability with almost full power, and was brutally sealed in a special scroll!

This scroll!

It can only hold the dwelling of the gods for ten seconds at most!

But that's enough!

Zhou Yuan directly chose to return!

[No. 100860, detected an unverified item you are carrying...]

"Even if all the points are spent, verify the items I carry! Don't ask me!"

[No. 100860, all your points have been used up, you have only certified one-third of the items you carry, and the rest of the uncertified items cannot be taken out of this dungeon world. 】

[Seraph El has awakened... eyes]

[The dungeon world in combatant dispatch is over! ].

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