Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 353 The seventh-order serpent! Meteorite that changes blood! (please order all!!)

The first compensation, Zhou Yuan directly PASS.

The secret of the Night Rabbit Clan... It is also a secret to these reincarnators in the ninety-ninth reincarnation space, and it is not a secret at all to Scarlet Paradise and the reborn Zhou Yuan.

The biggest secret of the Night Rabbit Clan is that in the depths of Yu'an Star, there is a peculiar meteorite that can cover the entire planet, transforming the human blood into the blood of the Night Rabbit that can be inherited. It is constantly weakening!

It's almost over.

It's not worth much at all.

But if you sell it, you can probably sell it for the price of an S golden equipment.

When there is a chance, Zhou Yuan will go and take out the meteorite.

The third compensation is that Zhou Yuan's predatory talent has become five times stronger, which can absorb the power of Altana that is constantly sprayed from the Xian'an star to strengthen himself.

This is for Zhou Yuan...


Because, after his Predator talent was activated, even if he was not strengthened, it would be enough to support Zhou Yuan, a Tier 3, who continued to fight for days and nights without getting tired.

And his own rules of life, the old ladder of symbiosis, the talent of the immortal, and the immortality of the primal ball have allowed him to have immortality comparable to being born from the mutant dragon vein Altana. The resilience of Jiang Hua in the body.

233 Even surpassing Jiang Hua's resilience!

No matter how strong it is.

There will be no qualitative change.

This compensation is useless.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan chose the second compensation.

A spaceship that can fly into the orbit of the Wandering Star.

that is……

This ship!

It's wooden!

Also, Te Niang's is as big as a surfboard!

Zhou Yuan spit out Lao Cao and didn't know where to start.

The dungeon world of Gintama is worthy of being a nonsensical and funny dungeon world that sometimes does not talk about logic at all, and it cannot be measured by common sense at all.

With a quick surfboard and a wooden spacecraft, it can fly into the orbit of the planet.

【Wooden spaceship

quality:? ? ? ?

Description: This is a spaceship made by breaking a small branch of the World Wood nourished by Altana. It has the ability to break space and travel through space.

Because the Altana of the Wandering Star spilled over the surface of the planet, the spacecraft could not use the space shuttle ability, but the spacecraft could travel through space after flying out of the orbit of the Wandering Star.

This wooden spaceship (agcd) is used by the Great Void Engine according to the principle of reciprocal compensation. It is temporarily lent to the Tier 3 Arena Overlord for use. After falling, it will be harvested by the Great Void Engine.

Remarks: Once this spaceship lifts off, it will inevitably attract the attack of the serpent called the Lord of Wandering by the planetary life in the universe.

This equipment certification points: ? ? ? ? 】

The description of the wooden spaceship allowed Zhou Yuan not only to know the material of this wooden spaceship, but also the world wood that absolutely surpassed those superalloyed spaceships.

It also let Zhou Yuan know that this spaceship has World Wood, or part of the power of World Tree, which can run through space and travel through space.

But these instructions.

The information revealed is not the most valuable!

The most valuable information is the remarks!

In the Gintama anime, whether it is the most powerful Xinghaifang Lord Shenhuang in the universe, or the Kagura mother born from the mutant dragon vein Altana, Jiang Hua, the real Lord of Wandering Stars, can be mistaken by outsiders for Wandering Lord An's serpent, hit the ground!

Of course.

What they hit on the ground were some of the 108 heads of the serpent.

And they fought for three days and three nights.

But these are enough to show that Orochi really has nothing to do with Xinghai Fangzhu and Jiang Hua, otherwise he will not be beaten all the time.

And the note says it!

The level of the big snake has reached the seventh level!

He almost touched the edge of a demigod, possessing a star-shattering strength.

This is a bit of an exaggeration.

As such.

On this planet, isn't Jiang Hua, born from Altana, also of the seventh rank?

Isn't that the master of Xinghai Fang, who is called the strongest in the universe, is also a seventh-order?

The Great Void Engine has boosted the indigenous strength of this world... a bit too much!

Just as Zhou Yuan put the surfboard-sized spaceship on his back, he saw about a kilometer away, the ground was surging, dozens of meters thick, and several hundred meters long. The big snake, which is indistinguishable from human teeth, rushed into the sky!

Between the two huge teeth of that giant snake!

A samsara who didn't know who it was, put his hands and feet against his teeth, and persisted for no more than three seconds, before being crushed into blood mud by the teeth that collided with each other!

Zhou Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

After reading the notes on the wooden spaceship, he would not be surprised by this situation.

In the original anime, the serpent with the ability to detect terror will also madly attack all life that does not belong to the star, creating the star that is known as the dead planet in the universe!

in this copy world.

After the Orochi of the Wandering Star is upgraded to the seventh rank, its perception range is larger, its perception ability is stronger, and the attack on outsiders will be more terrifying.

The samsara who landed on the Wandering Star.

Whether it is the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space, or the reincarnation of the Scarlet Paradise.

The first thing they have to do is to try their best to hide their aura and avoid being killed by the big snake, or to find a way to find the real Lord of the Wandering Star, Jiang Hua, and get Jiang Hua's protection.


Only they are qualified to consider how to kill Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan had not walked a few steps, but a hundred meters away from him, another giant snake head rushed out, biting the body of the reincarnator between the two giant teeth.

The reincarnator roared at Zhou Yuan frantically: "Master! I am the reincarnation of the Overlord Federation! We are all in the 99th reincarnation space, we are our own people! Save me!"

Zhou Yuan almost laughed!

The reincarnator of this Overlord Federation!

He thought that Zhou Yuan didn't know that he was quietly approaching Zhou Yuan for 100 meters, and he was still approaching, in order to kill Zhou Yuan and get at least an SSS level evaluation, right?

In order to use the universe of Gintama as his base world?

He actually opened his eyes and said nonsense so shamelessly.


An amazing skill!

Zhou Yuan pointed his middle finger at him.

Before being noticed by Orochi, he used his mind ability, activated his absolute power, completely blocked all his breath, and used his shrinking ability.

Instantly disappeared in place!

And in the middle of the serpent's teeth, the reincarnation person was also bitten by the serpent in an instant and swallowed it in his stomach! .

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