Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 386 The enemy of all life! Become the Archbishop of the Apocalypse!

For the Concave and convex religions, except for those who believe in the Concave and convex gods, all other races in the universe are heretics!

That's right!

It's heresy!

The kind of heresy that is more terrifying than the heretics!

If it weren't for the lack of strength of the Concave and Concave God Cult, it has always been pursued and killed by multi-ethnic and multi-force forces, and it would not have been infamous in the entire universe.


Mass extinction!

The concave and convex religion is more disgusting than the holy race that forces other races to follow their racial ideals!

It is the basic operation of the concave and convex religion to release the X-turned light on the living planet to reverse the gender of all life on the planet.

Reversing the life that has been reversed into a male, and then reversing it into a female, so that the entire planet will become a woman, without a man, making life lose the possibility of continuation, this is the normal operation of the Concave and convex religion.

It is the normal operation of the Aoqi 06 God to carry out genetic transformation on all the beings that have been reversed into females, and become a member of the Concave and Concave Religion to harm the entire universe.

It is a common thing to destroy all beings that do not follow the concept of the concave and convex religion, and destroy all the planets by the way.

According to the memory of this concave and convex religious member who was assimilated by his soul.

The most frustrating operation of the Bump God Sect is to introduce into the universe a kind of void micro-life that can cause life in the entire universe to slowly wither and increase rapidly in a vacuum. So far, it has led to 382 living planets. , including the life on the planet, as well as the planet itself, completely perished!

Say something bad.

The concave and convex religion is the natural enemy of all life!


Through this soul-assimilated member of the Concave and Concave Cult, within half an hour, Zhou Yuan assimilated another member of the Concave-Concave Cult with his soul.

Through the cover of these two members of the Concave and Concave Sect, Zhou Yuan easily assimilated the third member of the Concave and Concave Sect.

And so on.

Within 24 hours after the Concave and Concave God Cult left Gu Yangxing.

Zhou Yuan has assimilated fifteen members of the Concave and Convex Sect in his soul, and he also killed a priest of the Concave and Convex Sect. He has the form of a priest of the Concave and Convex Sect, which can be used in the spacecraft controlled by the Red Queen, in other Concave and Convex Sects. In front of members, priests, and bishops, activities as usual.

The only trouble is...

The priest killed by Zhou Yuan, if he had to use language to describe the planet, it would be an angel face and a devil figure.

The form of a priest is not only less than a man, but also has two more burdens than a man.


Because women's body, muscle distribution, etc., and men are very different.

It took Zhou Yuan at least three days to be able to control this form 100% and use the priest's combat power 100%.


Zhou Yuan didn't do anything in this fleet of the Concave-Concave God Cult.

Instead, like other members of the Concave and Concave Religion, after the fleet re-escorted an X-turn device split, they fled to other living planets. In the X-turn device split device, X-turn light was emitted, exposing the planet to Life under the X-transformed light, after gender transformation, enters the planet, promotes the concept of the concave and convex religion, and judges those heretics...


Humane destruction!

three months later.

With his super power, Zhou Yuan became the bishop of the Concave and Concave Sect.

Zhou Yuan decisively chose to apply for a new X-rotation device split, and led thirty-two spaceships alone to scourge other life planets, and made the reputation of teaching everyone a stink.

In addition, the fleet led by Zhou Yuan, although it was repeatedly chased and killed by the combined forces of multiple forces, not only broke through the siege again and again, but also severely damaged the combined fleet of multiple forces again and again, and gained a great reputation in the universe. The supernova of the Bump God Cult!

The leader of the Autism Sect has notified almost all the bishop-level senior leaders of the Awkward Sect.

It is said that all the bishops will be recalled, and Zhou Yuan will be sealed as the Archbishop of the Concave Sect at the headquarters of the Concave Sect, making Zhou Yuan the thirty-second archbishop of the Concave Sect!

The Archbishop of Bump God not only has the right to preach in a star area, get at least 50% of the income of that star area, and mobilize at least several hundred spaceships in a star area, but also has the right to enter and leave the headquarters of Bump God at will, and meet Bump in person. The right of the sect leader!

He is a top real power figure who is properly taught by the gods!


Just what Zhou Yuan wanted!

He didn't care at all whether it was the leader who had to seal himself as an archbishop because of his growing reputation.

I don't care if I will be targeted and suppressed by other archbishops after becoming an archbishop.

I don't even care if his subordinates will disobey him after he becomes an archbishop!

He wants it!

From start to finish!

It is to enter the concave and convex religious headquarters of the planetary fortress that has the X-turn device and can also move in the universe.


His purpose is to enter the headquarters of the Concave and Concave God Sect.

What else... Tell the sect leader of the Ao-convex sect that Tiandao Zhong's Xu is an immortal life born from the Blue Star Altana, and encourage the sect leader to gather all the Ao-convex sect's power to fight against the emptiness, it is best to let them A lose-lose thing.

Zhou Yuan didn't even think about it.

He is just a third-order reincarnation.

Not a relative of the leader, not the leader's man, not a leader's cronies.

Infiltrating the concave and convex gods, trying to find a way to steal the 247X-turn device that is destined to be guarded by fifth- or sixth-order masters and a large number of high-tech automatic weapons, it is already desperate.

The leader who wants to agitate the concave and convex gods to seek for the emptiness...

Just like a person Zhou Yuan is not familiar with at all, Zhou Yuan, who wants to instigate the third-order, goes to work with a fifth-order master, and Zhou Yuan will definitely kill the person who wants to incite him.

The leader of the Concave and Concave Sect will definitely kill Zhou Yuan first.

Sitting in the flagship of the fleet, Zhou Yuan's slender fingers, which are more perfect than countless women, tapped:

"Queen Red, in three months, I attacked the planet, attacked many fleets, and got back the equipment. How much has I strengthened your abilities now?"

The red queen's voice was full of joy:

"Father, with the huge computing power you provided, I borrowed the artificial intelligence in this universe and successfully completed the optimization of myself. From artificial intelligence, I have evolved into intelligent life, virtual life, and data life.

Father, you have all my underlying data, you can check my true state, and I will not feel uncomfortable. "

Zhou Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he checked the status of the red queen, the narrowed eyes suddenly enlarged!

The angelic face in the form of a priest was full of disbelief.

Mouth wide open!

Just like a fool! .

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