Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 396 Comparable to the harvest of the main god's space debris battle! Going to unpack!

Wait for Zhou Yuan to recover.

He was no longer in the shredder, but in the deep restoration unit.

All the pollution in his body has been completely removed, there is no residue, his body is intact, and there is no sign of aberration in any cell.


His face was pale, his pupils were dilated, the corners of his mouth were drooling unconsciously, his hands and legs were beating involuntarily, like a fool.

Several minutes passed.

Only then did Zhou Yuan regain control of his body.

During the deep repair just now, whether it was his body or his soul, it seemed that he was thrown into the shredder and smashed (~~o(_)o~~, it was really thrown into the shredder and smashed) .

He felt like he was torn apart into countless pieces.

The terrifying pain caused him to lose consciousness for the first time.


It hurts so much!

if it is possible!

In the future, he will not use the deep repair device numbered in the ninety-ninth reincarnation space to repair himself!

Not even to die!


Zhou Yuan knows... that's all I can think about!

Because 06 is that as the world level of the dungeon increases, the more the number of battles, a reincarnator, even if he has super-speed regeneration and masters the rules of life, he may not be able to recover 100% of all his injuries.

Those injuries that cannot be recovered will accumulate little by little in the body.

If it is not repaired in depth, once these accumulated injuries suddenly erupt during the battle, it is very likely to cause the reincarnator to make mistakes and be killed by the enemy.

Before Zhou Yuan's rebirth, he had seen too many reincarnations who smashed the sky. When he massacred the hostile reincarnations and indigenous masters, he became stiff for a moment because of the accumulation of injuries, and was torn to pieces!

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn.

The reincarnators of the fifth rank and above have reached a consensus.

As long as there are still points in hand, after each dungeon world ends, it will inevitably enter the deep repair device and carry out a deep repair.

Because of the end of a single dungeon world, the accumulated injuries that cannot be repaired by conventional means in a reincarnator's body will not be too deep. The points spent to repair them will be much less than if the injuries are too deep.

As long as it is a mid-to-high-level reincarnation.


Can afford it!

And it doesn't hurt.

And once the injuries and pollution accumulate, the points spent... that will definitely cost the reincarnator's life!

The pain will make them regret that they are still alive.

That is to say...


As long as Zhou Yuan doesn't want to experience this extreme pain...he will definitely become a frequent visitor to the deep restoration device.

This motherfucker is so annoying.

After another quarter of an hour, Zhou Yuan walked out of the deep restoration device without even looking back.


After leaving the deep restoration device, Zhou Yuan, as usual, returned directly to the safe house base world, and conducted a thorough sorting of his gains in the world of the Great Void Engine Permission Contest mission.

in the Great Void Engine.

His biggest gain should be that he was sealed in his spine by the Dragon Suction Sealing Vessel. Although he can't use it for the time being, he is evolving towards the eighth-order, and it seems that his ignorant dragon veins have been born.

All dragon veins have the ability to spontaneously absorb various energies in the universe and convert them into dragon vein energy.


An eighth-order peak, the energy contained in the dragon veins that are about to transform into a dragon is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, a demigod of the eighth-order peak, and it may even be more than the energy in the body of a god!

Even if Zhou Yuan has the energy of the eighth-order dragon veins in his body, the value of the dragon veins at the early stage of the seventh-order level is probably not lower than the value of an artifact.

Then, there is the X-turn crystal and Jiang Hua.

The certification points for both are the same.

Horror of high value!

In addition to these super valuable harvests.

Zhou Yuan also obtained a third-order dragon vein, which is now placed in the world formed by the rule calculator.

as well as……

Zhou Yuan, through his grasping ability, grabbed an initial seventh-order rank from the Xian'an star. With the passage of time, the energy of the seventh-order dragon veins continued to dissipate, and now the level has been reduced to the fourth-order dragon veins!

Zhou Yuan got 83,761,600,000 points after destroying the Wandering Star. I'm not Pan Jinlian and they returned 22,680,000 to buy the Jumai Formation. Wan, when he destroyed the Bump God Cult Planet Fortress God Star, the points obtained were 130 billion.

I am not Pan Jinlian and the others, who destroyed more than ten planets with Altana, gave Zhou Yuan 20% of the points, and gave Zhou Yuan an additional ten billion points.

Except Zhou Yuan's 10 billion points for Jiang Hua and X-Zhengzhi.

Plus Zhou Yuan's original 74.4 million points.

Zhou Yuan now has 227,816 million points!

These points almost caught up with the points Zhou Yuan obtained in the battle for the Lord God Fragment.

In the quest world of Gintama, the treasure chest Zhou Yuan obtained was enough to make the official discoloration!

Zhou Yuan got a seventh-order Xinghaifang Master treasure chest!

Twenty-five tier six treasure chests!

Eighty Tier 5 treasure chests!

These three-tier treasure chests are fairly normal.

But the numbers that follow are terrifying!

Six hundred and seventy fourth-order treasure chests were obtained by Zhou Yuan!

There are 2,850 Tier 3 treasure chests obtained!

20,500 second-order treasure chests were obtained!

There are 89,360 first-order treasure chests obtained!

Then there are 136 Master 263 Treasure Chests, 31 Archbishop Treasure Chests, one Bishop Treasure Chest, and a Points Treasure Chest that ranks first in the points rankings!


There are also three hundred and thirteen Tier 5 vehicle chests and thirteen Tier 6 vehicle chests.

And one hundred and eighty blood-colored treasure chests.

Zhou Yuan rubbed his hands together.

First, let the X-turn crystal split into a sixth-order S-level X-turn crystal split, and hand it over to Lilith Black, the world's chief scientist at the safe house base, and let her install the X-turn crystal split. The strongest armor, and various light control equipment.

Zhou Yuan's base world is Tier 3.

The armor that Black Lilith can make in this base world is at most Tier 3 peaks.

However, because of the addition of armor and various equipment outside the X-turn crystal, the main function of the X-turn device formed is the sixth-order X-turn crystal.

The quality of the X-turn device she made is S-level.

For the current Zhou Yuan.

totally adequate.

Afterwards, Zhou Yuan took out Benzitan's lucky charm and wore it around his neck!

The incomparably beautiful god of luck, Benzitan, appeared behind Zhou Yuan and wrapped his arms around Zhou Yuan's neck: "Lucky human being, I will walk with you!"

Zhou Yuan's lucky attribute!

At this moment, it increased by one hundred!

He's about to open the box! .

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