Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 403 Star Peak Club! Leapfrog challenge! (please order all!!)

Even if the research directions of Black Lilith are many and complicated.

But the super power research institute among the many research institutes she leads has also produced 1,500 super power genetic modification liquids.

This super-power genetic modification liquid is to extract the genes of super-power creatures that can control special abilities. It is produced through special manufacturing equipment, by adding special materials and catalysts, and after more than 3,867 procedures. of.

In Zhou Yuan's base world, there are beings born with the ability to manipulate genes with special abilities. Apart from the Dream Demons, there are only Sand Demons.

The genes extracted from their bodies can express the super powers, one is the sand manipulation of the sand monsters, and the other is the dreaming of the nightmare family!

The natural special ability of the Sand Warcraft also includes the field of absorption.

The special abilities of the Dream Demons also reflect reality, and turn dreams into reality and reality into dreams.

However, the rank of these abilities all exceeds the third rank.

Zhou Yuan's base world is a Tier 3 base world, which also restricts the Super Energy Research Institute in the base world, and cannot create super powers beyond Tier 3 at all.

The quality of these 1,500 super genetic modification liquids is C gold.

Moreover, whether it is the manipulation of sand or falling into a dream.

Both are quite powerful and practical 263 superpowers.

Even after using these two super-power genetic modification liquids, the superpowers obtained are not conceptual superpowers. The price of these two super power genetic modification liquids was also priced at two million points by Zhou Yuan!

Two million points for a single stick, this price may be negligible for Zhou Yuan, who can easily get tens of billions of points in a dungeon world.


The total price of 1,500 genetically modified liquids reached 3 billion!

This is for Zhou Yuan!

Also a pretty good income!

As long as there are enough raw materials, Zhou Yuan will use the power of the base world after each dungeon, expand the base world from one second to three years, and fully produce super power genetic modification liquid.

Zhou Yuan can get at least 3,000 genetic modification fluids at the end of each dungeon mission!

Even after deducting the cost of nearly 200,000 for each genetic modification solution and the 300,000 certification points, Zhou Yuan can still get a profit of 4.5 billion points.

one year down.

You can get 54 billion points!

There is nothing less than the annual harvest of the sun flower bed of the money printing machine!

Wait for Zhou Yuan's base to be upgraded to the world level.

It is possible to manufacture a fourth-order super genetic modification liquid with a cost of 2 million points per certification (agcd), but it can sell at least 8 million points for one piece. Zhou Yuan's annual income will be doubled several times!

Enough to make Zhou Yuan make a lot of money!

But the problem is...

The materials used to make super gene optimization fluid... are gone!

This question, the Super Energy Research Institute, is thoroughly analyzing the material composition of the super energy gene optimization liquid, and reserves the synthesis and production of those materials through various ultra-high-tech equipment.

It's just calculated according to Lilith the Black.

Even if all the current production capacity in the Zhou Yuan base world is used for synthesizing materials.

Base the world every three years.

In the real world, the output of a copy of the intermittent time may only produce 500 third-order super energy genetic modification liquid.

this gain.

For many reincarnators, that is too much to imagine!

But for Zhou Yuan.

Still too little.


If his base world is upgraded, due to equipment and other reasons, the amount of fourth-order super-power genetic modification liquid produced will be reduced geometrically.

This is unbearable!


In his terrain grocery store, Zhou Yuan released the news of the long-term acquisition of super genetic modification fluid manufacturing materials through acquisition rights.

It also released the news that long-term acquisitions are born with innate abilities.


Zhou Yuan also authenticated various types of Zerg worm eggs, pitted space transmission devices, and third-order weirdo genetic modification fluid. After throwing them into the terrain grocery store, he left the base world and entered the reincarnation space Dragon Kingdom trading market!

Seeing the crowd of reincarnations like canned sardines at the door of the Terrain General Store, Zhou Yuan chose to open the Terrain General Store!

The reincarnators who wanted to enter the terrain grocery store were all transported to the terrain grocery store under the special spatial ability of the reincarnation space.

These reincarnators.

I didn't even look at what Zhou Yuan was selling.

The frenzied buying started immediately!

Thirteen seconds!

Only thirteen seconds!

Zhou Yuan threw it in the terrain grocery store. Except for the Shangqing Dadong Sutra, which was priced at 100 trillion points, and the Seraph's Sleeping Artifact, which was priced at 200 billion, the rest of the items worth more than 10 billion points were all swept away. null!

Some ordinary reincarnators are crazy!

"I'm going! I bought a B golden item, and it still has several attributes. If I resell it and sell it, I can at least double the profit! It's developed!"

"The third-order sand manipulation superpower is only two million points! It's too cheap!"

"I robbed the fifth-order spaceship!"

"I just grabbed the space teleportation device!"

Quite the hustle and bustle in the Terrain grocery store.

But the large-scale reincarnation guilds like Thunder Overlord, the team captains, and the official reincarnators all narrowed their eyes!


The things sold in the terrain grocery store this time are abnormal!

Although there are a lot of golden items in the second, third, fourth and fifth orders, there are also plasma insect eggs and a large amount of super power genetic modification fluid.

But the real good stuff!

So little!

Especially knowing that Zhou Yuan is the Thunder Overlord who has obtained more than 2,000 points in the Gintama quest world, I am not Pan Jinlian and the others!

They all know!

The army lord definitely got a lot of good things!

The main reason why he didn't throw those things at the terrain grocery store for sale may be that the things he got this time were all things that could increase his strength crazily!

This lady's...

The gap between them and the military leader was too big to imagine.

Now the lord...

The mother-in-law has become stronger again!

As soon as they left the Terrain Grocery Store, they saw the trading market. Among the various shops now, there is a store that has been open for a few months. Just like before the Terrain Grocery Store opened, it was crowded with reincarnators like sardines. !

The name of this shop is - Star Ocean!

Wait until the store opens.

They also entered the store!

Zhou Yuan!

Followed into this shop!

Others don't know much about Xingchenhai, but Zhou Yuan knows a lot about it!

Behind the Xingchenhai store is the Xingchen Peak Club.

The most basic requirement for joining this club is that in each rank, the physique or spiritual attributes of the reincarnator must reach the limit before ascending the rank!

Those who cannot do this will be expelled directly from the Star Peak Club!

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn, the members of the Star Peak Club might have a very slow rate of promotion.

But each of their members has at least a full physical or mental attribute, and they can leapfrog challenges!

That's right!

They can all leapfrog challenges!


Before his rebirth, Zhou Yuan had never heard that the Xingchen Sea shop opened by the Xingchen Peak Club would be so popular.

The reason for this...

Might be quite interesting....

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