Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 407 Hunter! More than 200 sets of magician sets! Twelve golden people!

Stalker, it sounds very similar to the stalker in Resident Evil, not at all compelling.

But this is actually a very high-end status in the reincarnation space!


This identity is the only identity for reincarnators who can return to the real world without any repression of their strength at all!

Such a bunker!

that is……

If you want to become a stalker, you have to kill a bug-level violator who is so powerful that it is too hard to kill. It is much more difficult than destroying the dungeon world.


After becoming a stalker, the world you enter is also a planet where the reincarnation space determines that there may be offenders based on intelligence.

Not completely free.

But this shouldn't matter.

Zhou Yuan went around the market again and found a street dedicated to selling magician's equipment.

no one...

Zhou Yuan used the wire to clone himself and just approached a shop. The shop owner, like a shark who smelled blood, squeaked out of the shop and grabbed Zhou Yuan's arm tightly:

"Brother! Are you looking to buy magician smashes, props, and skills? Come and have a look at my shop, I have them all here!

Moreover, everything I sell in this store is sold at 20% off the market price! "

The bosses in other stores also rushed out one after another, tugging at Zhou Yuan.

"Brother! Come to my store and buy it! I'll give you a 50% discount!"

"Brother, I have a big clearance sale here. If you look at it, you can take away all the magician's equipment and props in my shop!"

If it weren't for the rule that in the reincarnation space trading market absolutely can't hurt others, the magician's costume on Zhou Yuan might be torn apart violently.

Zhou Yuan's dough was pumped.

He knew why this happened.

The reason is actually quite simple.

Because of Zhou Yuan's own reasons, many reincarnators think that magician is actually a very powerful deputy, and they all hope that in the case of having the deputy of magician, in the dungeon, they can get more than the usual dungeon benefits.


In the dungeon world, not only did their income not increase, but they were much less than the reincarnators who chose other deputy positions.

Once or twice.

They will also comfort themselves, saying that they may not have mastered the magician's tricks, and the next dungeon world will definitely be able to obtain extraordinary gains.


If too many times.

Besides Zhou Yuan, no one has ever heard of a reincarnator with the deputy rank of magician, who has obtained extraordinary benefits in the dungeon world.

Those who are reincarnated will recognize...

The deputy of magician is really a rubbish deputy!

It is not because of the strong sub-professional magician that the military master can play, but because the military master himself is strong.

This has led to the fact that a few months ago, the hot magician equipment and props that were sold were completely ignored.

These reincarnations who have scoured almost all magician equipment and props in the trading market, and are ready to send a sum, now have the heart to die.

These magician equipment, props, although not worth a few dollars.

But keeping it in his hands still makes them disgusting strong enough.

Anyone who wants to buy.

Even if they lose money, they have to sell!

Zhou Yuan smiled: "I want it all ¨々."

"You... want it all, do you mean to buy all the magician's equipment in one shop, or all the magician's equipment and props in twenty shops?"

"I want all the equipment and props of the magician in the twenty families."

Zhou Yuan's answer, all the shop owners, all of them can't be fixed.

"That...although the level of the magician's suit is not very high, but because of the large number of pieces and some large-scale performance equipment, the normal minimum price of each magician's suit is also sold according to the F gold color. It takes a dozen or two hundred thousand points!

Even if we take a broken shot, each set will not be less than 100,000 points!

In each of our shops, there are at least a dozen sets of magician's equipment!

Twenty shops, at least two hundred sets!

Worth at least 20 million points!


Are you sure you want to buy it all? "

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Buy all!"

The owners of the twenty shops fell silent.

They can't be fixed!

Now, there are still people who spend a lot of money to buy magician suits. Does this mean that the deputy of magician has a powerful method of use that they have not discovered?

If there is...

Well, they are now selling 100,000 magician suits, and maybe even 300,000 to 500,000 points!

They kinda don't want to sell it now!


If there is no so-called powerful use method, they will not sell it to this goddamn local tyrant now, these equipment...isn't it going to fall into their hands?

One of the bosses said: "'I also have a set of equipment and props with a single quality of C green and a quantity of 500 pieces. Buy 3 million points, do you want it?"

Zhou Yuan's line clone nodded: "Yes!"

Twenty bosses are even more entangled!

Finally gritted his teeth: "Sell! All sold!"

Twenty shops, 200 sets of equipment with an overall evaluation of F gold, and a set of individual equipment and props with a grade of C green and an overall evaluation of B gold, were all bought by Zhou Yuan.

A total of 23 million points were spent.

After buying the magician's equipment, Zhou Yuan received a contact from the Overlord Flower, and exchanged information about the lucky equipment with Zhou Yuan with the twelve golden people!

Zhou Yuan is also not ambiguous!

Send the information directly.

[Benzetan's lucky charm.

Origin: GATE fantasy self-maintenance team male pig's foot Itami Yohji and the world of the ghosts and ghosts of the Izumo country, which is said by the god of luck Benzawa Tanchuan.

After upgrading to S gold, you can increase your luck by 100 points. 】

Just a few simple words!

In exchange (for Wang Hao), twelve golden figures of C gold came!

【Twelve Golden People

Quality: C gold

Explanation: These are the twelve golden figures created by the first emperor. What is the specific use? Even if they are craftsmen of the level of the twelve golden figures, it is not very clear. In the historical data, there is no usage of the twelve golden figures.

Even the first emperor who was resurrected seemed to have forgotten the use of these twelve golden figures.

Maybe... you can use these twelve to enter people and perform sacrifices to see if you can attract the gods from the previous session? 】

Playing with twelve huge golden figures at least ten meters high, Zhou Yuan's spirit was a little dazed.

Before the rebirth, countless high-level reincarnations wanted to collect the twelve golden figures, but they couldn't collect them all, so they were all collected by him?

Zhou Yuan pinched himself fiercely, confirming that the pain was real, not a hallucination, then he rushed to the upgrade device in the reincarnation space trading market!

He wants to upgrade these twelve golden people! winter.

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