Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 414 Bullet time! A whole world of fighting skills!

The four reincarnations with advanced numbers, like collapsed building blocks, turned into countless pieces and collapsed on the ground.

Their bodies were originally supposed to be broken up in an instant, and the blood that burst out was frozen by the terrifying cold air as soon as they left the body!


The ground is surging.

It seems that there is a terrifying big mouth below, swallowing these broken corpses.

From Zhou Yuan stepping into the Federation of Overlords through any gate, to Zhou Yuan killing people, using the rules of soil, and burying the body under the ground, it took no more than ten seconds!

Among them, the four reincarnations with advanced numbers, from launching an attack, to saying a word, to being killed by Zhou Yuan, took absolutely no more than three seconds.

Dozens of other spectators who passed through any door within ten seconds were shocked and their attention was always on the high-rise buildings near Manhattan Plaza.

Even if I occasionally catch a glimpse of Zhou Yuan's murder, I just think it's the magician's "two six three" acting effect!

I don't know at all...

Zhou Yuan really killed someone!

Zhou Yuan looked up and saw a dozen or so drones, flying over at the fastest speed, flicking the ever-changing tail of the cross that had not been retracted, and quickly wrapped around a drone. Pulled from the sky!

Zhou Yuan reached out and touched his pocket, took out a miniature nuclear bomb launcher, put a miniature nuclear bomb into the launcher, and grinned at the camera of the drone:

"I think at this moment, behind the drone camera, it must be the military of the Overlord Federation? Don't be in a hurry to detonate the missile carried by the drone, or you will regret it."

"What I have in my hand, you should know, is a miniature nuclear bomb. I have carried fifty of these miniature nuclear bombs in total.

Also, I was carrying three 15-megaton nuclear bombs. "

Zhou Yuan took out miniature nuclear bombs from his pocket in front of the drone camera.

And three high-yield nuclear bombs with a height of about three meters!

Prove what he said was true.

Zhou Yuan took out a water essence that might reach S rank and stimulated it at will.

An ultra-thin, ultra-high pressure water stream with a length of three or four kilometers was cut at a forty-five-degree angle, and easily cut off a building one kilometer away!

The upper part of the building, which was several hundred meters high, slid down from the building and fell to the ground, causing terrifying smoke and dust!

Zhou Yuan's face, close to the drone camera:

"Do you know what that means?

It means that I am different from the reincarnation of the Overlord Federation who cannot use the power of the mysterious side at all. I can use the power of the mysterious side and take things from space!

It means that the miniature nuclear bombs and nuclear bombs I took out may not be props, but real!

It means that if I am unhappy, or I am killed by you, these three high-yield nuclear bombs will likely be detonated in the Manha Shield!

Not only the Manha Shield will be destroyed!

The world financial center, the top of the Overlord Federation, and the top city in the world, will also turn into ruins. "

Zhou Yuan's voice was soft:

"I open any door and let the audience come to Manha Shield, just a magic show, in order to improve my magician professional level.

It does not mean to destroy the Manhattan.

Not to mention destroying the Overlord Federation.


Can I trouble you to let the drones go away, let the approaching samsara go away, let the snipers who are already in position go away, let the fighter jets and gunships that have already taken off go away...

By the way, don't target me with those missiles that have locked on to my position, or are about to lock on to my position?

I feel sharp as a person, and I feel like I'm going to be killed right now, and it doesn't feel good.

I was afraid that I could not control my emotions, detonated the nuclear bomb, and perished with the Manhal Shield and the world financial center. "

They don't even know!

This is nothing more than a threat from Zhou Yuan!

He simply can't do that!

Reincarnation space is not allowed!

That's right!

You read that right!

That is, the reincarnation space does not allow it!

Not to mention Zhou Yuan, even if they rely on nuclear bombs to deter major powers in the world, they cannot use nuclear bombs in the real world.


From Blue Star, the Samsara space was used as the selection base for reincarnators.

Whether it is a nuclear bomb, or weapons of mass destruction such as star-killing bombs that will appear in the future, they are all prohibited from being used on Blue Star.

The nuclear bomb Zhou Yuan took out...

Just a big toy for now.

really exploded...

It's a huge fireworks.

It looks good.

No fart power.


Overlord Federation!

Whether it is the military or reincarnation, no one knows this at all!

They are going crazy!

"The door that appeared in Manhadun was identified by the low-level reincarnators in Manhadun Square. It was an arbitrary door and belonged to the mysterious side equipment!"

"The one that cuts off the building is the ultra-high pressure water flow! It's similar to the water escaping water and breaking waves in the Izumo Naruto anime! It should also be a mysterious ability!"

Their emotions exploded!

"That magician! He really can use the mysterious power in the real world!"

"His nuclear bomb...not a prop! It's a real nuclear bomb!"

"Damn it! Reincarnation space is not fair!

Why can't all the reincarnators in our Overlord Federation be able to use the mysterious side power in reality, and even in reality, we can't even open the space given to us by the reincarnation space, but this guy can open the space in reality and use the mysterious side power. ? "

Many people are emotionally unstable 0  …

"Kill him!"

"Direct missile coverage bombing, kill him!"

"Lock his position, fire a nuke, kill him!"

But more people, even if they wanted to strangle Zhou Yuan, they had to hold on.


The big guys in Manhadun... there are just too many.

If they really attacked that guy, let that guy detonate a nuclear bomb in Manhadun, and let those big guys be buried with them...

The consortium that controls the Overlord Federation will send them all to God!

"Withdraw the drone!"

"Let the reincarnators stay away from Manhadun Square!"

"Let the sniper move the camera away for me and stop targeting that guy!"

"Let the fighter jets and armed helicopters return!"

"Return the missile!"

"We... can't afford to gamble!"


A beautiful and exaggerated beauty, swaying, raised her hands from outside the Man 2.3 Harden Plaza, and walked towards Zhou Yuan: "I don't have a weapon on me, I'm here to negotiate with you!"

She walked in front of Zhou Yuan and stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Ellie."

Zhou Yuan also stretched out his hand: "Me? Magician..."

When Zhou Yuan's hand and Ai Li's hand met.

Ellie's pupils contracted, her eyes filled with joy!



Having entered the copy of The Matrix, not only has bullet time, but also has been instilled in a whole world of fighting skills.

Just let her get within one meter of the target.

Even if the target's reincarnator is fourth-order, he can use the mysterious power!

She is also sure to kill!

This guy is dead right now!

This arbitrary door, which is comparable to an artifact, is owned by the Overlord Federation, but she will also have the right to use it!

"Bullet Time!".

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