Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 425 Freddy keeps getting beaten to death! The God's Left Hand Guild above the unlucky h

Freddy repeats this recovery and being twisted into a rag.

Although he didn't know, how the hell magician who kept attacking him knew that he could modify his own state in reality through the dreams of others.

It doesn't matter to him.

A rather ugly and weird smile appeared on his burnt face:

"It's useless, no matter how you attack, you can't kill me. All your attacks won't work for me. Instead of wasting your energy attacking me, you might as well think about how to quickly escape my pursuit... "

Using words to induce others to flee in fear, and then be killed by him in fear, this is Freddy's favorite method.


He allowed Zhou Yuan to keep attacking.

He wanted to make Zhou Yuan realize that Zhou Yuan's attack, as he said, was useless to him, making Zhou Yuan panic, and making Zhou Yuan feel fear!


His smile that had won the ticket quickly solidified!

Zhou Yuan killed him dozens of times in just a few seconds, causing the dream under his control to collapse because of the excessive power of the dream that he extracted!

He can no longer use the power of other people's dreams to modify his own state in reality!

Next 06 one second!

He was beaten to death by Zhou Yuan again!

[No. 100860, the number of times you killed the third-order overlord unit Freddy Kruger X2, you got the third-order special overlord unit treasure chest, after opening this treasure box, you will have the opportunity to get Freddy Kruger A skill bonus. 】

[Number 99 Reincarnation Space Dungeon Announcement: The third-order special overlord-level unit Freddie Kruger has been killed by the third-order overlord-level unit army leader X2!

Anyone who kills Freddie Kruger X5 times of reincarnation will definitely use Freddy Kruger as a skill. 】

Copy announcement.

The hundreds of reincarnations who appeared in Chunmu Town were speechless.

Maybe this ghost copy of Ghost Street is different from the ghost copy of those giant pits?

Is it a genuine copy of benefits?


The ultimate boss of this supernatural dungeon, how could the weak chicken be killed twice in a row by one person in just a few minutes?


you can not do that!

You must rise up!


Beating Freddy to death again, Zhou Yuan twisted his neck with a ferocious smile on his face!

Time to come!

[Warning: The World Anchoring Card of the Left Hand Guild of the Overlord Federal God will take effect, your New Year dungeon world will be anchored by the Left Hand Guild of the Overlord Federal God, and the 500 reincarnations of the Left Hand Guild of God will officially enter hell! 】

The world anchor card, under normal circumstances, can only anchor the dungeon world where the designated reincarnator is located.

That is to say.

The Left Hand Guild of God, under normal circumstances, should enter the Springwood Town of Monster Street. After all, Springwood Town is the main body of the ghostly copy of Monster Street.

Then use various means to find out Zhou Yuan's location and besiege Zhou Yuan.


Zhou Yuan was a Tier 3 Overlord unit, and was assigned to a hell that was completely different from Chunmu Town by the Reincarnation Space.


The five hundred reincarnators of the Left Hand Guild of God have entered... a hell where third-order brats are comparable to normal dungeon world bosses!

Because this copy world is a welfare copy.

After killing the bloody treasure chest dropped by the reincarnators, there is a high chance of opening the good things.

if it is possible……

Even if Zhou Yuan was beating Freddie while he was attacked by the hell lava goblin who was rushing towards Obsidian Mountain, Zhou Yuan also hoped that the place where the left hand of God appeared was where he was.

But obviously, although in the space battlefield, the world competition, the competition for the permission of the Great Void Engine, and the Great Void Arena, the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space, some special care will be given to him.

But he is not the real son of the reincarnation space after all.

The reincarnation space did not transmit the guild of the left hand of God to his location.

Instead, it was teleported to, maybe tens of thousands of kilometers away from him.

It may even be in the Grand Canyon, which is not the same planet as him at all.

The 500 reincarnators of the Left Hand Guild of God exploded as soon as they were teleported over!

"Monster Street! We use the World Anchor Card, which is anchored to Monster Street! It's a ghost copy! And it's a hell of a ghost copy!"

"The props we carry are basically unusable! Firearms are also unusable!"

"Any ability that is not a magic profession cannot be used!"

"It's over! I am a samsara who specializes in physique. I don't add much energy. In a dream, I can't resist Freddy at all!"

"I'm a mechanic! This rubbish copy actually prohibits all high-tech, I... my internal organs that have been mechanically transformed have stopped working, I... I can't do it anymore, who can use it in the world of supernatural copy Resurrection props, sell me..."

The mechanic who transformed his internal organs, looked at the other reincarnations who were usually better to him, and the reincarnations who usually formed a team with him, watching them avoid him like a plague god, and shed two lines. Tears:


He died without saying a word.

God's Left Hand Guild President God's Left Hand shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to save.

It's not that other people don't want to be saved.

It is the resurrection props of the Left Hand of God Guild, adding up to no more than three pieces. There is only one resurrection prop that can take effect in the ghost dungeon!

And it is the most precious one.

The mere life of a mechanic is obviously not worth the resurrection props.

It's not worth wasting such precious props to save!

Before the Left Hand of God could speak, he heard a more tragic cry from a guild member:

"Damn it! Hell is full of hell aura. Under the erosion of hell aura, I failed the judgment and was infected by hell aura. In one day at most, I will be infected into a chaotic hell kid!"

Others checked their status one after another, and at least 400 of the 500 people had black faces!


All were infected by the breath of hell!

That is to say!

They used the World Anchor Card, used the entire guild, and absorbed many top reincarnations from the Overlord Federation to hunt down the Tier 3 Great Void Arena Overlord.

I didn't even see the face of the army master.

After one day, more than 400 people will be lost...

If this information gets out...

Not only their God's Left Hand Guild will become a laughing stock.

The Overlord Federation will also become a laughing stock!

Reincarnations from other countries will die of laughter!

Before they fully understood their own state, they heard the hysterical shouts of the reincarnators who had just entered the dungeon and scattered to investigate: "Escape! Use the fastest speed to escape!"

Those reincarnators who were investigating, wished their parents would give them two more legs, and they tried their best to run out of the speed of a super sports car:

"In this grand canyon... there are at least tens of thousands of hell demon bees of level 39, attracted by the breath of us living people, and are flying towards this side!

If we are besieged by them, we will all die!

Run slowly, please turn around and resist, and buy time for us to escape! "

this moment!

No one admits they are slow!

Nobody wants to die! .

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