Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 429 Time to start the real show! The question mark skill that requires preconditions!

[Number 100860, the number of times you killed the third-order overlord unit Freddy Kruger X3...]

[Number 99 Reincarnation Space Dungeon Announcement: The third-order special overlord-level unit Freddie Kruger has been killed by the third-order overlord-level unit lord X3...]

A copy of the announcement is issued.

Thousands of reincarnations, possibly even more, in Springwood Town were collectively speechless.


How weak does Freddy have to be to be beaten to death three times by a Tier 3 Overlord-level unit in just ten minutes?

There is such a rubbish supernatural copy of the final boss, is it really the kind of tomb of the reincarnator they know?

Then they got excited!

Not all of them are top reincarnators.

Most of them are the kind of samsara who are struggling in the reincarnation space. Not to mention the full value of both physical and mental attributes. They have a single "280" physical attribute, and even some have not exceeded 100. At fifty o'clock, the combat power is not much stronger than the reincarnation of the second-order peak.

The only thing stronger than the second-order local reincarnations is that they are third-order reincarnations and can use most of the third-order props without restriction.

They usually don't say that it is to kill the final boss of the copy.

When they see the small bosses in the dungeon world, they all have to be lucky. If they are unlucky, they will die. If they are lucky, they can also collect points, exchange some equipment, and strengthen themselves in a trivial way.

And now!

The final boss of this dungeon, Freddy, is so trashy!

Doesn't it mean that they also have a chance to kill Freddy?

Thinking of the unreachable final boss treasure chest in the past, the awesome skills that the treasure chest opened, now they seem to be able to get it as long as they stretch out their hands and kill the weak Freddy, and the blood in their whole body will boil!

"Brothers, I have a temporary team contract here! Let's form a team! I'm in charge of sleeping, pulling Freddy from the dream to reality, and then we all work together to kill Freddy! The treasure opened in the treasure chest. Things, according to the value score!"

"The team is formed, and I still lack a tank with relatively high mental strength!"

"I'm a nanny, I can use the Holy Light skill, everyone who wants to team up with me, come to me, I promise to kill Freddy 100%!"

"I have soul attack skills, maybe in a dream, I might kill Freddy! Those who want to form a team!"

The group of reincarnations who appeared in Chunmu Town, in the eyes of Chunmu Town residents looking at the fool, turned Bianchunmu Town into a vegetable market!

It seems this moment.

The ghostly dungeon Ghost Street has really become a dungeon world where the reincarnation space brings benefits to everyone, and there is no danger at all.


"Freddy's four skills with question marks, one of which is space warp positioning and teleportation.

The other one, which was also tested this time, is that after using it, it will consume a lot of dream power, and it can ignore the virtualization ability of all attacks except for special attacks such as the rule system and the Creator series equipment. "

"The remaining two skills, either the skills are too rubbish, and Freddy uses them, and they won't have much lethality, so Freddy didn't use them.

Or, these two skills, strong terror, even Freddy, can only be used when certain conditions are met. "

"According to the urine nature of the reincarnation space, Freddy's remaining two skills with question marks in the supernatural copy world are obviously not too rubbish, but... terrifying skills that require preconditions to activate!

Even me, if I'm not careful, I might be killed by Freddy's two unknown skills! "

"Even without these two question mark skills, as Freddy said, his main target, if it is not the hundreds of thousands or even more reincarnators in Chunmu Town, but me, he only needs to put the dream realm If it unfolds, it could lead to my death."

"Freddy...really strong!"

"However...Freddy was killed three times. The time for his resurrection should be half an hour later, and he can temporarily ignore Freddy's threat!"

"The most important thing now is to solve the seven remaining reincarnators in the Left Hand Guild of God!"

Zhou Yuan started his show!

When others are fighting, no matter how much they control it, their strength will be exhausted when they keep launching large-scale attacks.

But Zhou Yuan won't!

What he controls obsidian is the rules of the earth!

It is the ability that contains a trace of the power of the rules, and the energy consumed is a few times less than the skills of the same power.

Coupled with his predatory talent, he is constantly drawing the power of hell.

Even in the battle with Freddy, what he showed were ranged skills that seemed to require a lot of energy and physical energy.

He himself, although he consumed some, but not much!

And this consumption is rapidly replenishing after the battle with Freddy!


No one else knows!

Zhou Yuan, who was standing on the pillar, adjusted his expression so that his face was full of exhaustion, and his face was too exhausted, causing his body to look too weak.  …

This appearance, existed for only two seconds.

Then, Zhou Yuan's spirit was lifted again, and he controlled the obsidian pillar under his feet, generating a large number of extremely sharp spikes, and his fingers pointed at the seven reincarnations who were caught in the storm by the Guild Master of the Left Hand of God!

One by one, the obsidian spikes broke from the obsidian pillar and blasted into the storm like a cannonball!

The power of these obsidian spikes!



When Zhou Yuan and Freddy were fighting, they were attacked by the large-scale range of the two, forcing them to be unable to participate in the battle at all. They could only take the reincarnation away with the storm, and they had to avoid the left hand of the gods who were attacked by the lava bombs of the hell lava goblins. Guild president them.

Not only was he not scared away by this tyrannical attack!

On their faces, there were expressions of joy!

"After he killed Freddy, his face turned pale, and his body was shaking because of excessive consumption, right?"

"I thought I was wrong, so you found it too? This shows that the battle between him and Freddy was indeed too much. The attack he just launched on us was definitely a last-ditch attack, just to scare us. , trying to scare us away!"

The president of the Left Hand of God Guild also had a smile on his face:

"I calculated, this army 2.3 master, even if it is a third-order arena overlord, even in this world, there is an overlord-level unit template, he killed Freddy three times, if it is this kind of combat intensity, his body , the absolute overdraft is powerful!

Right now he!

Absolutely the end of the line!

Absolutely bluffing!

His purpose is to scare us away.

Even if it doesn't scare us away, delay it long enough for him to recover. "

His expression was hideous: "Thinking beautiful!"

"We can't hold back under the attack of those goddamn hell lava goblins!

God has sent this opportunity to us!

We've been unlucky for so long, and we're finally moving! "

"Go! Kill the army master! Clear this supernatural copy!"

"Go to Te Niang's hell lava brat! Go to the special hell beetle...".

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