Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 435 Turn reality into a dream! The invincible ability to freeze time and space!

After Freddy was killed for the eighth time, Zhou Yuan's eyes narrowed.

"Freddy was beaten to death by me the first five times, and the resurrection time was an instant, a quarter of an hour, half an hour, six three hours, and twenty-four hours.

After the sixth time I killed Freddie, the seventh time, he was instantly resurrected, and then teleported to me through the space warp vertex.

After being beaten to death for the seventh time, he appeared in front of me again a quarter of an hour later.

If my inference is correct, Freddy's resurrection after death is a continuous cycle based on five times. "

"Furthermore, after Freddy's death and resurrection five times, it seemed that he activated a question mark skill that I didn't know about, but... he was killed by me before he could use it.

After the seventh and eighth appearances, he didn't use the skills I didn't know about. It wasn't that he didn't want to use it, but that he couldn't use it.

He was so eager to die...

It may be that after being killed ten times by me, I activate the skill that was activated when I was killed five times, and use that skill to kill me.


After being killed ten times by me and resurrected again, I can activate skills that are many times stronger than after being killed for the fifth time.

That skill...maybe for me, it really has the ability to kill instantly. "

Freddy appeared in front of Zhou Yuan for the ninth time, half an hour later!

This confirmed Zhou Yuan's guess.

In addition, for the ninth time, he did not use the ability to modify the world in his dreams at all, and he didn't even use nonsense. He just looked at the prey with a look that he couldn't wait to be beaten to death by Zhou Yuan.

This further confirms Zhou Yuan's guess.


Zhou Yuan gave up the temptation to kill Freddy ten times in a row and obtained another Freddy's ability, took out the Spirit Sealing Talisman ambush in the stone forest, and ran away with a bucket.

It's not that Zhou Yuan doesn't want Freddy's skills anymore.

Zhou Yuan wanted it.

But he bet.

If he kills Freddy for the tenth time and faces the resurrected Freddy for the eleventh time, he still kills Freddy before Freddy uses his skills, unless Freddy is in a certain mood Exploding, anger breaking through the sky, the combat power can break through the fifth rank, the sixth rank, or even higher, otherwise, it is impossible for him to appear in front of Zhou Yuan.

Even if he saw Zhou Yuan, he would run away with a bucket.

What Zhou Yuan wanted to do with Freddy was completely useless.

He wanted to kill Freddy the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, or even fifteen times, it was impossible!


He wasn't really sure if Freddy's ability to activate after killing Freddy for the tenth time could give him seconds before he shot.

If it is seconds.

He will lose at least one resurrection of the Heart of the Holy Spirit.

just in case……

After Freddy was killed for the tenth time, the activation ability continued. Even if he used the Heart of the Holy Spirit to be resurrected, he might be instantly killed by Freddy and completely cleared out of this supernatural copy by Freddy.

The losses would be quite heavy.


Having beaten Freddy nine times, it's unwise to try to kill Freddy for the tenth time.

Anyway, Zhou Yuan's main mission is not to kill Freddy!

When he has completed the main quest and can leave this dungeon world at any time, he will find another opportunity to kill Freddy for the tenth time and leave this supernatural dungeon immediately.

As such.

Not only did he get ten Freddy's treasure chests, but he also got one Freddy's ability again, and he didn't have to worry about Freddy's tenth resurrection, using his ability to kill the sky and giving him a second.

Isn't he sweet?

As for why Zhou Yuan is not afraid that Freddy will be resurrected after being killed for the ninth time, his anger will break through the sky, causing his combat power to break through the sky...

The reason is actually not complicated.

If you are Freddy, your pain is not very obvious, and you have the ability to be resurrected no matter how you are killed, your anger will break through the sky because of being killed, and you may completely lose your senses in exchange for continuous improvement. combat power?


Under the circumstance that you have other means to kill the opponent, absolutely not!

So did Freddy.

After he was killed by Zhou Yuan a few times before, he was still very angry.

But after being killed seven or nine times by Zhou Yuan.

he was killed...

I've gotten used to it.

Even if he was killed a few more times, it was impossible for him to enter the stage of anger that completely lost his senses, pushing up his combat effectiveness infinitely.


Sometimes there are things that excite Freddy more than being killed.

for example……

After he was resurrected again, he teleported through the space warp and came to the place where he was killed for the ninth time. I very much hope that Zhou Yuan will kill him for the tenth time, so that he can activate the last invincible ability and directly convert all reality into The dream space he can control freezes space and time.

Then, wake up Zhou Yuan's mind, in his infinite fear, destroy his body little by little, destroy his soul, let him be assimilated into his dream avatar by his own dream assimilation ability in fear.

Let his everything be turned into his own nutrients!


That bastard, but after killing him nine times, he ran away with a bucket!

It's like a man who barely shivered, but a woman told him that she had some kind of disease that could be transmitted through blood, mother and baby...


not human!

Simply insane!

Freddy rushed to die, and his smiling face was completely distorted at this moment.

His anger almost burned his sanity!

"Master! 280 kills you! I'm going to kill you! You and I will never die!"

"Don't let me see you again! Otherwise... even if you dare to touch me with a finger, I will die to show you!"

"Yes! That's right! The next time I see you, if you dare to move a finger on Uncle Freddy and cause damage to a single hair, Uncle Freddy will die for you to see!"

"You wait for Uncle Freddy!"

Freddy, who was in a very bad mood, returned to the world!

Over the whole of Springwood Town, there appeared a burnt and rather ugly face of Freddy at least a hundred meters in length. His unique voice came from the huge human face mouth:

"I seem to have heard you say that I have been killed so many times by the army master. I am the weak chicken among the weak chickens? I also heard you say that as long as you don't sleep, I can't do anything about you?"

"The reason why Mr. Freddy was beaten to death nine times by that bastard from the army master is because my main target is not him, but you.

For you, Uncle Freddy has launched the Dream Realm in Springwood Town.

Otherwise, as long as I cover the army master with the dream realm, killing him is easier than killing chickens! "


"I like your expression of fear now! It's the same as what you said! Whether you sleep or not, to me, it makes no difference at all.

Because you are in my dream realm! ".

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