Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 443 Torn dream realm! The third-order special overlord-level unit Jason!

One by one devil contracts burn.

Zhou Yuan nodded and gave them a final reminder:

"No matter what your final mission is, you'd better dig a safe space in the hell tunnel and hide until I clear this dungeon."

Zhou Yuan said so for a simple reason.


There really isn't a place where third-order reincarnations should stay.

Even Zhou Yuan, whose regular combat strength has reached Tier 4 and possesses the talent of predators, can keep himself in an infinite blue state. In the process of searching for the passage to hell, he encountered hundreds of millions. Although it is only the size of a finger, its level is A hell beetle of level 39, if not running fast.

Even if the heart of the Holy Spirit in his body can provide him with the ability to resurrect twice, his body after resurrection will be eaten up by hell beetles and expelled from the ghost copy of Ghost Street.

Also waste a ~ wedge of reincarnation space. hard.

And for Springwood Town, which is covered by Freddy's dream realm, there is a way to survive, but not much.

The reincarnation space will not arrange the mortal task of the reincarnator.

But in the supernatural copy, the probability of them being able to complete the task is pitifully low, and the death rate is terrifyingly high.

The danger in Springwood Town is also terrifyingly high.

Only this 17,800-kilometer hell passage is relatively safe.

These leeks that have signed a contract with themselves, if they listen to themselves, as long as they survive, they can cut leeks again in the future.

If they don't listen to themselves...

That's dead and dead.

Cut leeks from them once and earn it yourself.

There is no possibility of losing money.


After a period of preparation, Zhou Yuan left the hell passage and walked out of the fireplace.

[Dungeon Announcement: The leader of the third-tier overlord-level unit has stepped into Chunmu Town. The space will notify the specific coordinates of the third-tier overlord-level unit leader every half an hour, and all reincarnations who kill the third-level overlord-level unit leader , you can directly clear the ghost street ghost copy with high evaluation and high harvest.

At present, the position of the third-order hegemon-level unit master is at the fireplace of XXX and XXX. 】

[No. 100860, you have skills such as dreaming, dream control, etc., you can easily distinguish the wrong position, you have discovered Freddy's dream field, your appearance has caused Freddy who is recovering his strength. Note, Freddy's Rage is +50! 】

[Number 100860, you appeared in Springwood Town, Jason has locked your location, has found the location of Freddy's dream realm, and is forcibly breaking through Freddy's dream realm. After one minute and twenty-eight seconds, you can officially Break through the realm of dreams.

After five minutes, you will be included in its attack range, please get rid of Jason's pursuit as soon as possible. 】

The first dungeon announcement was to tell the reincarnations still in Chunmu Town to hurry up and kill Zhou Yuan.

The second announcement against Zhou Yuan explained Freddy's psychological process - Cao Nima, I was killed nine times by you in hell, and the tenth time I was given to you to kill, you didn't kill it, but now Running into my dream realm is like stepping directly on Freddy's face, which is unbearable!

Go to hell!

And the reminder of the third reincarnation space.

It made Zhou Yuan's pupils shrink.

If he understood correctly.

In the ghostly dungeon of Nightmare Street, it seems...probably...its final boss is not Freddie, but Jason!

Because Jason can lock Zhou Yuan's position outside of Chunmu Town, and can break through the dream realm that Freddy relies on in only one minute and twenty-eight seconds.

this means……

Freddy is not Jason's opponent at all under normal conditions, and will be beaten by Jason.

"It can only be said that this is worthy of the supernatural copy of the New Year's welfare. The bosses in it are more terrifying than the other, and each is more perverted."

Whether it is the reminder of the reincarnation space, and Zhou Yuan's psychological activities, they are all completed in an instant.

When he left the fireplace feet, just fell!

He activated the dream control ability, and forcefully grasped the dream with a radius of more than 50 meters in Freddy's dream field!


Within a fifty-meter radius controlled by Zhou Yuan, all buildings were instantly erased.

The reincarnations who were already in ambush, waiting for Zhou Yuan to appear, who were planning to take action against Zhou Yuan, had not yet made any moves.

The equipment they carried, the C gold color they found from the Chunmu Town Police Station, and the firearms with certain supernatural abilities, instantly turned into ferocious poisonous snakes and terrifying thorns, entangling the dozen or so reincarnators in ambush. , tighten.


Because Zhou Yuan only mastered the ability to enter a dream and control the dream state, and did not have the ability to reflect the reality of the dream state.

Even if Zhou Yuan forcibly deprived Freddy of part of his dream realm, he would not be able to control the dream realm, turning firearms and equipment into poisonous snakes and blood-sucking vines to kill these reincarnators.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

At most, these reincarnations can only be frightened for a moment.

But this moment is enough for Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan raised his index finger and made a shooting motion.

"The terrain is refined!"

At the tip of Zhou Yuan's index finger, countless amounts of air were repelled, forming extremely sharp vacuum bombs.

When Zhou Yuan retracted his index finger, it suddenly kept popping out.

A terrifying vacuum bomb with terrifying kinetic energy, like a sniper rifle bullet, penetrated the heads of these reincarnators.

Withdrew his finger, Zhou Yuan suddenly raised his head.

In the sky, a hundred-meter-sized face of Freddie appeared!

Its eyes spit fire: "Master!"

In his dream realm, the 100-meter-sized terrifying claws ripped apart the space in an instant and grabbed towards Zhou Yuan.

...... 0


This terrifying attack!

After entering the Zhou Yuan radius of fifty meters, it dissipated directly!

As if it never happened at all!

A giant snake with a thickness of at least ten or twenty meters and an unknown length opened its mouth and bit Zhou Yuan furiously.


This giant snake entered Zhou Yuan with a radius of fifty meters, and it also dissipated abruptly, as if it never existed at all!

Freddy's huge face in the sky burst with emotion: "You actually stole part of my dream realm!"

He was going to be mad: "A mere hell magician dares to compete with me for the control of dreams! When I take back the dream realm controlled by you, hell magician! Your death is coming!"

On dream control.

Zhou Yuan, who had just acquired the ability to control dreams, was indeed at the level of a younger brother compared to Freddy.


Even if Freddy is a Tier 3 special overlord level unit, his total mental power will never be more than Zhou Yuan under normal conditions. He wants to completely deprive Zhou Yuan of his control over part of his dream realm. It's an idiot talking in a dream!

Totally impossible!

And even if Zhou Yuan can only control a radius of two or three meters, he can still be immune to the attack from Freddy's dream realm!


He believes that it won't be long before Freddy can ignore him!

【warn! The third-order special overlord-level unit Jason has officially broken through Freddy's dream realm. The dream realm is being torn apart. Before Jason is expelled, the dream realm cannot be restored. 】again.

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