Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 447 Outburst of anger! The dream realm covers the dream realm!

This is the main reason why Zhou Yuan was so happy to see the Creator series equipment in the reincarnation space Dragon Kingdom trading market in the beginning.

Because of the ring of the creator!

He can kill any enemy!

Although the true damage is not as good as the direct damage of the creator.

But it is also possible to ignore all basic defenses!

It's fucked up!

When Zhou Yuan looked at Jason's corpse, it gradually disappeared transparently, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Freddy's big face in the dream realm that almost covered the sky after being revived, roaring in anger:

"Hell Magician! Army Master! You stole my prey again!"

Freddy was incompetent and furious: "Kill you! Kill you! Uncle Freddy is going to kill you!"

He roared twice as if venting, his expression became gloomy, and the sky in his dream realm also began to be covered with dark clouds, and it was raining lightly:

"This guy who ripped apart my dream realm also seems to have a strong ability to regenerate, magician of hell! Uncle Freddy will forgive you for robbing this uncle's prey twice.

But next, the guy who ripped apart my dream realm and let go of my prey is mine, if you dare to grab it again... I will kill you! Kill you! "

This threat...

Still incompetent fury!

if it is possible……

Freddy actually wanted to give away the head first, let Zhou Yuan kill him for the tenth time, and activate his last ability once.

Zhou Yuan squinted his eyes after making a 280-pleasure gesture towards the huge face in the sky!

Zhou Yuan originally thought that after Freddy was killed for the tenth time, he would be resurrected after twenty-four hours, just like the fifth time.

But Freddie was resurrected in an instant!

This is quite interesting.

This either means that Freddy was killed in his dream realm and can be resurrected instantly.

Or it means that after Freddy is killed, the time of resurrection is calculated based on the number of times the person who killed him killed Freddy.

If the former.

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

If the latter, it will also make the scalp tingle!

This directly means that if Zhou Yuan killed the kill just now, it would be the tenth time Zhou Yuan killed Freddy, and Freddy should be resurrected after twenty-four hours. .

But Freddy was killed by Jason. It was Jason who killed Freddy for the first time before he could be resurrected instantly.

If the next time, Freddy is still killed by Jason, Freddy will be resurrected after a quarter of an hour.

If the next time, he was killed by someone else, and it was the first time someone killed him, he would also be resurrected in an instant.

That's a bit convoluted.

Some brains.

Then put it in a no-brainer way - different people and different times kill Freddy, and Freddy's resurrection time will be different.

As for Zhou Yuan's guess, will it be correct?

Next, just guide Jason and Freddy to fight.

Jason kills Freddy to verify this.

If Freddy kills Jason, it can be verified whether it is Jason's true damage multiplier or the true damage value of the hockey stick in his hand.

No matter who kills who.

All can verify Zhou Yuan's conjecture.

Freddy, who was in the sky, glared at Zhou Yuan viciously: "You better keep your word, otherwise... I want you to look good! Kill you!"

Freddy was again incompetent and furious.

When Freddy saw the majestic Jason, he didn't know when he appeared near Zhou Yuan again. When Zhou Yuan started to get away from Jason at a high speed, he showed a grim smile:

"Intruder! Go to hell!"

Freddy has fully demonstrated the terrifying power of the dream realm!

The sky in the dream realm was covered with extremely dense dark clouds. Between the flashes of electric light, a thunder ripped apart the sky and blasted straight towards Jason!

This lightning!

It is generated in the realm of dreams!

If it exists alone, it will not kill the real life at all.

But if combined with the skill of mirroring reality, the thunder created by (agcd) Freddy will be a real attack to those who do not have the ability to control dreams!

The power of this blow has reached at least the fourth-order level.

When the thunder hit Jason, Freddy's eyes almost popped out!

Do not break defense!

His emotions exploded!

Under his control, one after another, the equivalent of fourth-order thunder, slammed into Jason like raindrops, and the splashed thunder destroyed everything in a radius of 100 meters.

Wait for the thunder to dissipate.

Jason raised his head unharmed and looked at Freddy's huge face in the sky, and unconsciously hehe, as if mocking Freddy.


In the dream realm, where Jason was standing, a giant flame with a radius of more than 30 meters was burning fiercely...


Do not break defense!

Jason tilted his head, looked at Freddy coldly, and raised his hockey stick!

next moment!

The dark clouds in the sky in the dream realm were instantly erased!

Freddy's huge face was also wiped off instantly!

【warn! Jason, who was reborn from Freddy's brain, gained Freddy's dream realm, dream control, and the ability to reflect reality. His dream realm is covering Freddy's dream realm. 】

This hint makes Zhou Yuan's brain hurt!


The reincarnation space opened for Jason by the reincarnation space is so big!


Even if Jason gains Freddy's abilities, it doesn't matter to Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan is in a stable mood.

It's Freddy who is emotionally unstable!

He can endure being killed, and he can endure being helpless to the other party, and his uncle Freddy is generally not very angry.


Jason used the dream realm to directly cover Freddy's dream realm, which completely ignited Freddy's anger!

In religion, there is a saying that infidels are more hateful than enemies.

If this sentence was applied to Freddie, it would be—the counterparts in the urban dream realm, and the counterparts who robbed him of his territory, all be damned!

His anger is rising!

His size is expanding!

His attack power!

Rising explosively!

His real body rushed towards Jason like a bulldozer, waving his claws frantically, tearing the ground into cracks.

It was embarrassing for Freddy.

His combat effectiveness after being boosted by anger is actually comparable to that guy with a hockey stick!

Two people……

It was so hard to tell!

This made Freddy's anger surge again!

After a few breaths.

Freddy used his sharp claws to dismember Jason. After killing Jason, he howled hysterically: "Hell Magician! Come out to me! Now! Immediately! Immediately! See if I can kill you!"

Because of his anger, his inflated fighting power made him feel like he was the master of the world!

He firmly believes!

In this state, he is invincible!

Absolutely can easily kill the hell magician! .

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