Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 45 Super power out of control! Severely disabled headquarters of a mysterious organization!

The same as before Zhou Yuan was reborn.

As long as you can withstand the punishment, Reincarnation Space doesn't mind you spreading viruses like zombies all over the world.

The issue is……

In the dungeon world after the official first-order, no one can stand it.

Even if the occupation is plague, biochemical, etc., it can release the virus itself. After releasing the zombie virus, it will not be weakened by half of the attributes of the reincarnation space.

Can't stand it either!

After all, after becoming the public enemy of all reincarnators in a dungeon world, no one can withstand the attack of the entire world caused by the exclusion of the world!

The old man will die!

If this world is not a zero-order world, the reincarnation space will be exempt from the attack of the whole world caused by the exclusion of the world.

If it weren't for the beginning, Zhou Yuan would have killed all the reincarnators.

If it weren't for the extent of his collapse of the world, it had already reached 80%. As long as the key nodes were collapsed, the world could basically collapse.

If it weren't for him, he would still have nearly a minute of time to use the time-space partition terrain.

Zhou Yuan will not take the risk, release the zombie virus, and twist the battle that starts five seconds after the meeting into a super biochemical crisis, which really turns the table!


He flipped the table!

His attributes have been weakened by half in this world.

But the overall weakening of Zhou Yuan is not much!

He is the master of all terrain!

The lethality when using terrain to fight has not been weakened.

His reduced superpower level is still extremely high.

His overall combat power is still there!

And because Zhou Yuan overturned the table, the mysterious organization that originally completely controlled the city of God's control, and even controlled all the armies and violent institutions of the country where the city was located, its combat effectiveness would be crazily weakened!

They returned to the city of divine control from the clouds that were supposed to be high above the pillars, but in a little more than a day, they were completely thrown into hell!

Sadly not anymore.

Zhou Yuan was carving radishes with Pei Ye's knife while listening to the broadcast from the radio station on the top of the mountain.

"The city of divine control has turned into hell!

The entire city of one million people has basically turned into a monster that runs faster than humans. Attacking others can turn them into monsters without sane corpses, and there are monsters with fly wings that have been integrated into the genes of flies!

God, what did I see from the surveillance, I saw a huge crawling monster with a body length of ten meters! "

The news broadcast by the radio station.

is a useless message.

Zhou Yuan was on the top of the tree, and what he saw with his binoculars was much more than the information broadcast on the radio.

About ten minutes passed.

In the broadcast of the radio station, the voice of the female anchor just now came out.

"Tell everyone an exciting news! Among the corpses that have turned into monsters, there are about 100,000 corpses, and it seems that other corpses have been killed! The number of monsters is decreasing!

Oh! Do not! I just got the news.

The 100,000 zombies scattered again, madly attacking all living beings! "

Zhou Yuan paused for a moment to carve a radish with Bei Ye's knife and took a deep breath.


His flipping the table was the right decision.

These 100,000 zombies that attacked other zombies had obviously become puppets controlled by others before they turned into zombies!

If Zhou Yuan didn't lift the table, he would rush into the city controlled by God.

These puppets can kill Zhou Yuan more than a hundred times!

And now.

These puppets turned into zombies, completely lost their minds, and their instinct to kill living beings overwhelmed the superpower's control of their puppets.

As a result, 100,000 puppets were completely out of control.

Probably at this moment.

The superhuman who turned 100,000 people into puppets after I don't know how long it took, would cry horribly and piercingly?

Another two hours passed.

Zhou Yuan heard a very useful news from the broadcast of the radio station.

"My God! My God! Am I crazy, or is the world crazy?

According to the information passed on to me by the remaining people, in the city of divine control, there are zombies that can teleport, zombies that can release flames of dozens of meters, and zombies that cut everything with swords!

There are also zombies whose arms have turned into cannons, constantly destroying everything!

There was even... a huge zombie with a body length of at least twenty meters that kept devouring other zombies!

Done! It's all over!

No...don't come here! "

The voice of the female broadcaster stopped abruptly.

The female anchor who held on to the end was bitten to death by a zombie and became a member of the zombie. In the studio, she uttered a terrifying roar.

The female anchor turned into a zombie, preventing Zhou Yuan from getting information from the broadcast again.

But that's enough.

This last news is the key news that Zhou Yuan has been waiting for!

It was very clear and straightforward to tell Zhou Yuan that there was a big problem in the mysterious organization headquarters where the super-matrix that had been releasing the super-evolutionary instinct super-energy wave that Zhou Yuan almost could not restrain.

The superpowers with high-level superpowers have begun to turn into zombies.

Either there was a super-power zombie attack at their headquarters that was difficult to deal with, causing the mysterious organization's high-level power users to turn into zombies.

Or, it is a massive amount of zombies, breaking the resistance of the mysterious organization headquarters!

Either way.

The mysterious organization is absolutely in a state of severe disability right now!

Zhou Yuan silently put away Lord Bei's knife and radish.

The opportunity he was waiting for should come soon!

As expected by Zhou Yuan!

The opportunity he waited for came when the sun rose the next day!

The super energy wave that had been madly seducing Zhou Yuan's super power evolution instinct suddenly stopped! *

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