Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 454 European Emperor Appraiser! Blood Burst Dan! Proprietary time control!

This scarecrow...

Simply put, it is death.

And it is the kind that will completely destroy the scarecrow after using it once.

This kind of surrogate scarecrow is very difficult to obtain in the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space, but it is the least difficult to obtain among surrogate and resurrection items.

The main body level of the reincarnators in the 99th reincarnation space has reached the sixth level or above, and after they have become the sixth order, there will be about two or three people out of a thousand reincarnations who have this kind of replacement scarecrow.

But when the reincarnators in the space numbered ninety-nine are all third-order, this quality is S-gold, and if it is placed in the space given by the reincarnation space, it can take effect as a substitute scarecrow. It is definitely a super rare item.

If it is not for the ghost street ghost dungeon, the items and props that exceed the third-order limit will take effect.

The reincarnator who dropped the scarecrow in this bloody treasure chest might be able to use the scarecrow to escape the fate of being killed.

If Zhou Yuan is willing to exchange this S golden scarecrow, maybe he can exchange for some equipment and props that are several times more than the actual value of the scarecrow.


Zhou Yuan will not exchange this scarecrow!

Even if Zhou Yuan knew how this scarecrow was made, it could be made at the sixth level, but Zhou Yuan still wouldn't exchange it.

If possible, he will collect as many scarecrows as possible.


The most important thing in making this scarecrow is not the straw, nor the craftsmanship of making the scarecrow, or even the spell that others cast on the scarecrow, but a material that can change states!

Through the incantation applied to this material and the blood of the user's heart, the fatal injury of the user's death and the scarecrow can be instantly converted.

From achieving the effect of replacing the scarecrow.

This kind of material that can be transformed into a state can be collected in one hundred pieces, plus spells and formations such as damage storage and damage rebound.

Then you can create anti-injury equipment that absorbs ten times the damage of the user's blood, and can instantly reflect the ten times the absorbed damage to the enemy!

This kind of equipment, as long as it is made, the quality starts to be a semi-artifact of the eighth order.

Even the quality can reach the artifact, maybe!

The success rate is impressive.

Before Zhou Yuan's rebirth, he had collected such surrogate scarecrows. He failed four times and wasted 400 surrogate scarecrows. After his face turned green, he succeeded in making half-artifact-level equipment.

Zhou Yuan was lucky.

Other unlucky people who have reached the ninth rank may fail twenty or thirty times, go bankrupt, or even sell their blood before making a piece of anti-injury equipment.

But even so!

They have nothing to lose!

As long as you have this kind of anti-injury equipment, it is equivalent to carrying a blood bottle with ten times your own blood volume that can replenish blood at any time!

Before the ten times the blood volume was completely wiped out by the enemy, the enemy could not harm the user at all.

When ten times the blood volume was wiped out.

This kind of anti-injury equipment will also provide the user with an attack that is equivalent to ten times the user's own.

As long as the user is not fighting the enemy by leapfrog, this 10-fold damage blow will basically kill the enemy as long as it hits the enemy.

Of course.

Those who can make it successfully are the Emperor of Europe.


Among the reincarnators who know how to make such anti-injury equipment, at most one percent.

More than 99% of the other reincarnations who plan to make anti-injury equipment are non-chiefs.

They begged their grandfather to tell their grandmother, burned incense and worshipped Buddha, went bankrupt, and even sold their blood and body, but they could not make it successfully.

Therefore, among the reincarnators who know how to make this piece of equipment, it is called... the European Emperor Appraiser.

If anyone has such an anti-injury equipment...

The important task of touching the corpse after killing the boss is none other than him!

without him...

Ou Huang!


【Blood Explosion Pill x10

Quality: B gold

Explanation: This is an elixir from the early stage of a fairy tale novel world, and a certain magician cultivated it. It can instantly burn your blood and generate explosive power. Before all your blood is burned to empty, your Physical attributes can be increased by two to three times!

(This effect refers to the fourth-order! Below the fourth-order, the effect is doubled, but the user will surely die. Above the fourth-order, the blood-burning effect is not sufficient, the geometric multiple of the improvement effect decreases, and the survival rate greatly increases)]

This elixir...


For normal reincarnations, it is used to kill the enemy.

It belongs to the elixir that perishes with the enemy.

But for reincarnators with super-recovery abilities, or those with attributes such as super-speed regeneration, flesh and blood regeneration, and immortality, this blood burst pill is a good thing to save their lives.

If Zhou Yuan is in a dangerous situation, his drought can almost double his physical attributes.

His old ladder can add another thousand points of physical attributes to him.

Then take blood burst pills.

Unless it's a BOSS0 who is good at speed and space...

Other sixth-order life, let alone killing Zhou Yuan, can't catch up with Zhou Yuan!

If this kind of blood explosion pill, cooperate with the blood escape of the magic cultivator.

Incredibly faster.

good stuff!


【Inherent time control

Quality: S Gold.

Category: Enchantment Skill

Description: This skill is a time manipulation skill.

Inherent time control is a kind of inherent enchantment. It is a technique designed on the premise of performing great magic. It can separate the flow of time inside and outside a specific space, and perform time control of time stagnation and time acceleration in a specific space. .

Using the inherent time control will cause a great burden on the human body, and manipulating the time in a specific space will inevitably cause errors in the flow of time inside and outside the enchantment that divides the specific space.

After the enchantment is lifted, there will be a force of nature to compensate for the time gap caused by the time flow error.

This is the world correction!

The enchantment formed by using the inherent time control, the larger the coverage area, the greater the world correction generated, and the greater the backlash to the user.

Conditions of use: The user needs to have magic engraving. 】

Zhou Yuan's pupils were shrinking when he saw this!

When he was just reborn, he used the ability to refine the terrain, and the time-space partition line that he forcibly cultivated had the time attribute. After that, he never encountered time attribute skills or items.

Even if he has now obtained the profession of hell magician, he has no time-related skills.

And now!

2.3 What did he see?

He saw time-related skills!


The skill of inherent time control should be FATE, which is the skill that Emiya Kiritsugu possessed in the Holy Grail War.

Emiya Kiritsugu's application of this skill is the best.

He set the inherent time control enchantment in his own body!

That's why.

That is because the innate separation of the physical body and the outside world is the most natural. The enchantment that controls the inherent time is set in one's own body, and the interference from the world is the smallest. The resulting world-correcting power is The least.

If Emiya Kiritsugu hadn't set the natural time control in his body, and he used the natural time control for a few seconds, then canceled the natural time control, it would be impossible to have only a few side effects such as arrhythmia, abnormal breathing, and abnormal body temperature.

He might...

The power that will be corrected by the world will be devoured to death! .

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