Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 456 Strong enough to burst the dream to modify the reality ability! (please order all!!)

Zhou Yuan has three abilities related to dreams, including dreaming, dream control, and blurring.

Among them, the ability of dream realm and blurring comes from Freddy.

Leaving aside the ability to blur, as well as all of Zhou Yuan's own abilities.

Dreaming, dream control, and this Freddy's claws are enough to make Zhou Yuan a Jane version of Freddy who can kill people in other people's dreams.

Freddy's claws, although only one ability, and the quality is C golden, its value has exceeded the value of the top C golden items, even more than the normal B golden items, reaching the value of A golden items. value!

Can sell tens of millions!

If there is a reincarnation boss, who has the ability to enter and control dreams, but still can't kill people in dreams, knowing Freddy's sharp claws, he will definitely give points equivalent to S gold to buy it!

Of course……

Freddy's claws are useless to Zhou Yuan.

Because under Zhou Yuan's subordinates, there is a clan of dream demons!

The third-order dream demon has the ability to enter a dream, control the dream, and reflect the reality.

Fourth-order dream demons may have the ability to cover reality with dreams, similar to Freddy's dream field.

tier five...

They can turn reality into a dream!

Even if most of them are third-order now, Zhou Yuan only needs to kill a third-order dream demon and use the ability of the original ball to transform into a third-order dream demon. He is also a simplified version of Freddy.


He turned Camus into a follower.


It's level five!

In the case of allowing followers to participate in the war, Zhou Yuan, who has Kamui, is worse than Freddy in the third-order New Year's ghost dungeon Ghost Street, that is, a few unique skills, that's all.

In the future, when Kamui or other members of the dream demon family grow to the sixth, seventh, and eighth orders, they will also have unique skills such as dream modification, creation of dream life, creation of dream world, and similar dream erasers.

At that time, they will be inferior to Freddy, that is, as long as they know Freddy's name and deeds, Freddy will never die.

But this kind of undead ability will also be possessed after the Dream Demons become gods.

Look at it this way.

There seems to be no difference between the Dream Demons and Freddy.

Actually, there really is no difference.

In the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space, the one who was transformed after Freddie's death was the Dream Demon.

It's just that Freddy is different from a normal dream demon. He is a dream demon on the supernatural side, and the skills he knows are somewhat unreasonable.

However, the ability to reflect reality carried by Freddy's sharp claws is useless to Zhou Yuan, and the skills that are developed are very useful to Zhou Yuan!

This is an ability that includes fifth-order Kamu, which is currently not available!

[Dream changes reality

Quality: C Golden

Description: After learning this skill, you can modify the reality you perceive by consuming other people's controlled dreams.

But be careful!

The modification of reality by this skill will cause the backlash of the power of world modification.

Remarks: This skill modifies items and lives higher than its rank, and the dream power it consumes increases geometrically. Each level of this skill's quality increases, the dream power consumed and the world correction backlash caused by it are doubled! 】

This skill...

Make Zhou Yuan's pupils shrink!

If he understands correctly, this skill can not only act on himself, but also on other objects and lives!

He can use this skill to modify the form of other objects, to erase the wounds of other lives, or to distort other lives, turning men into women, women into men, and even directly erasing other people's lives .

that is……

The ability of the dream to modify the world, like the inherent time control of the inherent enchantment, will cause the interference of the world. After the skill ends, it will be corrected by the power of the world!

This correction will be very strong!

Even...may directly injure the user, or even die!

As for Freddy, who is not afraid of death, why didn't he use the ability to modify reality with dreams and directly obliterate Zhou Yuan...

Not that Freddie didn't want to.

Purely because of...

The townspeople of Chunmu Town, who had his dreams under his control, all the power of dreams combined were not enough for him to do this.

Suppose an ordinary person's dream power is five points, which is equivalent to his spiritual attribute.

In the Dragon Country, there are fifty or sixty thousand people in a small town.

Even in the hegemonic federation of the last century, the population of a small town is smaller than that of the Dragon Country, with ten or twenty thousand people, there should still be some.

That is to say...

50,000 or 60,000 dream powers, or even 100,000 dream powers, are not enough to allow dreams to modify reality and directly modify life in reality.

And a life with 50,000 to 60,000 dream power points is at least the seventh order!

Moreover, it is the seventh-order specialization spirit, and there is only so much dream power.

This sucks!

If you want to use the C golden quality dream to modify the reality ability, to modify the life and items of the third-order reality, you need to use up the dream power of a seventh-order master who is lying flat and does not resist at all, or consume 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. The power of people's dreams, let them die...

No matter what, it's a loss-making business.

And it's a loss to grandma's house!


If the quality of this skill is raised to SS level, the consumption and backlash will be reduced by 16 times, and if it is raised to SSS level, it will be reduced by 32 times!

That is, if the quality of this skill is SSS level.

If you want to modify a third-order life or item, you may need three or four thousand dream power points to be successful.


That is to use up a few third-order reincarnations, or the dream power of hundreds of ordinary people.

This skill...will become quite practical...what a ghost!

It takes a lot of money to upgrade this skill to the SSS level, exhausting the power of several reincarnations of the same order, in order to change the form of a reincarnation of the same order, from men to women, or from women to men, or obliterate them.


Zhou Yuan spends a little money, throws them to the plastic surgery clinic, or punches them to death, can do the same!


This skill, used in places other than yourself, is a loss!

on the contrary!

The ability of dreams to modify reality, if it only acts on oneself, it is really...

It's too strong!

Zhou Yuan hypnotized a dog with only three health!

Using the power of C's golden dream to modify reality, exhausted the power of this dog's dream, and directly wiped away the fatal injury to ordinary people!

Zhou Yuan has controlled a third-order life sand demon beast!

When Zhou Yuan consumed half of its dream power, he wiped away dozens of injuries that would lead to his death!

This is clearly telling Zhou Yuan.

As long as he improves this skill, as long as he controls enough dreams through dreams, as long as he uses the ability to modify reality quickly enough...

Someone wants to kill him...

Might as well dream! .

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