Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 471 The certification points are 1774 billion! Earned a lot (please book all!!)!

The year is approaching.

In the base world of Monster Street, Zhou Yuan recovered the fangs of the hell scarab beetle that sealed the Wailing Spirit.

A total of 35 million!


Zhou Yuan quietly collected 100,000 F golden equipment without causing human counterattacks.

As for why so many F golden ones can be collected...

The reason is not complicated at all.

Because as long as the equipment that can damage the spirit body, it is at least special F gold, and there is no equipment lower than the F gold quality.

Zhou Yuan's 100,000 F golden equipment has been screened, and the attributes are very good!

If not filtered.

He can collect millions of gold equipment and props!

The reason why Zhou Yuan didn't want the F golden equipment that he screened out was not complicated.

The certification points for those garbage equipment and props...

Higher than the price!

Zhou Yuan certified out!

Absolutely lose money!

Only the 100,000 F golden equipment can make a lot of money after selling the certification points.

Make an image metaphor.

The reincarnation space numbered ninety-nine is the boss, with countless employees, and there will never be a shortage of employees.

And Zhou Yuan is one of the countless employees.

But he is stronger than ordinary employees.

The interests he creates are higher, and he is more concerned by the big boss.

With his own efforts, Zhou Yuan rented the base world from the big boss and became a small boss.

Using the materials and rules in the world of the big boss base, and with their own mind and technology, they made products.

The raw materials in this product belong to the boss, and the boss has to deduct the cost price, which is the lowest certification point.

If the manufactured product is too rubbish, the minimum certification points will exceed the selling price.

If you are certified to sell it, the pants that will definitely be lost are gone.

If the product is of good quality, it can make money, and it can make a lot of money.

The big boss not only wants the cost price of raw materials, but also 90% of the profit.

Because it is an exclusive business.

You love to earn or not.

Big bosses are also not afraid of employee resistance.

As a result, the certification points will be ridiculously high!

It's like Zhou Yuan's 100,000 F gold items.

The lowest certification point for a piece of equipment is 490,000, which is almost two and a half times the price of the most top-quality gold-colored equipment.

High crazy!

That is to say, in the judgment of the big boss's reincarnation space, the normal price of this piece of equipment is 500,000. No matter how high it is, no one may buy it.

If Zhou Yuan can sell this equipment for more than 500,000 yuan, that is Zhou Yuan's ability.

This is Zhou Yuan's profit.

And Zhou Yuan!

Confidently put these gear on sale!

Double it!

There's nothing special about one million points, don't even think about buying F golden equipment for the supernatural dungeon from Lao Tzu!

after all……

Now in the trading market, there are basically no equipment and props that can be targeted at the supernatural side. The rare thing is the most expensive. The transaction price of any one item is far higher than the normal selling price of the reincarnation space.

If Zhou Yuan sold these equipments cheaply, Zhou Yuan would be a fool.

Selling twice, others will definitely praise Zhou Yuan for his conscience!

As such.

Zhou Yuan sold all these 100,000 pieces of equipment, earning more than 50 billion points!

In addition to 100,000 pieces of F gold equipment.

Zhou Yuan also collected ten thousand pieces of E golden equipment, three thousand pieces of D golden equipment, and five hundred pieces of C golden equipment.

The certification points of E golden equipment, the minimum one million.

D certification points for golden equipment, a minimum of 3 million.

C Certification Points for Golden Gear…

It reached a million!

These are sold...

Probably earn two or three billion points!

Everything he collects is sold, and he can earn hundreds of billions of points!

The only problem is that he only has two or three hundred million points now, and he is still more than one trillion points away from getting all these things certified, which is too much.


This is not a problem!

No points!

Then borrow it!

He knew someone was definitely rich!

Zhou Yuan contacted the god elf Naiya without hesitation, and let the god elf Naiya break the defense: "Lend me two trillion points first, just two soul crystal cores ¨々."

Naiya seemed to be hit with a sap: "' ˇ You must have contacted the wrong person. The person you want to contact must not be me, right? I have no money!"

"I use my current Tier 3 base world as a mortgage. Within a year, or if I die and don't pay off the points, this base world will be yours.

If I pay it off, you still have the right of first refusal for this base, and you can also give you a 10% discount! "

"What are you kidding, what Tier 3 base world can be worth two trillion points? I really have no money!"

I want to borrow Naiya's money from her!

Might as well kill her!

Do not!

Kill her, no money!

Zhou Yuan had long anticipated this situation, and let the god elf Naiya see the equipment like a hill: "These equipments are my harvest in this base world for a year, you can calculate the value."

When countless data are aggregated to the god Naya!

(good promise)

Her pupils shrank to the extreme!

Saliva flowed down involuntarily!

"More than 2 trillion! This pile can be sold for more than 2 trillion!"

She shook her head fiercely and stared at Zhou Yuanmin:

"Your base world is on the supernatural side.

Moreover, it has opened up hell and the world, and put the life of hell into the spiritual side base world of the human world for spiritualization, otherwise you won't get so many things!


What a lunatic!

I don't know how many people wanted to do this like you, and they all died! "

"But... crazy! You base world! I want it! I'll lend you the money, you don't have to pay it back, as long as you can no longer enter this third-order base world, just give me this third-order base world. It's gone!"

"The premium part, just... marry me as a dowry!".

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