Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 498 The bandit leader's sense of sight is getting stronger and stronger! Prompt trigger

PS: Chapter 498, made a big mistake and has been revised.

Text below!


This is quite interesting.

In the dungeon world of space, or the dungeon world of the Great Void Engine, there is no such thing as compensation for the world's indigenous characters or gods.

Whoever develops their own games and plays them by themselves, they also need to charge their own money to play-.

It's not just creating an account at will, modifying the underlying data at will, and playing how you want to play?

Charge money?


If you want to make each space, or the super-high ratio of the Great Void Engine, you need to charge money to play the game, it is definitely not a game developed by them.

It's... someone else's game.

That's right!

It's someone else's game!

Before Zhou Yuan's rebirth, until he became a ninth-order true god, he had never heard of death trains, horror cruise ships, hell movie theaters, or buses...

What are these things?

It gives the impression of being petty.

Also euphemistically called the new space.

The number ninety-nine reincarnation space also reminds that if the overall evaluation of those new spaces is ranked high, each space will lose some spatial characteristics...

It didn't mention winning, it is possible to get some space features such as trains, cruise ships, movie theaters!

Put simply.

Big Void Engine, is a bandit leader.

Each space is a bandit under the bandit leader.

One day, the leader of the bandit suddenly found a rich man with a wealth of wealth, but no armed force, a very weak chicken.

The bandit chief took a fancy to the rich man's wealth.

But the bandit leader has a good reputation, and he can't ruin his reputation.

But let him give up the rich man's wealth, it is absolutely impossible!


Each of the bandits, armed with guns and knives, pointed at the rich man's forehead, and said to the rich man, "We are the most reasonable, and we convince people with virtue."

You play a game with us, and if you win, you win the gun in our hands.

If you lose.

Lose all your possessions to me!

The rich man dares to win under the bright swords and guns?

dare not!

He has to lose.

After he lost all his property, he discovered that the bandits not only took his property, but also robbed his wife, and finally took his life.

The rich man...

It may be the mastermind behind the existence of death trains, horror cruise ships, etc.

He may end up...

Died miserably.

Of course, this is just Zhou Yuan's wild thoughts.

How much is true, no one can say for sure.

Zhou Yuan nodded at the world security system manager 3800: "I can compensate you."

"thank you!"

She showed a bright smile, and a huge amount of data was transmitted from her fingers to Zhou Yuan's mind:

"Next, you will be reincarnated into a fantasy world of swords and magic.

Then please... kill the hero?

Oh no!

There are too many lives to kill the hero.

Please help the brave, at least... don't let them die within 16 years after your reincarnation. "

[Great Void Engine: No. 99 Reincarnation Space Tier 3 Great Void Arena Overlord, owner of Great Void Engine authority, your main mission in this space killing field is to ensure that the brave is within 16 years after your reincarnation. , not killed.

The punishment for the failure of the main mission of the killing field in this space will be repeatedly confirmed by the death train, horror cruise ship, hell movie theater and other related new spaces. Those who fail the main mission will be obliterated!

The Great Void Engine overrides this penalty.

All reincarnators in the space related to the Great Void Engine can use resurrection props. Reincarnators without resurrection props will be obliterated after the main quest fails. 】

Great Void Engine...

This is helping the space cheating associated with it!

[Great Void Engine: The mission world of the world's strongest assassin reincarnated into a noble in another world has been covered by the Great Void Engine, which has erased the special permissions of the new space such as death trains and horror cruise ships, and has raised the distortion of this world to Ninety-five percent.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

The terrain, race, and characters of this world will be very different from light novels and anime. 】

these tips.

Let the Great Void Engine be the bandit chief who ran to the rich man's house, armed with a gun, and made a fortune in the rich man's house.

[Great Void Engine: XXX has been deprived of jurisdiction over this real world. After negotiation, the Great Void Engine controls the highest authority of the world security system and has acquired 129,600 worlds.

World Security System Manager 3800 has been brought under the jurisdiction of the Great Void Engine.

... . 0

The final jurisdiction of the world security system manager 3800 belongs to the reincarnation space of the new student number 99, and you do not need to give 3800 any compensation. 】

Zhou Yuan…

Great Void Engine!

You said you were not a bandit!

[Great Void Engine: You have obtained 1/1000th of the permission of the sub-world... It is detected that you are a reincarnator of this space killing field. This permission is sealed. After the space killing field is over, you will get 1/10000000th of this world. One's income. 】

It's time!

Zhou Yuan just found out!

If he is not the owner of the Great Void Authority, he will not receive so many Great Void Engine prompts at all!

He may only receive a tip that compensation is waived!

This feeling...

not bad!

It was Zhou Yuan who had just released the World Security System Manager 3800 to protect the brave and the devil for sixteen years. At this moment, his thinking was a bit messy.


compensated her.

Is this cancelled?

She was expelled from the world security system by the higher-level unit, and returned to the number 99 reincarnation space?

She is not a cargo!

Why not ask her opinion?

All right.

She felt that, even if she gave her opinion, the new boss number 99 in the reincarnation space would not listen.

If she dares to resist...

Do not!

She dare not resist! again.

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