Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 516 Destroy the devil with one hit! Homeland Destruction Magic Array! (please order all!)

The 100-meter giant that was activated.

Used to clean up trash, it is almost invincible, just like Seka of the Doflamingo family stone fruit in the One Piece anime.

However, such a giant is not fast enough, not dexterous enough, has too much internal space, and its defense power is constant as the building defense power, so it can be easily destroyed.

In front of a real master, it is vulnerable.


If this 100-meter giant is used to carry thunder... no matter how much it can carry!

The face of the dark clouds tens of kilometers shrank, and the countless thunders shrank, and smashed down the thunder like a torrential rain at the 100-meter-high giant.

The giant's head and body collapsed into pieces under the indiscriminate bombardment of countless thunders and fell to the ground.


in shock to everyone.

On these fragments, the activating technique that was not destroyed, the light of magic appeared, making the fragments seem alive, biubiubiu climbed up on the giant body again, and repaired the gap of the giant giant!

The huge giant began to run wildly on the ground.

Every step it took was a distance of hundreds of meters, and at the same time, it left a long ravine on the ground.

In a quarter of an hour!

With the Royal Knights Academy as the center!

The pattern of the national magic circle with a radius of ten kilometers appeared on the ground!

The huge stone giant roared: "I found the troll monsters in the army formation, rushing towards the Royal Knights Academy, and inject magic power on the nodes I left, hurry up!"

When hundreds of magic circle nodes are injected with magic power!

One after another magic beams are quickly connected in series on the ground magic array, forming one after another magic formula, the huge magic array with a radius of ten kilometers is activated!

Layers of magic arrays violently extracted the mana within a ten-kilometer radius, as well as one-third of the magic power from the students, teachers, and principals of the Royal Knights Academy within this range, forming a beam of light that reached the sky!

The gradually shrinking magic circle has been extended to several kilometers in the sky!

When these magic arrays turn!

The Homeland Magic Circle is activated!

A semi-circular barrier with a radius of ten kilometers was buckled upside down on the ground!

When the troll monsters that formed the army formation rushed into the range of the Homeland Defense Magic Array and moved towards the Royal Knights Academy, the headmaster of the Royal Knights Academy was emotionally bursting.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Yuan's appearance through activation and transformation in the palm of the giant stone. His voice was shrill:

"Isn't this a national defense magic circle? Why didn't troll monsters be excluded? Why don't you have any defense ability ¨々?"

"Did I tell you this is the Homeland Defense Magic Circle?"

The stone giant moved his hands and feet:

"I painted it in the auditorium, and what you rubbed is the Magic Array of Homeland Defense, and what I'm making now is the Magic Array of Homeland Destruction!

You still have two minutes to escape the magic circle area!

Two minutes later, these troll monsters in the army formation will be destroyed together with everything within the range of the national destruction magic formation! "

The principal of the college gave Zhou Yuan a deep look.

if it is possible!

He wants to strangle that guy to death with his own hands!

This bastard!

Soon, the Royal Knights Academy, which he built with countless efforts, will be destroyed!

Damn it!


The principal also knew the priorities at this time: "Escape! Escape from the direction of the troll monster, and try to introduce the troll monster into the magic circle as much as possible, and then... how far, how far to escape!"

When they rushed out of the National Destruction Magic Array, they saw the National Territory Destruction Magic Array, frantically extracting the power beyond the ten-kilometer barrier.


The inside of the barrier is like a red-hot iron, and the semi-circle with a radius of ten kilometers has all become red and red.

After a few seconds.

Inside the semicircular barrier with a radius of ten kilometers, an unimaginable explosion occurred!

The upper part of the barrier was blown away!

A terrifying mushroom cloud has risen to dozens of kilometers!


The shock wave of the explosion was intercepted by the lower half of the barrier.

Wait until everything calms down!

Everything within a ten-kilometer radius...

Including the Wangli Knight Academy, including the trolls and demons all disappeared without a trace. On the original ground, there was only a huge pit with a radius of ten kilometers, a depth of at least a few meters, and the deepest point of tens of meters!

Their pupils all contracted so much!

Brain is blank!

They can't believe it at all!

There are such terrifying attacks in this world!

This kind of attack is probably no worse than the brave man who smashed the Duchy of Lomalin into ruins in one day, or even stronger!

They don't even know!

This seems to be an extremely terrifying attack. It is not a single attack, but a group attack. The upper limit of the damage of the 10-kilometer land destruction magic circle unit is the peak of the third-order!

Life beyond the third-order peak, in this kind of destruction magic circle, as long as you don't run around, there is a 50% chance of surviving.

"'(It's good) ˇ There... who... remember what this country's destruction magic circle looks like?"

"do not remember!"

"Did not notice!"

"Patroned to see thunder, giants, trolls and run away, not paying attention.

Moreover, this country's destruction magic circle, with a radius of ten kilometers, has exceeded the range that our line of sight can capture. Even if we keep paying attention, we can't see it clearly! "

The principal pursed his lips: "The Magic Array of Homeland Defense, please don't pass it back first. Let's study whether there are any traps and flaws in this Magic Array."

under their watch!

Young and middle-aged in the deep pit!

An incomparably huge palm was raised, supporting the incomparably huge body of the giant, step by step out of the deep pit, and in the ground shaking, it ran wildly into the distance! .

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