Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 526 Artifact in hand! Instant output of battle gods! (please order all!!)


They will find even more desperate things.

In this bullshit world, there is also a homeland-level magic circle with a radius of several thousand kilometers!

[Great Void Engine: You have killed the snake demon Mina, you have obtained the basic kill attribute +10, you have destroyed the snake demon Mina family X300, you have gained additional attributes +3, you have eliminated the snake demon Mina control The puppet noble X30, you get extra attribute +3.

You destroy the mana possessor controlled by the snake demon Mina X950, and you gain additional attribute +9 points.

You take zero damage on this mission.

You have lost more than 450 subordinates in this mission, and your evaluation will be lowered.

Your final evaluation is A, and you cannot get additional evaluation attribute points in this mission.

You gain attribute points +25 for this mission. 】

This prompt made Zhou Yuan return to his senses, control the revitalized body, mount the horse again, and return to the castle of the Marquis of Caronale.

The nuclear bomb Zhou Yuan used magic to detonate, although it was detonated by magic, but after the explosion, it was still within the explosion range, leaving strong nuclear radiation pollution.


This little bit of nuclear radiation contamination would not do any harm to a life with a physique of 50 points.

And Zhou Yuan's physique.

It's two hundred and sixty-five now!

Even if he wears the uranium material from the nuclear bomb all the year round, it will not do any harm to his body.

Even those who possessed the magic power who were left by Zhou Yuan to seal their souls were not afraid of nuclear radiation damage at all.

It didn't take much time for Zhou Yuan to destroy the Marquis of Caronale.

However, it took three days and three nights to find the divine artifact Agrante in the ruins of the Marquis de Caronale Castle.


Quality: MAX (artifact, the level of this artifact in this world is suppressed to the world difficulty level)

Description: This is the hand of the gods left in the world by the goddess Verus.

Feature 1: Infinite Energy (Agrante's hearth will continuously and stably provide magic power to the user, and the amount of magic power it provides will be comprehensively determined according to the user's physique and spirit.

However, the upper limit of its instantaneous output of magic power will not exceed 1% of the goddess Verus' own magic power, and the continuous output of magic power will not exceed 1/10 of the recovery speed of the goddess Verus' magic power. )

Feature 2: Perfect fit (as the hand of God, the artifact Agrante, it can be installed on any life without any rejection.)

Feature 3: Sturdy (As the hand of God, any non-divine attack cannot be destroyed. Even if it is a divine attack, it will be judged after a few weakenings. If the judgment fails, it cannot be damaged.)

Ability 1: Self-healing enhancement (The life of Agrante installed with the artifact will continue to be strengthened by the hand of God, and will have stronger and stronger self-healing ability.)

Ability 2: Body Activation (The Hand of God can activate the user's life cells, can carry more and more magic power, break the boundaries of physique, and let human beings who have no growth limit to break through talent can break the limit of human performance and continue to become stronger .

The activation limit of the body of this artifact is the seventh level. )

Ability 3: Untouchable Hand (The Hand of God can touch anything, even if it is defined as untouchable.

This untouchable hand is defined by the goddess Verus, and what the goddess Verus considers untouchable, this artifact is also untouchable. )

Certification Points 1: By paying the certification points corresponding to the golden item level of this world difficulty level, you can get Agrante sealed to this world difficulty level.

Certification points 2: 200 billion points (This certification can get the artifact Agrante.)]

This artifact...

how to say.

There are three characteristics, there are three abilities.

And they are all restricted by the goddess Vinus.

And the goddess Vernus...

She is nothing but the administrator of the World Security System numbered 3,800.

A front-line job position.

Her strength should be only weak divine power.

She made it, not like a baby, she used it herself, but put it in this world, the artifact used by others is really not good.

A truly good artifact, especially an artifact in its complete state, is definitely worth more than a weak divine power believing in a god.

That is to say.

Worth over a trillion points.

Maybe even trillions.

The required certification points are at least eight or nine-tenths of their value.

And now the certification points of the artifact Agrante only need 200 billion.

this means.

its worth.

Maybe three or four billion.

But that doesn't mean it's useless!

For the gods, this artifact is rubbish and useless.

But for the beings below the gods, it exploded strongly.

completely opposite!

Wei Nusi is weak again!

She is also a ninth-order god!

The energy level and nature of the god level are completely incomparable to the demigod level!

It's really (alright Zhao) Zhengzheng's divine power!

Her instant output of 1% energy is also god-level!

That is to say, if the divine artifact, Agrante, falls into the hands of the eighth-order demigod, it can completely make the eighth-order demigod give full play to the instantaneous output of the god-level, and the combat power will explode!

In addition to the feature of infinite energy, the two features of sturdiness and perfect fit are not very good.

The remaining three abilities.

It's very spiritual!

The first to improve self-healing ability!

If someone else was Zhou Yuan, he might be dismissive.

Because Zhou Yuan has super-speed regeneration, severed limb regeneration, and also controls the rules of life, and has the undead characteristics of the original ball.

The mere self-healing ability is considered a woolly place.

But in fact……

Not at all! .

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