The harvest of this world, the other is not to say.

The light is finally set as the sixth-order, and the amplification and reduction superpowers that will not cause super energy conflicts are completely equivalent to the enlargement and reduction fruits in the sixth-order One Piece world.

And it has no side effects!

Before the sixth order, the ability can be used 100%.

After the sixth order, it will be lowered!

To the ninth-order true god level, it can play a certain role!

Just this, it has even surpassed the harvest of many reincarnators in the fifth and sixth order of reincarnation!

See these rewards.

Zhou Yuan couldn't bear it in his heart.

Nothing was said.

The rewards are all that high.

What else do you need a bike for?

Zhou Yuan happily spent one million points to get the certification of five divine control human body repair devices. By the way, he spent a few thousand points to get Yu Linling's filthy scroll and Yang and President BOSS's seal scroll certified. .

After changing himself into a sports suit, Zhou Yuan left the dungeon world.

The moment when the copy world just came out.

Zhou Yuan used his shrinking ability to narrow the distance between him and a child in the panicked crowd outside the encirclement, and the next second, he appeared behind the child.

Raise your legs.

In the next instant, Zhou Yuan appeared one kilometer away!

You read that right!

Zhou Yuan used the sixth-order shrinking ability to reduce the distance to one kilometer!

If it wasn't for Zhou Yuan's physique, which is only over forty, and the relevant physical strength, it can only support a shrinking of such a long distance, Zhou Yuan can even travel through a city of more than ten kilometers in just a few breaths!


It is not the limit of Zhou Yuan's superpower to reduce the distance of one kilometer to one step!

With Zhou Yuan's current physical strength, he can only do this.

after all!

This is an ability of the same rank as the Devil Fruit in the One Piece dungeon world, which can slash open several kilometers of ground with just a vacuum slash!

The ceiling is high!

Zhou Yuan raised his leg again.

during the leg lift.

His stature shrank.

He soon turned into a seven or eight year old child.

When the footsteps fell, his height suddenly became three meters, like a little giant!

Just when people who saw Zhou Yuan occasionally thought their eyes were dazzled, Zhou Yuan left the world and entered the safe house.

Using the function of the safe house, he imitated the poisonous island Saeko who came out of the dojo, looked up at Zhou Yuan, bowed respectfully, and resumed his frantic swordsmanship practice!

From the swordsmanship information Zhou Yuan gave him, she saw infinite possibilities!

She has a feeling that she only needs to follow the swordsmanship training materials written here and practice step by step.

Up to ten years!

She can become a swordsman who has never appeared in the school doomsday escape!

The swordsman who cuts iron!

But it's been too long!


not enough!

Far from enough!

As a follower of Zhou Yuan, she is all Zhou Yuan's!

She wants to be Zhou Yuan's helper!

She didn't want to be stronger than Zhou Yuan!

He just hoped that he could give Zhou Yuan enough help in terms of swordsmanship.

but now!

Even if she tried her best to compete with Zhou Yuan in swordsmanship, she would still support the third move at most!

This is her disgrace!


She wants to practice, crazy practice!

She can't use the follower contract in Zhou Yuan, and when the dungeon world calls her to fight, not only can she not be called Zhou Yuan's help, but also Zhou Yuan's protection and drag Zhou Yuan's hind legs!

And Zhou Yuan, just came out of the copy.

For the time being, I didn't want to cultivate feelings and tacit understanding with Saeko Poshima.

He needs to convert the gains in the dungeon into his own strength as soon as possible!

What he has to do first.

Still the happiest unboxing session!

The first thing he opened was not the zero-order treasure chest!


In this zero-order treasure chest, the things that can be opened may be things that are not exchanged for an artifact!

The value is even greater than the other treasure chests combined.

Therefore, he needs other levels of treasure chests to hold hands, and after improving his luck, he will open the zero-order treasure chest!

Of course.

18 treasure chests of the first order.

It's the first to open!

The first-order treasure chests are basically all zombie treasure chests.

Most of the things that come out are related to zombies.

Among the 18 treasure chests, the most valuable one is the T virus!

【T virus:

Introduction: This is the key to unlocking infinite evolution. 】

This T virus is useless to Zhou Yuan.

After all, Zhou Yuan had been injected with a perfect T virus in his body. The T virus injected into Zhou Yuan's body would only be swallowed up by Zhou Yuan, and then turned into some residue and excreted from the body.

Zhou Yuan cannot be made stronger.

Moreover, in the soil of Zhou Yuan's deceased, a large number of zombie corpses were sealed, each of which was a walking T virus.


For other reincarnations, the value is different.

For other reincarnators, only after they have officially become reincarnators, can they obtain a cubic space as a storage device given by the system.

They couldn't possibly carry zombies with them.

And the liquid extracted from the dead body cannot be authenticated and brought out of the copy world at all.

In addition, before the fourth and fifth rank, the reincarnator had no chance to learn the sealing technique at all.

They want to do something.

Buying the T virus is the best solution.

Zhou Yuan might be able to use this T virus in exchange for top-quality equipment or skills.

When opening the first-order treasure chest, Zhou Yuan's luck was not red enough, and it wasn't too bad.

Then, Zhou Yuan opened the second-order treasure chest! *

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