Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 545 God opened a window and smashed a wall at the same time! (please order all!!)

They are in a mad rush!

Under the threat of death, they brandished whips and sharp knives to drive away the people in their territory, and dug out for them a homeland defense magic array with a width of at least two meters, a depth of at least two meters, and a radius of more than 100 kilometers. !

Why dig so deep?

Because if you don't dig so deep, it's simply not enough to support the magic circuit formed by the huge homeland defense magic circle with a radius of 100 kilometers!

Why dig so big?

Not because of...

Countless homeland defense magic circles in the Alban Kingdom with a radius of less than 100 kilometers were completely destroyed by the brave, the people in the territory were completely obliterated, and the territory was smashed into ruins?

Only a national defense magic circle with a radius of more than 100 kilometers can gather enough mana, magic power, and qi to form the 06 enchantment that blocks the attack of the brave!


Even if they drive all the people in the territory to carry out general mobilization.

no use!

Because the magic powers in their territory are all... Uncle!

The nobles are not crazy enough to force those with magic power to dig holes for a long time in order to set up a magic circle for national defense. They... are also afraid that those with magic power will be forced to kill them.

And those people who are not magical ones.

They even work "36" hours a day.

The progress of the excavation of the foundation of the Homeland Defense Magic Array is still disappointingly slow!

at this time!

A team composed entirely of scattered magical powers from all over the world appeared in the noble territories of other countries where the brave men were about to attack and the people had begun to flee on a large scale.

They said that as long as the nobles were willing to pay their almost bankrupt wealth and hand over all the magical items they might treasure.

They can guarantee that before the brave people appear, they will help them create a homeland defense magic circle with a radius of 100 kilometers.

If you don't activate it successfully, you don't need money!

The nobles disagreed at first!

You can't say that you want almost all of my possessions, as well as all kinds of magical magic items that I have collected, and I will give them.

I don't want to be embarrassed?

If you want these, you might as well kill me!

The nobles did not agree with this team.



The "Brave" with a holy sword and a huge mechanical gate on the back of his head appeared in their territory. The red and white fireballs that covered the sky and covered the sky, like meteorites, kept falling on them. Noble leader!

Not only did they kill them all, but they also smashed their territory into ruins, which would no longer be suitable for development!

Those duchies and royal capitals who were simply unable to madly build a homeland defense magic circle dispatched people with magic power on a large scale to help them build and activate the homeland defense magic circle.

In a hurry, they found this team and said that they were willing to pay the price of almost bankruptcy, and asked this team to set up a homeland defense magic array.



price goes up!

Get the price!

The team sent something that looked like a puppet to negotiate with them, and they endured it.

But the team will have to raise prices, make them return to pre-liberation overnight, and cause them to take on huge debts.


I can't stand it anymore!

at least……

Leave us a little!

Even if... don't leave us a little bit, we... recognize it!

The situation in the Kingdom of Arban has fully proved that as long as the Homeland Defense Magic Array is activated, all the people and hunters who want to avoid danger will flock to them, and the people in their territory will double in a short period of time!

At that time, if you press hard on these people, they will soon earn back the money they spent.

If the life is gone, the territory is gone.

Even if they are still alive, they will completely lose the glory of the nobles. They can only hide in the magic circle of national defense activated by other nobles' territories, squeeze the last copper coins by other nobles, and then be thrown into the slums like dead dogs to live with the poor. .

Finally died in the slums.

This is not alarmist.

This kind of thing, they have seen too much!

When the negotiation was successful, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

when they leave.

The puppets motivated by Zhou Yuan's ability to activate, control puppets, and soul inhabitants spoke to those who possessed female magic powers who were given the soul sealing technique by him, saying that they could let him do whatever they wanted:

"You want to open a window in a place that is common to everyone, and you may be opposed by everyone.

But if 327 you proposed to tear down the roof from the very beginning, and in the face of strong opposition from others, you proposed to open a window again, there would be no more objections.

Just like this time.

We are going to give us all their property, magic items directly, and no noble will agree.

But... when the "Brave" smashed several noble territories into ruins and wiped out all life, they would feel that it was not unacceptable to hand over all the property and magic items.

After all, as long as the Homeland Defense Magic Array is activated, they can continue to exploit and squeeze the people in the territory, and will soon be able to re-accumulate huge wealth.


In the future, when you negotiate this kind of thing with the nobles, just follow this example and drain their last copper!

As for me……

Just be a big boss. "

That's right!

Zhou Yuan just wants to be a big manager!

Because next, he will use puppets to transport all the property and magic items to the main body for all-round appraisal!

Among these items, there might be something he needs! .

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