Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 589 You win! A feast of revival equipment and props in the space killing field!

【The Heart of the Tree X50000

Quality: A blue

Category: Materials.

Using this heart of the tree, you can formulate potions that can provide users with time-limited giant strength, defense enhancement, male contact resurrection and other characteristics.

Requirements for use: Pharmacists and alchemists are level 45 and above, and have corresponding formulas. 】

The medicine prepared with the heart of the tree can be used as a means of resurrection!

So-called male contact.

There is no rule, only men can do it.

Raising some male fleas on your body, or simply implanting some male bugs on your own skin, can trigger the feature of male contact resurrection, and thus resurrect!

Although implanting bugs, or other small male life on myself, feels somewhat uncomfortable and disgusting.

Compared with the effect of resurrection.

These are bullshit!

These tree hearts, even if the use of "three-five-seven" is very high, if Zhou Yuan intends to sell it, he will sell it at one-fifth of the price of the fifth-order one-time resurrection equipment and props. There is absolutely no problem.

The Resurrection Light of the Fifth-Order Divine Sin has resurrection within a radius of one kilometer, and there will be God's pollution, which can be sold for 3 billion.

The potion made with the heart of the tree can only be resurrected in situ.

The effect is more than ten times worse than that of the Resurrection Light of the God Realm.

But there is no problem in selling the potion made with the heart of the tree for the price of an S-gold ordinary equipment.

That is 150 million.

The heart of the tree can be sold for one-fifth of its price, or at least 30 million!

That is to say!

The hearts of fifty thousand trees!

If Zhou Yuan sells all of them.

About 1.5 trillion points can be sold!

It's so scary!

These tree hearts dropped by the Demon King's family are worth as much as a Demon Artifact!

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Yuan would not sell such resurrection-related materials.

But the heart of the tree.

Zhou Yuan can really sell.

Because, no matter it is a reincarnator or any race, after taking the medicine prepared by the heart of the tree, there will be resistance!

If the final level of this potion is A gold, the user can use it up to ten times, and the drug resistance will be full.

That is to say.

Zhou Yuan and his followers Jiang Hua, Po Island Saeko, Sadako, Frozen Astati, Karma Fire, Lilith of Darkness, King of Sand, Dream Demons, and Kamui assimilated by soul, All in all, leaving a hundred or so hearts of trees is almost the same.

If we consider the issue of success rate.

One thousand copies are enough!

But Sadako itself is a super boss on the supernatural side, Lilith of the Black, Zhou Yuan is reluctant to bring it into the dungeon world, the King of Sand honestly reproduces offspring in his base world, for Zhou Yuan Yuan provides the truth of water.

There are currently only seven followers who need to use the Heart of the Tree to prepare the potion.

1,000 copies will never be used up.

Staring at the hearts of these trees, Zhou Yuan felt a little numb.

He knew that the space killing field would be very rewarding.

But he never thought that the space killing field notarized by the Great Void Engine was basically a carnival of large wholesale of resurrection props!

Most of the reincarnators died.

Everyone's ordinary resurrection props were all used up when Zhou Yuan destroyed the world, and the space-based resurrection props were also used up in the destruction of the world.

They didn't get any resurrection props.

The only head of the Kirin mercenary regiment, they also used up the props for rebirth in space. At most, they have some resurrection props that can be resurrected on the spot or within a 100-meter range.

their death!

Achieve Zhou Yuan!

Let Zhou Yuan's resurrection props make Zhou Yuan panic.

He was afraid that he would die everywhere because of too many resurrection items, and provoke an enemy who could ignore the resurrection effect and directly obliterate the law of causality, which would be quite painful.

It made Zhou Yuan uncomfortable.

Another point!

If he remembered correctly, all resurrection equipment items should be strategic equipment items belonging to each dimension. You can sell them to reincarnators in other dimensions, but you have to bear the cost of your dimension’s secretly lowering your rating.

When the space's evaluation of you is reduced to zero, or a negative number, the space will determine that you are a traitor to the enemy.

Space doesn't act directly on you.

But space will reduce your luck and increase the difficulty of your tasks.

Sooner or later you will die in the copy world.

Therefore, even if Zhou Yuan wanted to sell the heart of the tree, he could only sell it in the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space.

But not to mention that there are no pharmacists and alchemists above level 45.

Even if the reincarnators have reached the sixth level, it is difficult for those large teams to cultivate a pharmacist and alchemist with a level of forty-five or more.

At that time, even if it can be deployed and refined.

The real core of those big teams, they are all sixth-order, and they don't need this stuff.

The heart of this tree.

It also seemed a little cheesy.

The only buyer who can play the effect of the Heart of the Tree and does not waste it is only one—official 0  …

Zhou Yuan contacted Bawanghua and passed on the information of the heart of the tree: "I can give the official 48,000 copies of the heart of the tree, each with 30 million points."

Zhou Yuan finally decided to keep 2,000 tree hearts for himself.

After all, he might need more followers in the future.

Leave some more, it's okay.

It's a big deal that I can't use it anymore, I just sell it at a low price.

And the Overlord Flower who was contacted by Zhou Yuan!

Eyeballs almost popped out!

As soon as the head of the Kirin mercenary regiment came back, he submitted a report on the space killing field, letting her know that the army master was in the space killing field, and the killing was crazy again, and the harvest would definitely not be small!

But she never thought that a small part of the income of the army master would be so much!

If it wasn't for the official collective to start learning the style of the military master, the income would be greatly increased than before. I don't know how many times. The third-order dungeon world that each official reincarnator participates in, the income of hundreds of thousands of reincarnators adds up, and there are dozens of them. 100 million.

And the official reincarnation, as many as one million!

Their current income is really a lot.

Otherwise, they will be envious of the hearts of these trees.

Can't afford it either.

The voice of Bawanghua was difficult: "We officially want all of these tree hearts, but our official people need to be in the Great Void Arena, the trading market of the Dragon Kingdom's reincarnation space, and other trading markets around the world. Only by disposing of some of the proceeds can you win the hearts of these trees."

Overlord Flower didn't bargain.

2.3 Because the official knows.

The heart of each tree, sold for 30 million points, may really be the reserve price.

can not be lower.

Overlord Hua took a deep breath and pursed her lips:

"Our officially trained pharmacists are now at the fourth rank, but it will take a lot of time to refine these tree hearts into potions that can be used by our official reincarnators.

Do you have Tier 4 and Tier 3 resurrection items? "

She is a well-informed consultant!

Zhou Yuan definitely has it!

And quite a few!

He killed too many!

Zhou Yuan thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I have the fourth-order resurrection items, but I didn't plan to trade the fourth-order resurrection items. Since you mentioned the category, I can trade some for you.

However, is the official plan to buy it, or exchange it for something?

The third-order resurrection props, the props who directly resurrected in space, are only exchanged and not sold. ".

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