【No. 100860

Code-named Sergeant.

Name: Zhou Yuan.

Occupation: All Terrain Master Level 1 (God-level occupation)

Deputy: Magician

Order position: zero order 8

Constitution: 50 (zero-order limit attribute, attribute breakthrough is possible.)

Spirit: 50

Basic abilities have been improved: basic neural reflexes (body instinct +5%), basic dynamic vision (dynamic vision +5%), basic mind power (probability to manifest: the chance of making permanent items under control +10%)

Physical base resistance: 44.5 (every 1 point of physique increases the resistance by 0.5)

Mystical side basic resistance: 42.5 (spirit attribute does not increase by 1 point, resistance increases by 0.5)

General attribute points: 36 points.

General Skill Points: 0 points.

Gold Skill Points: 0 points.

Gold Attribute Points: 0

Points: 5.97 million

Talents: Immortal, False Soul, Sleepless.

Super powers: sixth-order zoom in and out.

Rule-like ability: super class (explosive ability, increase five times the attribute)

Skills: lurking, camouflage, assassination, trap making, shooting, sniping...

Title: World Breaker (25%)!

Medal: Incomplete Enemy of the World (Villain Favor)

Follower: Poison Island Saeko (B golden follower contract)

Special permission: You can enter and leave the world of the dungeon battle five seconds after the meeting every month, and you can edit the world task of this dungeon once a month.

Special Items: Rule Calculator, Lord Bei's Knife, Space Demon Worm, Zero-Order Superpower Seed X10, Third-Order Superpower Seed X17, F Blue T Virus X10, E Blue T Virus X1, C Blue Quality T Virus X5, zero-order five-fold enhanced super power seed, second-order sophist super power seed, copy rejection card X10, C golden divine control human body repair device X5 (built-in super-speed regeneration repair liquid), basic scroll X92, F whiteboard contract X30, rain Lin Ling's Dirt Scroll, Soul Sand X1000.

Ordinary items: D blue magic control uniform X5, D golden magic control combat uniform X2, D blue magic control gun X3, C blue magic control uniform X15, C golden magic control combat uniform X5, C blue magic control gun X5 , C golden god-controlled sniper rifle, restraint device X20, D golden blood-sucking sword stab, Juchuan Shizuka's trauma potion X3, Juchuan Shizuka's recovery potion X10, F heavy sniper gun, F golden Tang knife X4...

Terrain Items:  …

Basic Items: Slightly

After Zhou Yuan saw his own panel.

I was shocked!

Say something rude.

His panel...

He is not normal!

From start to finish, it's not normal!

In addition to physical and mental attributes.

This is not the attribute a zero-order reincarnation should have!

It's so outrageous!


Even without counting items whose prices simply cannot be calculated.

The value of the things that Zhou Yuan has divided into ordinary houses has exceeded the value of the warehouse items of many third- and fourth-order mercenary groups, families, trade unions and other large teams!

Even if you ignore them all.

That 5.97 million horror points...

Zhou Yuan opened and closed the panel again and again.

After dozens of repetitions.

Zhou Yuan used the ability to shrink to reduce all the things that can be reduced, and re-planned the universal space.

Took about half an hour.

Items that originally occupied nearly half of the universal space, now only occupy a very small corner of the universal space!


Zhou Yuan appeared on the trading market!

The reincarnation market is very lively.

They had just climbed out of the hell of the dungeon world of Samsara, and they couldn't wait to integrate their own strengths, and put out some low-end items that they were sure they didn't need, and set up a stall and sold them!

Zhou Yuan doesn't need to set up a stall.

But he has a lot to deal with.

In his shop, Zhou Yuan put ten copies of F blue and one copy of E blue T virus on the counter.

F blue T virus, Zhou Yuan is priced at 20,000 points, and E blue T virus is priced at 50,000 points.

This price is inflated.

But there is really no T virus on the market.

Some reincarnations who urgently need to do something have a chance to buy it.

In addition, Zhou Yuan set a high price of 15,000 points for a bottle of Ju Chuan Shizuka's trauma potion and a bottle of Ju Chuan Shizuka's recovery potion, and also placed them on the counter.


It is a D blue God Control uniform, a D golden God control combat uniform, and a D blue God control gun.

Weapons and protective clothing are the most expensive of all items.

An F blue pistol is worth about 8,000 points. Each time the rank is increased by one level, the value increment coefficient is 2 in the first three levels. The value of the D blue god control gun is about 32,000 points. Zhou Yuan directly marked the price. 35000 points.

A piece of F blue protective gear is about the same price, and Zhou Yuan is also priced at 35,000 points.

But D golden god control combat uniform!

its worth!

Not the same!

According to white, green, blue, gold, double, quadruple, eight times the law of increasing!

Golden God control combat uniform!

Worth 256000!

Zhou Yuan is priced at 300,000!

D's golden blood-sucking sword thorn, although it is a material, its characteristic of blood-sucking evolution allows him to have a price that does not lose to weapons and combat uniforms. Zhou Yuan's price is 300,000.

Zhou Yuan placed some of the seal scrolls that sealed the reinforced concrete wall, and the price was still a friendship price of 1,000 points.

If this kind of thing is used to save lives, if it can save more reincarnators.

At least it will attract more people to the other high-priced items in the store.

at last!

Zhou Yuan took out the God-controlled human body repair device!

Directly priced at four million points!

Double the base price directly.


Pick up shop! *

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