Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 593 Optional artifact exchange! Detailed classification! (please order all!!)

As for the bloody treasure chest in the space killing field.

The things that come out are unified, called the slaughter medal of the reincarnator.

[The Killing Medal of the Reincarnator X4130

Category: special medals in the space killing field, when the reincarnators get more than 10,000 killing medals, the reincarnators can use the killing medals to exchange skills, equipment, and props (MAX) notarized by the Great Void Engine in their respective spaces.]

This stuff!

Really bunker!

As long as Zhou Yuan works harder, he will be able to exchange artifacts in the space numbered ninety-nine!

And it's optional!

What makes Zhou Yuan unhappy is that the next time he enters the space killing field, I don't know how long it will take.

After all, the super giant, the Great Void Engine, must have enemies in order to trigger the -space killing field.

After issuing the Reincarnator Killing Medal.

Zhou Yuan thought about it for a while, and felt that he didn't need to increase the skill cap for the time being, or use the golden skill point-upgrade the skill level.

Therefore, the golden attribute points and golden skill points he obtained in the space killing field, as well as the golden attribute points and golden skill points settled by the last Tier 3 Great Void Arena Overlord settlement, he stayed and did not move.

And Zhou Yuan, who got a total of 857 attribute points and committed obsessive-compulsive disorder, was divided into two parts, which were added to physique and spirit respectively.

In addition, the 120 attribute points he originally saved were divided equally.

After Zhou Yuan is classified in detail, the attributes are as follows.

【No. 100860

Code Name: Army Lord

Occupation: All Terrain Master Level 1

Deputy: Hell Magician

Step position: fourth-order 42

Constitution: 988.5

Spirit: 988.5

Physical Base Resistance: 605.16

Mystic side base resistance: 585.56

General attribute points: 0 points

General Skill Points: 220 points.

Gold Skill Points: 108

Gold Attribute Points: 114

Credits: TBD


Fusion: Seventh-order Dragon Vein, Primal Orb

Titles: World Destroyer (Notarized by the Great Void Engine, which can exert 35% of its strength in non-specially limited worlds), Zerg Hunter, Public Enemy of Humanity, Natural Enemy of Reincarnation

Famousness: 10 points (every space and the dungeon world of the Great Void Engine are aware of your existence. After reaching 20 points of fame, you will become a famous existence)


Special abilities: superclass, peeping into fate, please hit me in the right face, beating a cow across the mountain, soul assimilation, returning my fist, true damage, dreaming, dream control, blur, dream modification, inherent time control, super speed regeneration, Regeneration of severed limbs, immortality, and puppet manipulation.

(Common abilities: lurking, firearms, fighting, ninjutsu and other skills omitted)


Contract: Wei Nusi worked for Zhou Yuan for 130 years, the covenant of the god elf Naiya (after each mission space, the god elf Naiya can be summoned for half an hour)

Ultra-special items: Codex of the Second Order, Twelve Golden Figures, Rule Calculator, Unknown Things, Blood of the Lord God, Lord Bei's Knife, Skyquake Elf House, Hand of Gap

Items related to the reincarnation space numbered ninety-nine: the ever-changing cross tail, white hair three thousand feet

The Creator Series: The Ring of the Creator, the Bracer of the Creator, and the Necklace of the Creator.

Rules: Olympus Arena, Red Wolf's Pan, Destiny's Rubik's Cube, Sexual Transformation Crystal (?)

Suits: Mars infinite suit, A golden conqueror suit, archbishop suit, magician suit of all levels

Rule-like life: childhood sweetheart lost to the sky with brooch

Life: Space Demon Bug

God-level life: World tree saplings, weak supernatural corpse X1, weak supernatural corpse X3

Unsealed artifacts: Aqua's paper fan, Shangqing Dadong scripture, Aqua's brocade, sacred skylight, Pleasure Bracelet of the Goddess of Pleasure, Divine Power Converter.

Sealed artifacts: Crane Skin Bag X3, Demon Armor, Demon God Eternal.

Broken Artifact: Broken Heaven, Fire God Ring, Fire God Armor

Divine Power Items: Divine Power Crystal, Divine Residence, Weak Divine Power Pantheon, Contaminated Divinity x1500, Divine Sin Divinity x5 (Divinity has been handed over to Valnus)

Scroll items: basic scroll X100, combat power liberation scroll.

Cards: priority card, copy rejection card X25, special copy rejection card X1.

Admission tickets, invitations: invitations to the fourth to sixth-order Great Void Arena, and the expression packs to kill the teacher.

Blueprints: Planet Fortress design drawings.

Luck equipment: Benzitan's lucky charm, bad luck dice

Resurrection in space: wedge of reincarnation space, third-order resurrection props X240

Resurrection items in the current world: Resurrection Light of God X5, 1,325 Tier 4 Resurrection Items, Unscientific Rebirth, Resurrection Angel's Summoning Contract, and Heart of the Holy Spirit.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Resurrection Materials: Heart of Tree X50000

Bloodline, Transformation: Kaleidoscope, Eternal Kaleidoscope, Corpse King Dan, Dragon Heart, Werewolf Blood, Kempfa Transformation, Adventurer's Guild Muscle President's Love

Medals: B Golden Immunity Medal, Space Killing Field Ranking Medal, Reincarnator Killing Medal x4130, Enemy of the World

Stand-in: Scarecrow, stand-in doll X10

Speed ​​Class: Goblin Rocket Boots, Astro Boy Rocket Boots, Rabbit Charm

Space class: any door, reverse space teleportation device, space teleportation device, subspace avoidance X3

True Damage Class: Jason's Hockey Stick

Possessions: Sun Staircase, Old Staircase


Skill: Fusion

Restoration category: God-controlled human body repair device

Beheading class: resist beheading X9

Defensive Equipment: Blood Sea Shura Battle Clothes

Weapons: Nebula Chain (pseudo), Holy Sword Sword Embryo, Holy Word Scepter, Holy Word Book, Zanpakutō Wabisuke, Hoshikai Fangzhu's Umbrella, Faith Gun, Faith Bullet, Anti-Battleship Automatic Weapon, Holy Sword Bemir The totem pole of the Tauren

Special Equipment: Jason's Hell Mask, Craftsman's Will, Mind-Tampering Blocker, Sun Flower Bed, Sadako Video, Proof of Heroes

Desperate category: mad blood, blood burst pill

Vehicle: Slightly!

After the vehicle and the last time the panel is basically changed, slightly! 】

This is the panel after detailed classification.

ellipsis omitted talents, power systems, superpowers, dependents, followers, permissions, special subordinates, regular abilities, base worlds, vehicles, conventional weapons, all-terrain master seal scrolls, unclassified items, etc., and The panel after the end of the last mission world, there is no difference.


This time, on the panel, the resurrection equipment and materials that have not been traded with the official are counted, but many equipment are not counted.

Otherwise, the panel will be dozens of times more complicated.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath!

The equipment that was not counted on the panel began to be put into the terrain grocery store with the eternal life of the devil, the living sky, the joy bracelet of the goddess of joy, etc.!

he wants!

Pick up the wool!

And to die!

This wave is over!

There is another wave waiting for the reincarnators! again.

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