Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 596 Backlash of the world! Space Weapon Strike Group! (please order all!)

【warn! Your presence will cause this base world to gradually collapse!

The danger level of this base world is increasing, the power of this base world to repel you is increasing, the nature of this world is changing for you, your lucky value in this world will drop a little every hour, no end! 】

The content of this warning is rather mild.

Zhou Yuan bet!

Even if he doesn't do anything, as long as he stays in this base world for ten days and a half months.

The content of the warning will change into another look.

His situation in the base world will also become quite exciting.

By the time.

Maybe this base world will give birth to Tier 4 combat units to kill themselves.

A fourth-order is not enough, then a group.

If Tier 4 doesn't work, then strengthen Tier 5 combat units and Tier 6 combat units.

until it is completely wiped out.

What's more, this base world, which has carried out countless virus researches, will bless a certain scientist with the luck of the base world, and let him develop one. Even if Zhou Yuan cannot be killed, Zhou Yuan must be kept forever. Infected virus.

More likely!

In this high-tech world, a certain scientist suddenly got enlightened, developed some kind of power furnace, created "Iron Man" and "Gundam", and besieged Zhou Yuan.


A certain research institute happened to be at the feet of Zhou Yuan, conducting a large-scale particle collision experiment. There was an accident, creating a temporary black hole and killing Zhou Yuan.


When Zhou Yuan entered the third-order base world with the strength of a fourth-order reincarnator!

This world will become extremely dangerous!

And as time goes by, the level of danger will increase crazily.

If Zhou Yuan entered the third-order base world with fifth-order strength.

That's even more remarkable.

Not only could he encounter countless dangers.

His strength may also be directly suppressed by the numbered ninety-nine reincarnation space to a level lower than the base world.

Guarantee he will die miserably.

This was also before Zhou Yuan was reborn.

The fog of time and space of dungeons below the fourth rank is scattered all over Blue Star, and there may be equipment that is envied by middle and high rank reincarnators.

However, no one in the middle and high-level reincarnations has entered the dungeon world below the fourth rank.

Because middle and high-level reincarnations enter the low-level dungeon, they are really dying!

Zhou Yuan understands why there is such a restriction.

Without this restriction.

Middle and high-level reincarnations will not only lead to large-scale deaths of low-level reincarnators, but also take up wasted space, and the world origin used by the Great Void Engine to create copies.

This is not allowed by the various spaces, and the Great Void Engine.

It is this kind of restriction, it is really uncomfortable when it falls on oneself!


"Found that butcher ¨々!"

A group of scientists gathered together, their eyes completely red.

"It's this guy who destroyed my country! I saw his bugs kill my parents!"

"The goddesses I admire have all been taken to somewhere by this guy!"

"My country was completely destroyed by him! And I still have to work for him!"

"Now! He's alone! Let him die under the attack of our latest space weapon strike group for him!"



under their control.

in space!

With a radius of at least 200 meters, it is tiled in space, and the super-large device composed of countless modules begins to operate!

Thousands of laser beams converged in the center, forming a beam with a radius of more than ten meters, which penetrated the atmosphere and hit Zhou Yuan!

This is!

A beam weapon developed by imitating the attack of the Zhou Yuan starship's main gun!

The power of this beam!

Reached the fifth level!

Zhou Yuan, who was on the ground, suddenly raised his head and arbitrarily placed the forbidden door suspended behind his head on top of his head!

Like a sharp sword, it broke through the atmosphere, as if the beam strike was about to pierce the world. After hitting the taboo door, a terrifying explosion occurred, causing a shattering explosion in the base world space.

Against the forbidden gate.

Zhou Yuan tilted his head: "Queen Red."

"Understood, Father!

The space strike weapon has been mastered, and the space strike weapon attack is over.

The research institute that carried out space strikes against the father has been locked, and all the authority of the research institute has been controlled, and the research institute has been closed.

Space Strike Weapon, Reactivation, Target Institute! "

next second!

After finishing the space weapon strike cluster that attacked Zhou Yuan, he reversed the direction and fired a beam attack with a radius of more than ten meters at the direction of the research institute!

The beam pierced the earth!

Continuous input beam!

A semi-circular destructive energy ball has been formed on the ground!

When the beam of continuous energy input dissipated, the expanding energy sphere suddenly shrank, and a violent explosion occurred, forming a dazzling mushroom cloud!

After the mushroom cloud dissipated, a circular pothole with a radius of several hundred meters appeared on the ground!

The research institute that launched the attack on Zhou Yuan was directly wiped out.

The virtual image of the Red Queen appeared in front of Zhou Yuan: "'Father, I am taking over the world's network and the world's signals. This world is wrong, and the Internet is full of..."

When she said this, her voice was a little stuck: "It's full of bad words for my father, as if everyone wants to kill my father."

Zhou Yuan smiled.

It's normal for the entire human race to just catch up on the Internet and say that they are going to kill themselves.

Even if they were all armed with submachine guns and shot countless bullets at themselves, it was normal to want to kill themselves.

This is the backlash of the base world against those who enter this world's high-level reincarnation under the Great Void Engine and various space rules.

"Pack up all the research materials (good Li Zhao) in this world, and erase all the materials related to me."

"Understood! My father! It is being executed! The execution is completed! Wherever there is a signal, all the information has been packaged, and there is no information related to the father."

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Instantly left this base world column!

This base world can no longer be used.

He doesn't want it anymore!

According to the transaction with the god elf Naiya, this base world will be owned by the god elf Naiya in the future.

Like this Tier 3 high-tech base world, after it can't be used, it must be traded to the god elf Naiya, and the fantasy self-defense base world!

But it is different from the third-order high-tech base world that Zhou Yuan will soon hand over to the god elf Naya.

Fantastic self-defense base world!

Even desperately!

Even if the resurrection equipment is constantly consumed!

He also wants to stay in this dungeon world as long as he can! .

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