Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 600 A thousand hits in an instant! Dozens of millions of lethality! (please order all!)

When Zhou Yuan and the others heard the entrance from the space, they reached the other side of the world of the fantasy self-maintenance base. Not only Saeko Pina and the beauties of the Rose Knights were stunned!

Even Loli Mercury's expression was stunned!


"Before, those who chased and killed us were nothing more than a knights group whose members were in the third-order system. Why are there so many masters of fourth-order strength among them now?"

"I only saw one fire dragon before, how come there are ten fire dragons now?"

"Where did those tree people with a height of tens of meters come from?"

The most shocking is Loli Mercury: "In this world that has been transformed into a base world, when did so many Hardy's apostles appear?"

She waved her spear and axe angrily: "They are coming for me. Are they going to recapture me and let me marry Hardy? Ridiculous!"

These, of course, are not aimed at Loli Mercury, but at Zhou Yuan.

Number ninety-nine reincarnation space, in order to prevent high-level reincarnation from entering the low-level world, there is no need to do anything.

06 This is the rule of reincarnation space.

Zhou Yuan took out the extra-dimensional killing array, and put everyone except Loli Mercury into the extra-dimensional killing array.

next second.

Zhou Yuan stepped forward.

Instantly appeared above the army that was enough to destroy the country, looked down at the army that was enough to destroy the country, and took out a missile that was only one or two meters long and looked like a toy!

This is the nuclear bomb that Zhou Yuan used to shrink down!

From this height, Zhou Yuan can tear open the seal scroll, smash the ruined city down, and smash everyone to death at once.

You can also rush into the center of them, use a lot of the rules of earth and the rules of fire, start a volcano to attract, turn their place into a huge volcano, and drown them all with lava.

Zhou Yuan can even use vampire wood seeds to grow them all into vampire wood.

Zhou Yuan had no idea how many ways to kill all these people.

But in the mission world where the world's strongest assassin was reincarnated into a noble from another world, he was used to setting off fireworks, and now he wants to hear it!

The nuclear bomb left Zhou Yuan's hand, and after losing the shrinking effect, it rapidly grew larger and fell towards the imperial phalanx.

The eldest prince of the empire, the second prince of the empire, the old emperor, and countless third- and fourth-order masters in the imperial phalanx below had their pupils shrunk to the extreme, and their hearts seemed to be pinched by someone else's hand, and they would burst in the next second. Like death.

The fear of death made their emotions almost burst!

"Enchantment! Quickly activate the enchantment!"

The imperial magician around the imperial target activated the barrier that had already been prepared, forming a huge circular energy shield with a radius of more than ten kilometers!

Nuclear bomb and energy shield collide!

When the nuclear bomb exploded, the temperature of tens of millions in the center instantly evaporated the energy that constituted the energy shield, allowing part of the power of the nuclear bomb to rush into the shield, erasing at least 3,000 soldiers!

The remaining explosive power was intercepted by the energy shield, and at the top of the energy shield, a huge mushroom cloud was formed.

This is not the end!

Just the beginning!

Zhou Yuan, who was in the air, instantly appeared beside Saeko Pushima and took her into the air: "Let's watch the fireworks together!"

Zhou Yuan took out nuclear bombs one by one from the universal space and threw them down without any money.

For the current Zhou Yuan.

Compared with a large-yield hydrogen bomb that can shake the continental shelf, a star-killing bomb that can destroy a star with one blow, and a nuclear bomb that can only destroy a small city, it is a larger fireworks.

The magic wind blew away the mushroom cloud.

The top executives of the empire, seeing the nuclear bombs falling like raindrops, cracked in the corners of their eyes, and blood dripped from the corners of their eyes!

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

It wasn't just the high-ups of the empire who were hysterical.

The soldiers who were originally motionless, and the pig-headed people with no brains, all let out a howl of despair.

They watched several nuclear bombs, destroying the energy shields that gathered the world's high-level magicians and gathered all the magic materials in the world!

Then it was vaporized in the terrifying high temperature, shredded in the terrifying explosion, and hammered everywhere in the terrifying shock wave!

When the sky is full of smoke and dust.

Almost gathered the strongest combat power in the world and was completely erased!

Millions of grievances wailed and gathered together, forming a huge gray vortex.


From the vortex, a huge bull's head with a diameter of at least thirty meters appeared, making a deafening roar.

Zhou Yuan doesn't know what this thing is made of millions of souls.

But this roars.

It's so ugly!

Zhou Yuan scratched his ear with his little finger.

Shrinking ability activated.

Shortened the distance from the bull's head that was forming a body.

In the next instant, Zhou Yuan stood on the head of the huge bull, and hit the bull's head with Jason's hockey stick, which he took out!

Regular attack, can't damage the bull's head formed by the soul.

But Jason's hockey stick in Zhou Yuan's hands is different!

The real damage of this hockey stick alone is 2,560 points!

Zhou Yuan's one-tenth attack is also true damage!

That is to say!

Zhou Yuan didn't use any skills, and the real damage dealt by Ping A was as high as 35,600 points.

This stick goes down.

Below the fourth rank, no matter what kind of 357 monsters, no matter what special abilities they have, they will all be killed by Zhou Yuan!

Even the fourth order!

will be hit hard too!

Such a bunker!

Even if the gigantic bull head formed by millions of souls surpassed the fourth rank, and even surpassed the fifth rank, before it was completely formed, it was directly beaten by such a stick.

The bull's roar stopped abruptly!

"Rain when the bee!"

Zhou Yuan's baseball bat, like raindrops, slammed tyrannically on the bull's head.

A thousand hits in an instant!


Zhou Yuan caused tens of millions of real damage to this stupid bullhead!

Don't say that the bull's head is only five or six orders.

Even the seventh and eighth rank will be beaten to death by Zhou Yuan!

The bull's head collapsed.

Those countless dead souls who have not yet integrated into the bull's head, flying in the sky, start a new fusion.

Zhou Yuan put away Jason's hockey stick, grabbed Loli Mercury, and left the fantasy self-defense base world in an instant.

He wasn't afraid of the re-integrated thing.

Although this thing has not yet been fused, it bypassed Zhou Yuan's basic mysterious lateral resistance and real defense, causing a serious impact on Zhou Yuan's soul, causing Zhou Yuan's perception to be deviated.

If Zhou Yuan stubbornly fights, there is a high probability that he will be able to kill this thing.

But not worth it!

It's not worth it! .

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