Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 611 Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine consecutive victories! The bloodiest time eve

Because the time and space of the Great Void Arena are being controlled, Zhou Yuan's finished competition, in the eyes of some viewers, is actually just the beginning of the competition.

Some audience members opened their mouths wide, as if they had discovered the most cherished and protected animals, and shouted in surprise:

"Brother Meng, guess what I found? I found a reincarnation who chose to use followers to participate in the battle, and also chose turn-based!"

"real or fake?"

"There are still people who choose turn-based competition. His forehead was caught by a door panel, or he was kicked by a donkey? Does he not know that the death rate of reincarnators who choose to participate in the round-based competition is 99% in the Great Void Arena. Almost 100% dead?"

"Really! These days, there are still people who dare to choose a turn-based game! I admire it!"

But those who know the reincarnation of the Great Void Arena have not chosen to use the turn-based game.

Is turn based disgusting?

If those who participate in the turn-based system are all reincarnations who use followers to participate in the battle, it will not be disgusting.

Anyway, everyone is equally rotten, and no one has the right to say who.

One side is a reincarnator plus three followers, and he also chose a turn-based system.

That would be disgusting.

For those geniuses who have no followers.

If they want to win the competitive game, the first thing they have to deal with is the followers who are arranged in the first three rounds to test the intelligence of Tianjiao and consume Tianjiao's physical strength, energy and spirit.

If the geniuses do not die in the hands of their followers.

After killing the followers, not only will the physical, mental, and energy be consumed a lot, but also a lot of their own information will be leaked.

In the fourth round, facing the reincarnators whose strength is almost the same as when they were in their prime, not only will they be defeated.

And will be killed!

If Tianjiao easily kills the followers of the reincarnator in the first three rounds, the reincarnator may simply admit defeat!

This has created the reincarnation who can kill these geniuses.

And these geniuses want to kill the reincarnators, the difficulty is breaking through the sky.

Everyone knows that the reincarnator is the space, the pawn of the Great Void Engine, and the best knife in its hand. The high-level reincarnation is protected, they understand.

But in the arena of fair play, so protective.

Not only is it unfair.

It's so disgusting!

If it is a normal game.

Tianjiao chose to strike at most and did not participate.

But this is the Great Void Arena!

It is the largest platform for all the heavens and the worlds, the multiverse, the bottomless abyss, and the geniuses of various spaces under the jurisdiction of the Great Void!

Tianjiao will not give up such a platform that allows them to grow rapidly.

Therefore, before a trillion or even more time, Tianjiao developed a skill called Space Spirituality for this situation.

This skill does not take effect on units that are in frontal combat.

It is aimed at followers and reincarnations who have not participated in the turn-based system. It creates an illusion that covers both sides fighting in the turn-based system. It looks exactly the same as the real one, but it is actually completely different!

That is from now on!

Choose turn-based reincarnators and get killed in large numbers.

It also created the bloodiest era of slaughter between the reincarnators and Tianjiao!

In that era, the competition between those who liked the turn-based reincarnation and Tianjiao would inevitably end when one party died.

It is different from Tianjiao who pay attention to honor and reputation.

The most important thing for samsara is profit.

Some reincarnators want to get golden skill points and golden attribute points, but they don't want to stay with Tianjiao, so they no longer choose the turn-based system.

Soon they will find out!

As long as they don't choose the turn-based system, they won't collect wrong information because of the illusion of space, and those geniuses will not kill, even in the case of evenly matched, the geniuses will take the initiative to admit defeat and let the They win the competition.

once or twice.

Probably nothing.

But more often.

Many samsaras are clearly aware that if they use followers and turn-based fights with Tianjiao, they will most likely die.

Instead of dying, it was much easier for them to win the competition.

It is also much easier to get golden skill points and golden attribute points.

So who still chooses turn-based?

The turn-based system began to decline.

Using followers, there are fewer and fewer reincarnations who choose turn-based.

When they found out that those reincarnations who use followers and choose turn-based, as long as they encounter Tianjiao, they will be targeted by mad dogs, and the mortality rate is as high as 99%, let alone those who use the turn-based system.

Coupled with the secret propaganda of the geniuses.

But all well-informed people have formed a consensus.

Followers are part of a reincarnator's strength though.

But those who use followers to compete in the void arena are weak.

And the samsara who uses followers to conduct turn-based, is the weakest among the weak, is garbage, and is a reptile of disgusting people.

Encountering such a reincarnator, doing everything possible to kill such a reincarnator is the consensus of all the contestants!

Zhou Yuan is obviously also affected by this consensus.

In his first competition in the Tier 4 Great Void Arena, he encountered a reincarnator who used a turn-based system. He was really disgusted.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been showing weakness in the first three rounds, and when the reincarnator was in the mall, when the reincarnator couldn't react, he would raise the reincarnator.

When the audience was excited to watch the turn-based rare beasts, Zhou Yuan, who had finished the first competition, chose to continue the competition!

Second game.

Zhou Yuan instantly appeared in front of the opponent, freezing the opponent instantly.

The third...

The tenth...

In the 9999th game winning streak, Zhou Yuan used his powerful attributes to crush, and the ice ability of the exposed ice rules to seal his opponent in the iceberg and win the competition.

The ten thousandth game!

As long as Zhou Yuan wins in a row, he can get two gold attribute points and gold skill points.

Zhou Yuan's 10,000th competition opponent is a mountain giant!

The mountain giants under the rule of the Great Void Engine are different from the mountain giants in the game. The adult mountain giants are at least 100 meters tall, at least sixth-order, and have the ability to control the mountains!


Take part in the giants of the mountains in the Tier 4 Great Void Arena!

It is a minor who is about five hundred years old.

That's right!

You read that right!

For a mountain giant, five hundred years old is still a minor!

The time they took to hone their skills and combat skills was dozens of times that of most races participating in the Great Void Arena, and hundreds of times that of the reincarnators.

Even if they don't use their own talent skills to bully people, they use their skills and combat skills, and they swept a large column in the fourth-order Great Void Arena!

Strong burst! .

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