Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 634 Hell Magician Set! Any door with the highest space priority! (please order all!!)

During the first world battle, Zhou Yuan was almost tampered with by the enemy and crashed to the ground himself.

The experience was terrible.


in every previous mission.

Anyone who can carry a mind tampering shield, Zhou Yuan will bring a mind tampering shield, in order to prevent his thinking from being tampered with.

before the fourth level.

A golden-quality mind-tampering shield is enough.

But Zhou Yuan has now upgraded to the fourth level, and A golden thinking tampering with the shield is not enough.

[No. 100860, A golden thinking tampering shield, upgrade to S gold, 3.2768 million points are required, do you want to upgrade? 】

"Ascending Order!"

After the upgrade, the thinking tampering shield has been upgraded from the ability to prevent the thinking tampering of the fifth-order masters, and the "373" has been upgraded to the ability to prevent the thinking tampering of the sixth-order masters, and other functions remain unchanged.

After upgrading the Mind Tamper Blocker, Zhou Yuan still had 5,83.2 million left.

Enough to upgrade any door and magician set.

[No. 100860, any door of C golden color, belongs to a special space device, C golden color is upgraded to B golden color, the coefficient is 8, you need to pay 900 million points, do you want to upgrade? 】

Zhou Yuan knew that any door opened from the first point treasure chest of the third-order points rankings would require a lot of points if he wanted to level up.

But I didn't expect that the points required for this arbitrary door to upgrade are actually not much worse than the rule-based items.

The required upgrade points, so much terror!

This can only show that the bunker level of this arbitrary gate is beyond Zhou Yuan's expectations.

"Ascending Order!"

【Any door

Quality: B gold

Description: This random door is used inside the world planet of the fourth order and below. Passing through this door can randomly appear anywhere on the planet.

Note: This door can be disguised as any type of door.

Note 2: Have you finally discovered Huadian?

That's right! This random door has the highest space priority. Whether you are on a plane attached to a planet, or appear in a forbidden area that isolates space, or you are besieged and the surrounding space is imprisoned, you can use any door to appear randomly. anywhere on the current planet. 】

Number ninety-nine reincarnation space, rare skin.

It made Zhou Yuan realize that he gained too much from each dungeon world, which led to the fact that he did not pay much attention to or even ignored the description of the identified items.

This led to, until now, he found the place of the bunker of the arbitrary gate.

However, it is not too late to find out now!


The last copy of the world just ended.

Although the vast majority of reincarnators will sell everything they want to sell right after the dungeon world ends, and buy everything they want to buy.

But there are always some reincarnators who are used to spending in the trading market before the next dungeon starts, buying something that can improve their strength.

By the time.

Zhou Yuan works harder and authenticates more items that are urgently needed by reincarnators, which can definitely increase the sales of the terrain grocery store to 50 to 60 billion, which is enough to support him to upgrade any door to S gold.

Don't panic!

Then Zhou Yuan finally came up with a set of D gold quality magician sets with a quantity of up to 1,000 pieces!

[No. 100860, this D golden magician set, upgrade to C gold, need 512 million points, do you want to upgrade?

It is detected that you have the hell magician profession, you can upgrade the D golden magician set to the C golden hell magician set, which requires one billion twenty-four million points. 】

This requires an upgraded magician set, which is completely different from other magician sets whose overall level is D gold.

Other D golden magician sets are composed of several pieces of D golden magician equipment, plus a large number of D green, D blue, D whiteboard equipment and props, and their value is not very high!

And his D-gold magician's suit was made by the research team of Lilith the Black. According to Zhou Yuan, the trading market was almost emptied, and many magician's suits were swept away, specially tailored for Zhou Yuan. Each piece is D gold quality, a super boutique magician set composed of thousands of props!

A magician's artifact!

Originally, Zhou Yuan just planned to upgrade this set to the normal B gold color, that's all.

After all, the points spent to upgrade thousands of pieces of D-gold to B-gold definitely exceed the upgrade points of the Creator series equipment from C-tier to B-tier!

But he didn't expect it!

You can even upgrade to become a hell magician!

Just listening to the name 0...  

Just know that the hell magician's set is definitely more powerful than the ordinary magician's set of the same level.

But the points needed to upgrade are also much more beautiful!

"Ascending Order!"

[No. 100860, the Hell Magician's set has been upgraded from the third-level to the fourth-level, from C gold to B gold, the upgrade factor is four, and it requires 4 billion ninety-six million points. Do you want to upgrade? 】

Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched.

his points!

It's not enough!

There is still 936.8 million to upgrade the hell magician's suit to B gold.

Zhou Yuan's obsessive-compulsive disorder committed!

He chose to use a weak corpse as a mortgage, not only to upgrade the hell magician's suit to B gold, but also to upgrade any door to S gold!

A total of 65.736 billion owed to the No. 99 reincarnation space.

these arrears.

It only needs to be settled within the time of three copy worlds.

【Hell Magician Set

Quality: B gold

Description: This is a hell magician set consisting of a thousand pieces of B golden equipment and props. Each piece of B golden equipment may have only one skill, but when combined, there will be endless possibilities!

This hell magician set has its own hellish breath.

If the user is locked as the target of the user's enemy without shielding the hell breath, he will experience a fourth-order hell breath pollution judgment. 2.3 If there is no hell breath pollution resistance, it will be polluted by hell breath. 】

As long as Zhou Yuan wears the hell magician costume in the hell magician's suit, it is equivalent to giving the enemy a negative BUFF such as hell breath pollution.

As long as you use the hell chainsaw, you have the innate skills like hell cutting, which can directly damage the spirit body and hell life.

Using the special teleportation device in the Hell Magician's set, you can even... have a chance to travel between the two worlds!

Hell Magician Set!

Expensive reason!

Zhou Yuan thought about it for a while. Anyway, he had already mortgaged the corpse of the weak divine power. He simply owed 320 billion in the number 99 reincarnation space. He also unsealed the original ball to the sixth order, so that he could save the six The special life of rank death, transformed into one of his six sixth rank forms!

So far!

Zhou Yuan is relaxed! .

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