Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 659 Bandit-like Void Engine! I will win alone!

In each space under the jurisdiction of the Great Void Engine, there will be some equipment and props with relatively low output but with special abilities.

Such as the S-Puberty Syndrome scroll that Zhou Yuan used in the Battle of the Worlds.

Such as Zhou Yuan's Creator series equipment, Jason's hockey stick, Forbidden Gate, Rule Calculator, and more.

And whether it is Tom, Big Wolf's transformation card, transformation device, or bloodline, etc., not only can they all be classified as special equipment, props, bloodlines, and items!

And in this category, it is quite the existence of a bunker!

Even a ninth-order god-king level would be quite coveted!

Tom is fine.

Related to it, there will basically be undead abilities with a fairly high priority.

As long as it is an attack that does not have real damage ability, whether it is divine power or an attack that contains rules, even if it is to destroy Tom "Three Nine Zeros" into the most basic particles!

It can also recover!

All it has is this near-conceptual undead ability.

Its combat effectiveness is not very strong.

The reincarnators who have used the transforming device, transforming card, and bloodline related to it will not be so bombarded that one person can handle a space killing field.

But a certain wolf!

It's different!

It not only has the same undead ability as Tom.

Its extremely unscientific research ability will allow it to create a large number of unscientific items.

You can even hammer out spaceships and starships with a hammer.

In a world where this kind of unscientific ability is not prohibited, even if the reincarnator uses a transformation device, transformation card, and bloodline related to a certain wolf that is downgraded to the sixth rank, he may be able to hammer this The terrifying weapon that the world of the ninth-order origin collapses and destroys!

A certain wolf!

It's just a bug!

The items related to him are a super big hang!

It may be that the Great Void Engine has upgraded the origin of this world to the ninth order. It is not Zhou Yuan who is guarding against it, but this reincarnation who has transformed into a certain wolf!

to be frank!

Even the reborn Zhou Yuan.

Seeing that even on the battlefield of the ninth-order battle of gods, the ability to save lives is super strong, and Tom and a certain wolf who are almost indestructible, their eyes almost popped out!

Because even before he was reborn!

Even if he has reached the level of a true god!

He has also never heard of any reincarnation person who has props, equipment, items, and bloodlines related to Tom a certain wolf!

These things!

Super rare!

Adding up all the output in the fourth-order space killing field, I am afraid that it is not comparable to the value of Tom and a certain wolf related items!

Who is the ninth-order boss who is extremely arrogant, actually supporting this kind of thing to the mere fourth-order reincarnation, and temporarily transforming it into a sixth-order emperor in this world?

are you crazy?

Isn't he afraid that the fourth-order samsara they support will be killed, and the items related to Tom and a certain wolf will be completely lost?


This space killing field is not an ordinary space killing field?

The final reward of this space killing field is enough to make the ninth-order bosses all excited?

Otherwise they have no reason to do it at all!

[No. 99 Reincarnation Space: Detecting the fluctuation of thinking of No. 100860, which meets its own criteria for guessing the truth of this space killing, this space has an opportunity to provide additional information to No. 100860. 】

[No. 100860, in this space killing, the side of the Great Void Engine wins, the hostile thirty-three unit spaces will be completely annexed by the Great Void Engine, and all the spaces on the side of the Great Void Engine participating in the war can get at least 100 Enhanced by 0.02/0!

If the Big Void Engine side loses this space kill, it will lose to the hostile thirty-three units of space and three ninth-order real worlds.

If the Great Void Engine and the hostile thirty-three units of space all lose, you will win alone. The thirty-three units of space will still be swallowed up by the Great Void Engine, and the strength of this space will be greatly improved.

All the spaces under the control of the Great Void Engine, the multiverse, the heavens and the worlds, the bottomless abyss, and the points of certified items in this space will be reduced by 5%!

You will obtain the first-level authority of the Void Return, an important component of the Great Void Engine. You can enter it once a month, and the time you spend in it will not exceed 30 minutes.

Note: You can extend the time in the first layer of Void Return by consuming Soul Cores.

And, you will get an equipment level upgrade, or a skill level upgrade permission, and an equipment unlock permission. 】

This tip!

Make Zhou Yuan's pupils shrink!

The big void engine!

Sure enough, bandits!

At first it may be that the hostile forces of the Great Void Engine invaded the jurisdiction of the Great Void Engine 0  …

But after that, it was definitely the Great Void Engine that kidnapped the hostile forces, so that the hostile strength had to participate in this space killing field.


There will never be an opponent. Whether it is lost to the Great Void Engine or Zhou Yuan, the hostile strength will be swallowed up by the Great Void Engine, and if the Great Void Engine loses, it only needs to lose three real ninth-order worlds , such a negligible cost, super unequal cost situation!

Such a big void engine...

Zhou Yuan likes it very much!

Especially when Zhou Yuan is the owner of the Great Void Engine authority!

I like it even more!

The excited expression on his face lasted for a moment.

Then it gradually became unusually dignified.

This prompt.

There is not a lot of information leaked.

Since whether it was the victory on the side of the Great Void Engine in this space killing field, or the victory of his overlord-level unit, which is currently classified as a third party, it can be regarded as a victory on the side of the Great Void Engine.

Then, the reincarnator who belongs to the side of the Great Void Engine finds that even if he fights with himself, he still can't kill himself.

There is a certain chance that he will abandon his own goal and instead seek to cooperate with himself, targeting the reincarnation of the hostile thirty-three unit spaces.

As for the 30-year-old space where the enemy 2.3 is opposed, once there are reincarnators like the army master, who almost guessed the truth of the space killing field, they will definitely try to find a way to make all their reincarnations as Zhou Yuan. The goal is to never die.

after all……

The hostile space does not want to lose, and does not want to be swallowed up by the Great Void Engine, it must win!

Fight with all the reincarnations of the Great Void Engine, and kill more than 95% of the reincarnations, and you can win the space killing field.

And kill Zhou Yuan alone, you can get the victory of the space killing field.

these two options.

The fool knows how to choose, right?

That is to say.

As time goes by, Zhou Yuan's situation may become more and more difficult!

But no matter how hard it is!

The only win in this space killing field!

He's got it! .

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