Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 676 The samsara who started scolding mothers! The command that decides the direction of the

The first order was an order from the little emperor who was assimilated by Zhou Yuan's soul. After three months, the Imperial Senate was to be established in the imperial capital to control the entire empire's politics, economy, military, and war.

The members of the Imperial Senate will select the most prestigious from among the provincial and Dao top officials and their deputies who can arrive at the imperial capital within three months, as well as the actual controllers of the most powerful families in each province and Dao.

The second order, issued by Minister Ernest, said that the Imperial House of Representatives was to be established.

The Imperial House of Representatives, as a subordinate institution of the Senate, will have the right to control the empire's politics, economy, people's livelihood, military affairs, war, and so on.

Only issues they deem necessary and passed by the House of Representatives will be submitted to the Senate for consideration!

When more than 90% of the members of the House of Representatives oppose the order of the Senate, the President of the House of Representatives has the right to overrule the order of the Senate.

Although the members of the House of Representatives are not the top officials like the elders of the Senate, they still have considerable power.

They will be selected from the provinces, the most reputable local forces, and officials throughout the empire.

The third order was issued by "General Bude"!

This command consists of two parts.

The first part is that "General Budd" ordered the entire empire to fully mine rare metals such as Olihagang, hunt down super-dangerous species on a large scale, and summon outstanding craftsmen from all over the empire on a large scale to build Teigu Sword with all their might. City, death fort.

The second part is that "General Bude" announced that the entire empire will recruit 100,000 emperors!

Anyone who passes the preliminary screening and becomes a reserve imperial envoy will not only be exempted from corvée service for their family members, but will also be paid for their family's living expenses in the future by the imperial finances.

Anyone who becomes an imperial envoy will not only enjoy the benefits equivalent to the nobles themselves, but also their family members will receive the title of honorary nobles of the empire, as well as the corresponding benefits.

What happens after these commands are issued?


Provinces, Dao, relevant officials, power leaders, family patriarchs, etc., who want to participate in the selection of members of the Imperial Senate and the House of Representatives, even if they are extremely stingy, brutal, and search for so-called fame, they will also It is bound to reverse the wind evaluation as soon as possible in these three months!

And when such a thousand-year-old empire is about to decay and shatter, the fastest way to gain fame is not to be polite and corporal one by one, let alone a little bit of good deeds.


Open warehouse and put food!

Let the people within their dominion eat, so that they can live.

Maybe after they become the elders of the Imperial Senate and members of the House of Representatives, they will intensify their exploitation of the people, making them even more angry.

But during this three-month period.

What they do will actually stabilize the decaying empire and eliminate the rebellion.


It doesn't matter whether "General Bude ¨々Army" has 100,000 emperors in his hands!

The important thing is that "General Bude" needs 100,000 emperors!

More Reserve Tegu Envoys are needed!

In this way, those who have families, those who are powerful, those who want to improve their lives, and those who don't want to rebel, will definitely participate in the selection!

They don't want to be emperors!

Even if they become reserve Tegu envoys and cannot control Tegu, they are enough to improve the living conditions of their families!

Even if the empire can only give 10,000 people out of 100,000 people, equipped with imperial tools.

The combat power of the imperial military will expand unprecedentedly!

This will have a terrifying deterrent effect on the elders and nobles who intend to become elders or members of the House of Representatives, who will crush and loot the empire.

It can further stabilize the rule of the empire!

There may even be a counterattack against the alien races who have been besieging the empire!


Will be reborn in decay!

The countless indigenous humans in the killing field of the Crimson Eye Space who interprets these are full of tears, and they feel that the empire has hope again.

And unlike them!

Reincarnators, what they have analyzed makes their whole body go cold!

What is the so-called selection of members of the Senate and House of Representatives, it is said to be the selection of elders and members.

But there is a high probability that it is the military lord who wants to assimilate the souls of the entire empire to control the provinces, the highest officials of the Dao and their deputies, as well as the officials and power leaders who control local real power, so as to completely control the entire empire!

And the selection of the 100,000 emperors, if they were all selected, were all fifth-order human powerhouses.

Once they hold the Emperor Tool, each of them has a high probability of being tied with the fourth-order reincarnation who holds the sixth-order Emperor Tool.

Even if only 10,000 people become emperors.

In addition, the Emperor's ambassador of the imperial garrison, and the Esdes troops who led the troops withstood the northern alien attacks from unknown countries, and even counterattacked from time to time.

The Empire can not only complete the suppression of various rebel forces within the Empire.

It can even make reincarnations who go their separate ways, super uncomfortable!

Of course!

The reincarnation team, as long as they control the local officials, can have a safe base. Basically, they are not very afraid of the cleaning of the empire, and the empire may really have nothing to do with them.


With more than 10,000 emperors, once they merge with Esdes' troops, they will form an incomparably powerful military force!

This power can completely destroy the foreign countries in the north in turn!

The reincarnator of the northern alien race!

If you don't want to be wiped out by Esdes' troops, you'll lose your place completely.

Reincarnations who rarely conduct military operations and seldom obey others' orders to fight, I am afraid that they will have to come out in full force to block and even destroy Esdes' troops!

And once they come out in full force!

Now, the military lord who controls the thunder and fire clouds of hundreds of kilometers in size above the imperial capital will definitely control the thunder and fire clouds, come to the battlefield, and use a large-scale attack to completely destroy the reincarnation of the hostile space unit!

Maybe the army master can destroy 95% of the reincarnations in the hostile space at one time, and directly end the space killing field!

Soldier wins!

Make a lot of money!

And they.

Not even a single hair!

This is so, so uncomfortable!

Super uncomfortable!

Sad to die!

If it is said that these few orders make them extremely uncomfortable.

Then, the emperor, minister Ernest, and the generals of the empire together said that in order to increase the water storage capacity of the empire in years of drought, the order to dig a large river in a large area left them at a loss.

This is so special.

What's going to happen?

When they got the construction drawings of the entire imperial river, their emotions completely exploded, they were going crazy!

Countless reincarnations who were still very graceful have started to scold their mothers! .

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