Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 683 A world turned into magma! The reincarnator with a thousand shapes!

When the thunder and fire clouds come into contact with the earth, they explode completely!

The power drawn from the divine tree has become barren within a range of hundreds of kilometers, plus a range of dozens of kilometers outside.

Trees turn to fly ash in an instant.

The river was evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, and before it turned into water vapor, it was swept by the flames.

The rock was burned into magma in the seventh-order thunder fire!

All the buildings were destroyed in an instant!

The earth where there is life was blasted out one after another, and then watered by molten magma!

On Zhou Yuan's panel, kill tips kept appearing.

[Great Void Engine: You killed the reincarnator Mora in the No. 8 main god space, you get kill points ~ points...]

[Great Void Engine: You killed the No. 8 Lord God Space Reincarnation...]

[Great Void Engine: You killed the reincarnation of the ninth main god space-…]

[Great Void Engine: You killed Nightmare Paradise...]

[Great Void Engine: You killed Dawning Paradise...]

Hundreds of kills in a row.

Zhou Yuan, who was transformed into a cat form and was lying on the top of the tallest building in the Imperial Palace, twitched at the corners of his mouth.

The fourth-order space killing field, compared with the third-order space killing field, is much more intense.


Most of the reincarnations in the fourth-order space killing field are like the reincarnators in the third-order space killing field, and basically there is no big boss support. Last time Zhou Yuan became the "team leader" Renzhuli, and it can be dropped if he is killed. After the blood god reborn from blood, there are definitely not hundreds of reincarnators who have ideas about him and want to kill him!

For these, due to the pressure of the boss, it is impossible to be the same as the Lone Ranger. As long as you complete the main quest, you can leave the space to kill, and you can do whatever you want.

It is a reincarnation who must act with the greatest interests in every space killing field.

Zhou Yuan showed no sympathy at all.

Since they are jealous of the resources of the major forces and choose to join the major forces and accept the funding of the major forces, then they must be prepared to die for the interests of the major forces at any time.

Can't they want to accept funding from major forces, but don't want to fulfill any obligations?

Such beauty.

Even Zhou Yuan!

Can't even think about it!

Of course.

Zhou Yuan doesn't look down on such reincarnators.

Everyone is a reincarnator under the Great Void Engine and the various spaces under its jurisdiction.

Choose a lone ranger and walk forward alone.

Or choose to form a force and move forward in a group.

Or choose to join forces formed by others, willing to become tools in the hands of others.

All have one and the same goal.

That is to live.

Live hard!

There is only one kind of reincarnation that Zhou Yuan looks down on—he was judged by Zhou Yuan as unworthy of being a human being!

Zhou Yuan, who was in the orange cat state, changed back to his body, then switched to the form of the leader of the shadow guard, took out the shadow power ring emperor, and activated the ability of the emperor!

"Shadow Legion Summons!"

"Shadow Guard Legion Summons!"

The Shadow Legion summoned up to 5,000 Shadow Realm beings. The skills they possessed were not as good as those of the Shadow Guards, but they still possessed the most basic shadow shuttle and shadow jump skills.

Each of them are born assassins!

And the Shadow Guard Corps summoned!

It is the same clan of the leader of the Shadow Guard!

Level is!

Level six!

Quantity is!

A thousand!

Zhou Yuan gave the order in the voice of the leader of the shadow guards: "Leave the imperial capital, go to the periphery of the place where the sky is exposed, and kill all the emperor's envoys!"

The Shadow Guard Legion and the Shadow Legion nodded their heads in unison, and instantly fell into the shadows. Like the shadow tide, they kept making shadow jumps. In the shortest time, they rushed out of the imperial capital and rushed outside the imperial capital. the forest!

After the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion, Zhou Yuan, who was in the form of the Shadow Guard, turned into an orange cat again, and stared at a group of people who entered the palace unscrupulously with interest.


Sheila, son of Chancellor Ernest!

What followed were some of the Emperor's envoys that Sheila had found over the years!


It is a team of reincarnators following Sheila!

Among them, there are not only the reincarnators of the space under the control of the Great Void Engine, but also the reincarnations of the hostile unit space!

"Alliance with us? Borrowed Sheila's channel just to deal with me?"

"This is really interesting!"

The orange cat jumped from the highest point and walked slowly to the palace, the palace used to handle things. He wanted to witness with his own eyes what these people wanted to do!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


The mountains dozens of kilometers away from the imperial capital, as well as the place where the sacred tree was originally planted, have completely turned into a sea of ​​magma!

in this lava ocean.

There are a few isolated islands!

The largest isolated island, of course, is Esdes. After using the ability to freeze time and space, Mokobotmo, after the explosion of thunder and fire, the preserved area with a radius of 100 meters!

Similar to the isolated island saved by Esdes, each of Esdes' group has two, three, or even more of Teigu's subordinates!

They were when the clouds of thunder and fire fell!

More than two hundred people!

Abruptly using the death light fort, in the seventh-order thunder and fire cloud, a huge hole was blasted!

.... 0 ...

If it weren't for the characteristics of Thunder and Fire Cloud that would gather when detecting life, they might not die under the protection of the Guardian Shield!

But after the clouds of thunder and fire converge...

They activated all the shields of protection, forming hundreds of shields, tens of meters high, like a city wall, but they were still destroyed.

They exhausted all the power in their bodies and were burned to death by thunder fire.

Even their other Teigu!

It also melted into magma in this terrifying thunder and fire!

Only the isolated island that was riddled with holes was preserved. In the seventh-order thunderfire magma, it was constantly eroded, burned, and gradually turned into magma.

The remaining small islands, close to the periphery, were formed by the reincarnators while protecting themselves!

In the terrifying high temperature formed by the seventh-order power, the lips were dry, and the water in the body was almost evaporated.

They raised their heads and stared at the motionless Zhou Huan's avatar floating in the air with hateful eyes, trembling nervously!

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"The one-time defensive Teijin that can resist the attack of the seventh-order overlord unit is just used!"

"I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to merge with the magma!"

Their hateful eyes gradually changed, and they shouted at Zhou Yuan in the sky: "Master! We can sign an agreement, we will all listen to you in the killing field in this space, and let us go!"

Respond to them!


Six Paths. Shen Luo Tianzheng! again.

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